Ch.23 Wait

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Bright's POV :-

I accelerate more when i heard another thunder. Tears keeps breaming out. Didn't know how long i was driving but sky was already dark red outside. The weather outside was the same from my dream. I closed my eyes again to see the place. I opened to see i was standing on the bridge. I looked all over for a while till my eyes captured the same figure standing near the cliff. There was full red moon behind him. His tears were glistening under the shed of red moon. I went close to him only to see him going farther from me...

"Winnie...come here...get off the cliff..."

"(Turning around to look at the moon) I have nothing there....i have no one.."

His voice was filled with pain, eyes were shining under the reflection of moon ..

"What are you saying win you have"


I looked at the massage and my eyes widened when i looked up win was already on the cliff looking at his foot..when he looked at me i saw a single blood tear escaped from his eye..,"Isn't this you wanted bright?...I am setting you FREE.." and he-




Was i hallucinating...i looked at my hand only to see blood...,"no win... please... don't...go.." Came out before blackness overcame me...


A loud Thunder wake me up. I came out from the car only to fall on the ground. I hissed in pain. I tried to stand up with the help of car door. I saw smoke coming out from the car bonnet. I sighed but then i heard crying voices from nearby. I followed it only to see gulf was hugging crying plank while having tears in his eyes too on the bridge. Phukong looked at me with tears. When they noticed my presence. They looked at me with pity...

I fall on my knees and closed my eyes only in the hope that i am still in my dream and i want to wake up from it...please wake me up......


I stood up from my bed and saw a servent holding a black suit. I took it  and went to bathroom. I saw my reflection in mirror.. it's been 3 days since win left me...

I was standing in the corner with a wine glass in my hand watching all fake drama... Luke was crying on the grave of his granny..while mark has few tears in his eyes too... i chuckled a little...they deserves an Oscar...


I turned around to see from where the voice was coming..

"Are you okay?.."-plank while having puffy eyes...

"Why i would not be okay?"

" have to move on bright..he's can't live in a have seen the clip too..."


I furiously went towards my home..fuck this I am outta here...why everyone is saying he's gone...he's not...i know i saw him in the clip saying goodbye...but still i don't believe..i ....don't...he'll come....he will have to...i wiped my tears and went to my room...i saw boxes..which contains win's old and new things...i opened it and saw some of our beautiful moments...i chuckled when i saw the half piece of my guitar pick...

"But i want to play guitar too.."-win with puppy eyes and baby pout...

"Damn those puppy eyes...Here..i have an extra guitar ..but i don't have an extra pick now....But don't worry i will buy you a new one tomorrow.."

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