Ch.21 Red Moon

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Bright's POV:-

I don't know what to do...i went to gym i started to punch punching bag as the memories of last night came to flow in my mind...i punched till it broke..

"Son?? Are you okay!?!.."-mew

"yeah...(gulping)..i am...good.."

"Umm..okay...well there's an emergency meeting in chiang mai ..and we need to go there now ready we'll take our jet to reach there early..."

I went to my room. I stopped infront of my room. My body started to tramble. I hesitatedly went in. The whole room was empty. I asked a servent about win and he told me about win being in his home.

When the cold water droplets hitted my body, I closed my eyes to feel it but instead my soul felt a warm tickling feeling as i saw win running happily backwards on garden. The  clear sky above and flowers are dancing in joy with him. I am running to catch him. Suddenly the blue sky started to turn black. I look upwards to see black dark clouds overcoming the joy. Rain started to pour. I looked down to see win standing on the cliff looking right into my eyes having blood tears. I ran towards him to embrace him but it was too late...


I opened my eyes. This nightmare came again.....but this time it left intense pain...

Knock knock..

"Bright are you all right? You are taking too much time son..." -mew..

"Yeah ...i am coming..."

I was sitting on breakfast table but didn't feel like to eat..i was sitting still ...admiring the fork in my hand..

"Hey brother.... thinking about how to propose win?.."-phukong chuckled on seeing his brother in deep thinking

" cheated on me phukong.."-bright

"WHAT?!..No no bright..(phukong softened when he saw a single tear escaping from his brother's eye) must be misunderstanding... cheating with whom?"

"There is a guy of our school...his name is mil..he sneaked in our home alot in night...and win threatened watchman to keep his mouth shut..."

"Well.....i think this is the time to tell wasn't coming here for win...but for me..he's my boy friend...and about watchman ..i don't know why he lied...but i was the one threating him.."

"he said young master threatened me t....oh shit.."

"Yup...young master aka me..."

".. then....what about this?" Showing him the pics of mil and win going out in car...

" wanted to surprise you but fuck the is the future leader of omegas..and mil's mom is the vice president.. that's why mil is incharge of picking win up and taking off as a driver...and most off the time i was with them too...see this white sleeved guy is me (he zoomed one of the pictures..).."

"Then what about this know he was in love with me from the start..he never once saw me as a friend...and made this to blackmail me..what was he doing in the forest that night?!"

"You knew he never have been treated right in his whole life...then you came in his dark life being a shining armour...what would you expect... obviously he's gonna fall for you..and everyone..i repeat everyone including mil knew that he was in love with you since the beginning...and about that's hideout is in that was in charge of taking him off to home in that night too..but mil was busy making hickeys on me and he forgot ...that's why he was all alone in the forest in that night..but when mil realised about his duty..he was late. Mil had told me everything....and about this clip, who sent you?"


"You mean his brother? (Bright nodded.. phukong scoffed) since when win and luke became that close that win shared his plan and his own sex clip with luke after knowing that he will be the more in the damage since he will come out as a leader...use some common sense bruh...may be luke knew everything that's why he killed two birds by one stone.."

Bright mind went blank..he doesn't know who to blame ..pam or luke..but he knew that he himself is the one in the fault...

"Bright ...what did you say to win..(in which bright just looked up in gulping.. can't look at phukong's eyes but anywhere..)...look into my eyes..i know you had said something horrible to him.. that's why he was in a worst state earlier... BRIGHT SAY SOMETHING WHAT THE FUCK HAD YOU SAID TO HIM?"

"Bright....we are getting late.."-mew

I was about to go when phukong held my hand and whispered," I swear i won't held mil instead i will support him to punch something before you regret.."

I am sitting on my jet seat. I looked out at the clear sky from the window..... i let out a relief sigh... doesn't look like it's going to be rain..but deep down his heart is clenching on thinking of that nightmare


The meeting ended well. After meeting we all were sitting in balcony of our private villa. I don't know when i fall asleep. I wake up when i heard a little sound of rumbling thunder.

"Son..go sleep in your room. We are not going to home today anyways... plus you have a light fever. Go take some rest."

I half sleepily nodded started to drag my feet towards my room but then my head snaps i ran towards balcony again. I looked up and saw the sky half greyish and half reddish..

"Can i know the reason of why we are not going home?"

"Son today is the hunting day (the blood moon day). And it's a bad omen to go outside in night since it's cursed we are staying here.." an elder uncle answered

"And what happens in the hunting day? Why is it cursed"

"Ancestors used to say that the full moon was so beautiful that one day a demon who was obsessed with the beauty of moon decided to steal it to have it with him every day but instead he destroyed it. The nature became angry and cursed that day. They hunted the demons down and relived the moon but what's broken will always be broken. That's why that beautiful moon only comes once in the month. But as we all say it is just a myth. science has his own way to prove it wrong. But science still couldn't able to find out why it always rain on the hunting day in the middle of summer and why today the sky turns so red with the shadow of red moon..."


I am adapting every single of his words but my mind is stuck on few words. Rain in the ckear day. Reddish sky. Thunder. RED MOON.

My eyes widened when i realise my nightmare could be the possibility of reality. What if nature gave me the sign. WIN.

I grab the car key. It will take 3 hours by car but i don't have another way. If what i am thinking is right then i have to go. I have to save him. I have to save my MATE

While driving ,the words of elder flew in my mind. I broke into tears.....If my nightmare will be true then.



This is a total fiction....this thing came to my mind and i wrote it..i know about red moon i know the science behind it but I don't know the myth people are believing into. I am from those people who likes angle and devil's kind of love stroy so i made this from that....i know i am thinking shit......

But life is a shit
That's why i am more into fiction than it
          -from my one of the reasons to use wattpad.

Stay healthy Stay happy. 💜

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