Ch.4 Omegas vs. alphas

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Win's POV :-

                    " Dear diary ......Today i learned few important things...

1. Reputation , public image , status has more value than your blood....since my father for the first time in history ...called me...only for prevent me from appearing on my own b'day party..... since its dangerous for his image

2. when you have a crush on your friend and afraid to confess .. you'd think it would be okay to be with that person as a friend only as long as he doesn't hate you or disgust long as ...he will stay with you........but you are wrong...........the right thing is confess your heart out...cuz it's okay to get rejection instead seeing your love living happily with another without knowing your misery.

3. Well can't change your destiny since its already been written.....the pain you are felling it's not gonna lessened .......until you don't change it with another addiction

Yup i tried to cut my skin. and it felt vulnerable.....but can really lessen your pain....later on i found out may be i have blood addiction. And now i am happy that i have a wonderful thing to make me happy.  It feels so....light.

May be this is the best b'day i've ever had....."

            I closed my diary and put on my secret place. As i was about to sleep i heard a knock....

"Come in...."

"What the fuck..!! Why are you still on your night suit ??"

"Granny !!! You're cursing...!!"

"Oh come on...i am living in 21st century ..and i am the coolest granny of my sweetest child..."

          She came to me and cupped my face while talking....

"Yes you are doubt "

"Did anyone told you to..."

"No granny....not at all...its my decision to not to show up..."

                    Granny sighed and set on the bed while putting my face on her lap and caressing my hair.

"Then why ?? Why did you change your mind suddenly?!... I thought you were excited to celebrate your first ever b'day with outside world.."

" (Sigh)...the outside world is a monster granny ...i am afraid it will eat me ..."

" (Chuckle) my winnie is so smart "

" So .....why are you here too...??"

" Who is interested in 'hey did you see that dress cheap ' , ' oho mrs rassel you're glowing....ho...don't tell me you are pragnent...'...."

             Win laughing now seeing his grenny's oscar winning mimicry ...

"So......what we gonna do?..."

"As a b'day tell me what do you want me to do?"

"Umm.....tell me the stories..."

"Like old times?"

"Like old times....but not fictions ...i want matting bangkok became an alpha city?"

"Well...i think you are now enough old to know the truth.......

Opas-iamkajorn and vachiriwat were ruling on Bangkok from like 100 of 100 years.....back then alpha matted with beta and omega well beta can mate with an omega too if he's strong enough...since alpha is the strongest community their job is to protect his mate beta or omega and fed him with needed love ... specially on his heat.....and omega were known for house working....but when my grand father was ruling ..he made a rule that from now on omega won't be needed in his peck ...since alphas are good at everything ...they can mate with his own community and with need of the weakest that time most of people agreed with my grandfather. But omegas weren't...they started a war between

                  Omega VS Alpha

In the end we all know who's gonna win...but in this war 95% omegas were killed by ruthless alphas....from that moment omega's born digit gone lessened the rest of omegas left bangkok .....then one day the unexpected thing mother gave birth to twin beautiful daughters....."

                 Win was listening the story too carefully while sleeping on his granny's lap. He looked up to see his granny's face as he realised...

"Yup....i have a beautiful twin omega sister ...unlike others ...she was a strong omega...very strong ...even some alphas can't even beat her ... including my older brother.....but my father was afraid ....cuz his family made the rule and now he's the one breaking it too...he was declined to tell the world that he has an omega grand father opposed it that it's wrong...he told the world that no needed of weakest one ....he didn't specified was people who made it that all omegas are weakest....and i know my grand father was wrong too...he was living in guilt for his whole life....that he's a murderer who killed millions of innocent the end he gave the 70% part of properties to my sister and gave her a locket and told her that he has a full trust on her that one day she will change the world again....she will fix his mistakes....she will fix the sin he had committed and that day he will proud on her....on the next day we found out that our grand father commited suicide.......(sighed)"


"Then what.....then my father and brother made a plan to kill her because of the property.....but she vanished .... leaving a latter and her locket to me.......last time i contacted her i found out she's happily living with his family in US and told me to take a great care of you ..."

"So you knew from the start about where she was?"

"Did i forget to tell you that i was the one who gave her passport and money to flee out .....cuz whole town was searching for her...??"

" helped her to run away...?"

"Of course.....cuz i can't see my sister die by the hand of her own family"

"Tell me more about her..."

"She was the most beautiful and strong omega i've ever seen...even bullies can't even bully her.....she was the head of omega community of school ...if any alpha or beta ...tried to hurt any omega ....she'll just kicked their ass out......every damn alpha were scared from her......but one day ...i heard my dad and father talking about murder.....and there was no way of her rescue i had to push her away to see her alive.....and i did....after 3 years my dad made a death certificate of her and declared her dead.....but she's alive.....and just 3 hours ago she called to wish you and give you a present...wanna see...???  "

            Curious win got up and started nodding like a cute puppy. His granny took out the heavy box which was she hiding since she entered in the room...then she opened it.....

What could it be ??!!


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