Ch.6 Dinner dateS

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Win's POV :-

I sighed again as i couldn't sleep.
I was keep thinking about lila...what about her..not even in single book she was mentioned as she wasn't ever existed...but she was ... granny told me.....but my father told me that i was the first ever omega to be born in this family then what about lila...i was doubting that may be granny lied until i found a photograph in the book after looking for another books about the leader of omegas...and i found that he was wearing the same locket which lila gave me. In that book i found out that very few omegas have some special power like healing.....and that omega will automatically nominated to be a leader. They can bloom a flower by their energy ..they can heal other's wound but can't heal their own.


Next morning :

I got ready for school...i heard honk and went out towards bright's car...


"Morning "-win

In car-ride:

"So.....what was that work of yours for which you dumped our know i've got really interesting information to tell you..."

" actually...dadcalledmetosignsomepaperworks.."

"😒Okay ..but why are you so nervous...??"

And before win could get any response they entered in their school......its not like win would show any objections if bright told him the truth about the date with pam...but some how bright felt a inner hesitation to tell him the truth...he felt like he's cheating on win by doing this....but they're just friends right !? Then why does he's feeling uneasiness...why does he feels scared that what will win think...what if win will be hurt............they entered in their class and bright's fear's bar is raising now...he totally forgot that pam is existing....he totally forgot that pam will sit on win's place...and here he is.....

Win was confused seeing a girl sitting on bright's place. Bright was thinking hard on what he'll do now...what he'll say to win. He can't let win to sit on other's place but on the other side he can't just shoo away his love too...,"right..i will let them sit together and i will sit beside boss ...good idea..."-In bright's mind

"Hey brighty....."-pam in cheerfull voice

"H..e...y..."-bright in doubtful voice

And win was now starring at bright with one raised eyebrow in order to get some explanation.

"You must be win right ..bright told me so much about you...hey ..i am pam ... bright's girlfriend.."

" didn't told me that you got a girlfriend already..."

"Haha😅 happened so quickly...hehe"

"Yup... totally....we just met and he asked me out than yesterday we became official on our date..."



"Hey win..if you don't mind ..then can i sit with my boyfriend....?"

"Oh...don't mind me...that place is always been yours ...i'll sit with boss...then see you in the lunch bright..."

And win left. Brighy set with pam but his mind was somewhere else.....he wanted this right ...he should be happy right....or may be not.....that feeling was eating him.

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