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Sookie won!, I have been living with Sookie for 3 months now, I have just turned 16!, she isn't charging me any money, since she's getting child support, I love this new life, though I was scared to be taken away, I heard my mother is broke, lost the apartment, she attacked a few police officers as they pulled her out of the property, though I keep saying "apartment", it was a townhouse, I'd lived there since I was 7 years old, before that, I lived in a apartment, it was a shit box, we didn't even pay rent, cause the place had burned down, no one was living there, thanks to the school we got out of there, I don't hold any hope for my mother, none what so ever.

For Max, it's been amazing, he can finally visit me, on weekends, he comes over, and sometimes after school, we watch movies, cause I can own movies, I got a TV, I paid for it myself!, and I casually rent movies, he isn't allowed to sleep over, but another exciting thing for him, he isn't a virgin anymore, he did it with a clingy girlfriend, they'd only been together for like 2 months?, but good for him?, and Max got his first tattoo!, it's a Polynesian arm tattoo, it's cool, and when the students go for pool party's or swimming at the lake party's, he attracts most girls cause of his body and tattoo, him and his girlfriend broke up, when she tried calling it rape, but everyone new, and even got it on camera that she wanted to have sex, and he was safe, and there was no signs of forced entry, so she didn't get anything, I helped him on that, cause I was the one who took pictures, Sookie wanted to know what we were doing, she was so worried, Max brings me to parties, though I'd love to stay home, have ice-cream, watch a romantic movie with Sookie, wrapped in a blanket, in front of the heater, Max got a car!, but he isn't allowed to take it out after 9:pm, his car is a Ford Triton, it's black, he's very proud of it, I still walk to school, cause of all of this food, I like to keep in shape, though I am still skinny, I like to go out and keep fit, I visit the dentist every 4 months, I have impeccable health, I still work as a busboy (girl), and earn the same amount, I am saving up for my future, with my salary of $360 a week, $1,440 a month, $4,320 every 3 months, is a lot, and out of my saved up $6,000 I now have so much more money, I now have $10,000, I can save up money a whole lot faster!, I only spent $1,000 moving in here, the TV was only $250, and I bought clothes, food and several other things over the 3 months, but I am doing really well for myself, and I don't want to every think about how things use to be.

It's my birthday!, I'm 16!, I wake up with a smile, cause I'm allowed to, I tap my alarm clock, and I sit up, I brush my hair and I change into work out tights and a single, and a jacket, half way zipped down, I got a IPod, I bought one, it's not a new one, but it is good for playing music, I leave a note, :going for a jog, be back in a hour :), Roxanne.

I jog down the sidewalk, keeping my breathing steady, Max, is having breakfast, 'why are you so excited?, and I know it isn't just cause it's the weekend?' his mother says, 'don't tell me you forgot?' Max says, his mother thinks about it, 'oh?, ... Roxanne's birthday?, you know, I still don't like you hanging out with that girl' his mother says, his father comes down, 'as long as you don't get into trouble, she's a good influence?, not a bad one?' his father says, he drinks his glass of orange juice, 'why are you in a rush?' 'she's going on a jog?' 'you can tell?' 'no?, she always goes on one every Saturday?' Max says, and looks at the time, 'crap, I'm late?' 'how do you know she didn't skip today?' her father says, 'bye', he kisses his mother's cheek, and goes out, 'they grow up so fast' his mother says, his father smiles, 'she isn't that bad?' 'it's best she doesn't get that close, they are completely different species?' 'they've been friends for years' 'mmm-hmm?, what happens if she gets hurt?, how do you think Max is going to take it?, he's too protective of her?' 'so, you keep telling him, but she is the only friend he has that I approve of, would you prefer him partying every weekend?, not studying?, instead he goes over to her place every 2nd weekend to study and skips a party, cause Roxanne doesn't like drinking, and if she didn't have those pictures, he'd be behind bars' his father argues, 'alright, alright, but I just had to say it' she says  'for the hundredth time' he comments, 'I still remember her coming here bleeding' she says, 'but that is behind us' 'I have no idea how her mother kept her that long?' 'Roxanne is responsible, good grades in the school, has a job, good health, doesn't drink-' 'but she's human' 'you know he doesn't like any girl his age here' 'he could have any of his choosing?' she says, 'I know, but they are not his type, they'd try changing him, and he likes who he is' 'I think she's a bad influence' 'exactly, what you think' he says, she hugs him, rests her head in his chest, 'I just want him to be safe' she says, 'how about you focus on our other children?', 'right?' she says, he smiles, and kisses her.

I jog through the woods, Max suddenly grabs me, I gasp, he spins me a couple of times, I giggle, 'got you' he says, he lets me go, I remove my earphone, I smile, 'happy birthday' he says, 'thanks' I say, .... 'you ready?' he says, 'of course, favourite part of the week?' I say, he smiles, and we walk together, we go down a path, and we go down to a tree, and the tree shades us, we go here all the time, 'you know, I should be training more than once a week?' Max says, 'got kicked out of the gym?' I say, 'you heard?', 'uh huh', I strap the boxing  gloves on, while he puts on thin gloves, we both raise our arms, he lowers his, 'Rox' he says, 'I hate wearing the helmet' 'and the knee pads' he says, 'I can take a hit' I say, he smiles, 'I know, you can' he says, I put on the helmet and knee pads, 'alright?, I think your putting more weight on me, so you can take me?' I say, 'oh really?' he says, I giggle, and we begin, blocking and striking.

We lay on the grass, the river runs along there, we sometimes going swimming here, he actually taught me to swim here, his shirt is off, and my jacket is off, 'so?, ... how do you celebrate your big 16th?' 'no, parties' 'come on, it'll be fun' 'if I get drunk, I'd like to remember my 16th' I say, he chuckles, 'alright?, ... we could go to the warehouse?' he says, 'we almost got arrested' 'aren't we lucky you can run fast' he says, I giggle, 'go camping?' 'you know your mother would say no' I say, 'movie?, junk food?, cake?' he says, 'how about we do something that I'll remember?, I want this one to stand out?, my first birthday away from her' I say, 'how about?, we do it all?' he says, I sit up, 'there is no way we can do all of that in one day?' he says, 'why not?, we go to the warehouse?, have lunch and watch a movie?, then we party, and end the night camping?' 'where, would we camp?' 'here?, sleeping bags?' 'mosquitoes?' I say, he laughs a little, 'that too' he says, 'alright?, why not?' I say, 'great' he says, last year I was working on my birthday, and the year before that, and the year before that, but Max attempts to make each one good, his last birthday, I made it pretty exciting, I set up a slip and slide, down a hill, I used a tarp, and I got it to go over a cliff and into the lake, it was crazy, and everyone had a smashing time, and I supplied food, I went all out for it, and he loved it, he also had sex that night in the back of his truck that he got for his birthday, him and Bianca do not talk after her trying to put him into prison, she was kind of shamed, for calling "rape", everyone supported him, and she lost all of her friends, and her family don't look at her the same.


Roxanne is now grown up, learning how to fight, but training with Max, why does Max's mother fear for him hurting her so much?, but good for Roxanne, finally getting the life she deserves.

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