It was all just a dream

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I wake up in bed, I didn't set a alarm, cause I don't have school, I have a shower, I go downstairs, I decide to go for orange juice this morning, and I'll have toast, Alpha comes downstairs, 'morning' I say, 'morning', he then remembers what's happening today, 'I can feel your excitement, ... it's bothering me' he says, I giggle, 'are you excited about getting pregnant or having sex?' he asks, 'a bit of both, sex more' I say, 'yeah, wolves have a much more active sex life then you'd think' 'also, ... I was thinking I'd leave early?' 'no, no, no' 'the school did require I'd come in, at some point, ... I worked hard for a scholarship' 'no, if any wolf smells you, your cover will be blown' 'by the time I get there, classes will be over, and it's Friday, alcohol will cover my scent, and I'll make a call, I'll come in about 5, and the Lacrosse game will be on, after party?' I say, 'you are not drinking' 'I never liked alcohol anyway' ..... 'why is that?' ... 'when I was about 2 years old ... my mother, put alcohol in my baby bottle, cause she didn't buy milk, ... I was in intensive care, almost destroyed my livers, I could have died' I say, 'oh?, .... figured she would have been a better mother?' 'she was the worth mother, all the way up til I was 11, and Max's parents wouldn't let me in their house, I slept in bed with Max, cause I had nightmares, and mum had friends come over, cause she had sex for money, I didn't want the men to come after me, sometimes they'd hit me?, Max would help clean me up, but in the morning I'd get kicked out, before Max's mother came up, she liked to put a lock on his window, so I couldn't get in, but Max would unlock it, and ever since I was 10, I washed dishes at the diner for food, ... when I was old enough for a paying job, I saved up money, then I moved out, she got addicted to drugs after starring in a porno, she tried coming after me, Sookie, the diner chef, became my legal guardian and I got a restraining order and she was sent to rehab' I say, 'you seem so happy?, hardly think that's the kind of life you would have had?' 'well I had Max?, he never let anyone hurt me, when we were 9, he made a promise to always be there for me, he literally never let anyone as close to me as he got' I say, 'so when did the attraction come in?' 'about when he hit puberty?, we were 13, when we went to our first party, after our first kiss, we agreed never to talk about it, we both felt something for each other, but we left it alone, I watched, as he slept with girls?, made out with girls, while he threatened every guy about my age to not even look at me', he smirks a little, 'then my 16th' 'what happened that day?, it seems to be a big deal?' 'kind of is?, .... in the morning, I was excited went for my morning jog' 'I remember Max's siblings making fun of him cause of how excited he was that day?', I smile, 'every Saturday, we'd go on a jog, and to a spot, only we could find, we'd train' 'Max trained with you?' 'he wanted me to be able to look out for myself, and we kind of wrestle?, he'd always let me win' I say 'then we went to the old warehouse, we went skateboarding, I fell off of my board, and he straight away looked after me, literally carried me to the car, he doesn't like me getting hurt .... we had hamburger and fries back at Sookie's, and watched twilight' 'of course?' he rolls his eyes, 'we then go to a party, at his brother's place, we get there, and he goes and drinks, while I stick to myself, I go outside, and his older brother David is smoking on the back step, he comes over and we talk, .... and just when I was about to have my first kiss, wasn't my actual first kiss, I just never counted the one with Max, Max and David had a fight, he scratched me, he didn't even realise it, so when I went to our spot, we were going to go camping, ..... little did I realise I was bleeding out, I couldn't stop it, I woke up in hospital, David was beside me, I almost died out there, .... David brought me back to Sookie's place, and we arranged to meet up again on Monday, Sunday, I spent in bed, Sookie wasn't home, but on Monday, Max was stressing out, he couldn't find me, he thought I was avoiding him, he completely panicked, and I forgave him, and I told him to not ruin moment for me, cause if he couldn't be part of something, he wouldn't let it happen at all, later in the library, we studied?, and then I went over to David's, we just talked, and apparently I had a much bigger appetite than him, he brought us inside, cause Max was watching us' 'you knew about that?', I nod, 'we go inside, and he asks me questions, like if Max told me anything he should be concerned about, then I talked about how he fought about things, then how I watched the discovery channel, he picked to talk about wolves, and I basically talked about "fun facts", and I have no idea why, but he got turned on by it?, we were rounding 1st base, he was going for 2nd base, I'd told Max that I was responsible and I wouldn't jump into things with anyone, David tried taking my clothes off, next thing I knew, he was gone?, the room was empty, I went to the spot we went to, Max come by, and dot, dot, dot' I say, the whole time Alpha was making cereal, he's having cheerio's, 'fine, you can leave, at 10' '9:30, cause of bathroom breaks and pit stops and I don't know if your sending me on a train?, or trusting me with a car?', he thinks about it, 'I have a car?, you can borrow, it's cheap?, easy to repair?', I give him a look, 'like I'm trusting you with a $50,000 car' he says, 'oh wow?, and just 3 months ago, I trusted you with my life?' 'you were going to die' he says 'and if I did die?' I say, ..... 'I hate you' he walks out of the kitchen, 'no food in the living room' I say, 'it's my house' he says, I giggle lightly, and I clean up after myself, I want to get wear something Max will like?, Alpha got me new clothes, he of course had to order them in, he didn't enjoy me taking forever to decide what I wanted with a $300 limit, I had to get new shoes also, after I finally come up with something, he takes me into his 4 parking garage, he owns a silver sports case, a mustang, man he's old, cause this looks to be in perfect condition and he bought parts for it, back when they were cheap, 'don't touch it' he says, he brings me over to the car I will be taking a black Mazda 2X, I give him a look, 'you make this car look stupid' I say, he laughs a little, he has another car in here, it's red and has a roof that folds over, 'no, this is the car you are taking' he says, I stick my tongue out, 'don't give me attitude young lady' he says, 'alright' I groan, 'also, the school semester is almost going on spring break, so you'll need to be a little more careful on going on runs' 'I'm not shifting inside, took forever to get the fur our of my carpet' 'cause you were shedding' 'for 3 hours?' I say, 'let's go inside, once it's 9:30, you will reverse out, I don't want anyone seeing a car leave, reserving out, the driveway should give you a road out, and there is a GPS and I will be tracking you, better be on time' he says, 'I have to stick to speeding limits' 'oh please, if they can't catch you, no ticket?' 'speeding cameras, they send it to you in the mail?' 'I've never gotten one?' he says, 'of course you haven't?', 'go fucking study, your pissing me off' he says, I cross my arms walking out, he follows me out and locks the garage, he's giving me a phone, 'call me when you reach the school, call me when you are leaving, remember take the back driveway to get in, the neighbourhood is more alive at night' he says, I have new everything, 'finally get to use this?' I say, 'I love the smell of new things', 'speaking of which, he will get your scent, spray the deodorant he'd keep on his wardrobe, he can't get your scent, or he'll find you again' he says, ..... 'I heard wolves can sense when their children are near?' 'well I couldn't sense you?' '1, I wasn't even a wolf-?' '2, shut up' he says, I go upstairs, I send in my latest bit of work, I will work on my speech when I get back.


Roxanne is visiting Max!, I wonder how it's going to go?.

P.S check out my story "Hold Onto Me".

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