Could you be the Devil?

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Finally the class is over, I did a masterpiece, 'alright students, thank you for your time' our teacher says, Max leaves, and goes and puts his clothes on, "I still can't believe he volunteered, though he never use to volunteer to show his body, I just need to get out of here, I'm starting my shift, and I need to teach Becky how to become a waitress", I grab my bag, bring it over my shoulder, "shift starts at 2:, so I have plenty of time, to stretch my hand, man, that pencil hurt me?".

Now here's the problem, he can't stop hearing what I'm hearing, he goes to his friend, 'it worked, now, how do you stop it?' Max asks, 'why?' 'I'm hearing things that I shouldn't be hearing?' 'basically?, ... have sex?, have pure eye contact, then it'll be broken' 'are you fucking serious?, could have told me that before I was in a classroom naked for 5 fucking hours, with 9 and half girls' '9 and half?' 'one of them was male and gay?', they laugh a little, 'not fucking funny, but there were some parts about listening to her that I liked, but there are some parts I definitely did not need to hear' Max says 'like what?', Max's heartbeat picks up, 'I need to go' Max says, "though I've never pictured myself having a family?, like the time I found out I was pregnant?, but I had a abortion, it's gone, not even on the record, no one ever had to know about it, stop being so fucking afraid, he can hear your heartbeat, just breath, act calm", Max looks at me, 'what?' 'she had a abortion?' Max says, then goes after me, 'but?, ... humans can't get pregnant?, Max?!', Max goes after me, I pick up the pace a little, "why is he following me?, maybe I quick turn?, I'll lose him, no he can smell where I am?!", I take the quick turn, he takes it too "ooh, hide in the tree?, he'll run straight past me, turn!, faster, stupid legs!", Max stops at the tree and looks up, "oh for fuck sake", 'we need to talk' Max says, 'we don't need to talk about anything', "how about you just go away?, disappear like you did before?", 'the Art class, I wanted to surprise you', "oh you surprised me alright", 'it's fine?, doesn't even effect me', "yeah, right, like this man-whore would do anything for me he enjoys using me, like a wolf would for a hunt", 'look, ... I need to talk to you really badly', "he looks off?, maybe it's that time of the month?, no the full moon was 11 days ago", 'could we talk over dinner?', "let me guess?, restaurant or I'm expected to cook?", 'I'll make some food?, we can talk?, just you and me', "hmmm?, he's playing me, he's going to take another experience from me, first a kiss, then a fuck, then another fuck, as no longer a virgin, then my first heartbreak, my first boyfriend, my first best friend, and now my first date?, what's next?, is he going to rent out my 3rd bedroom in my apartment?, cause it's my 1st apartment and he'll fucking ruin it, just dodge, it best way to go", 'I want to get ahead in my studies?, ... so?, and I'm still settling in', "he'll fall for it, and I already started studying before classes and I was settled in before Saturday", 'sure?, I'll make your favourite?, if Bolognese is still your favourite?', "no?, gross?, he probably would put the wrong sauce in, the pasta would be too hard, would he use sticks, spirals or shells?, would he put grated cheese in it?, what was he thinking a lady and the tramp seen?, ooh?, will he make meat balls?", 'I'll make meat balls, and I will make everything you like, promise' he says, "ha!, like I'm going to fall for that, he can't keep promises" I think being a little hurt, 'sure?' I say, "screw this up, and I'll fucking neuter you, you son of a bitch, though his mother is kind of one?, technically?, maybe I could use his dick as a dildo?, no, stop it", he smiles, "don't look at me like that, I'm not falling for it, just walk past him all cool?", 'bye?' I say, "he did forget to mention, time, date, place, so I guess we'll do a raincheck?", he comes over, 'uh?, wait?, here is my new number, how about this Wednesday, 9 o'clock sharp, frat house' he says, I huff, "of course he got a new number, he had to delete everything, so many unread emails, I wonder if he got my Ultrasound picture?, probably didn't?", 'alright?, your on' I say, and walk away.

Max calls his father, wants him to bring his old computer down, for personal reasons, his father isn't entirely comfortable driving 7 hours to drop off a computer, then the Alpha took over, 'Max?, ... how's school?' 'uh?, ... school is great?, already done some volunteering?, settled into the frat house?, party was awesome?' ..... 'you still can't get hard?, can you?' 'no?, I tried?, failed?' Max says, 'you seem .... Anxious about something?' 'no?, nothing?, me I'm chill?, I'm chill as the artic?' Max says, walking to the frat house, 'Max, tell me what's going on?' ... 'Roxanne is going to this school?' 'hmmm?, is that why you wanted to go there?' 'no?, I actually forgot?, but we ran into each other?, and I fucked up?' 'how bad?' 'I listened to James' Max says, he breaths out, 'what did he have you do?' 'I can hear her thoughts, and-' 'you actually did that?' he says surprised, 'yeah?, and I'm hearing things I shouldn't be hearing, some parts are a little hot?, but there are some parts that .... I can't' 'if you really need your computer, I could drop it off?' 'are you kidding?, fuck the computer?, I just .... no reason for you to come down here?, I will be fine' 'Max, ... you know you can't lie to me, .... what was she thinking that is freaking you out like this?' .... 'a whole bunch of it?, really?' Max says, 'be more specific?, you know I need details, about .... everything' 'well?, ... when she was 6, she saw my mother, with glowing eyes and claws, ... she knows what I am, has for a long time, she got pregnant and I need my computer cause she sent me emails' Max says, ...... 'she knows what you are?, ... cause she saw your mother?', she looks down, 'you could have told me this?' 'she was just a child?, I-' 'uh, uh, shut it' the Alpha says, 'I'm coming down, I'll bring that computer, I'd like to know how she got pregnant?' the Alpha says, .... "oh my god, did he really just tell his Alpha that?, I'm dead!, I need to get out of here!", Max looks around, he can't see me, "fuck, knew I shouldn't have trusted him, god dammit!, fuck, I can't breath, how'd he know all of that?, I've never told anyone?, wait a second?, .... is he in my head?, reading, wolves mind manipulation, they get into the head's of their prey to know their weaknesses, alright, reading, says that doing .... got it!", suddenly Max is locked out of my head, Max goes into the frat house, he's full on freaking out.


Max got in Roxanne's head and blurted to his Alpha about everything, is his Alpha going to catch Roxanne?, kill her?, sorry for the cliff hanger.

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