Fast Forward ... I'm 20

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Oh my god!, I can't wait to tell you all how much has happened!.

But first I guess I have to catch you up on what has happened, (sorry for jumping a long distance again), I did have my baby, sorry that you all missed out on that, but I named him "Jason", he is gorgeous, looks just like Max, and Max comes down a little more, sometimes after school on Fridays and he leaves on Sunday, him and Jason are pretty close, I am 20 years old, I know you probably can guess a whole lot has happen these past 2 years, I did have another child, well 2, I had twins, they are gorgous, both girls, "Skye" and "Krystal", Jason is almost 2, while the girls are almost like a year old, Alpha actually really enjoys being a Alpha, he still is protective of other wolves seeing their heir, but they can feel that he is strong, and perfect, and he really all of that, Alpha can't wait to start home schooling him, the girls will be of course going to a actual school, they got a different room than I planned for a girl, cause they share a room, and the room I had picked wasn't that big, Alpha renovated it so they each got about half-half, didn't want them growing up fighting about closet space, or who had what, they get carpet, and not a window seat, didn't trust them climbing up on it, their room is slightly smaller than mine, but definitely a space they could grow into.

Apparently some other wolves also had children, so mine won't be alone, I hope they all get along, I'd hate for my children to be outcaste, they actually are all pretty strong, even the girls, though they won't get their actual wolf til puberty, but I will still make their life exciting, Alpha will help to make sure they know everything and more that a wolf should know, Jason especially, he wants him to be smart, strong, have resilience, able to take control, take care of everything, handle things, handle money, never leave the territory unless of emergency, find a way to get money without leaving, speaking of which, Alpha wants to send me on a mystery adventure to go get more money, he'd spent all of his, I haven't touched any of the money I've put away, I do go into the college, cause I still am a student there, I will be graduating in just 2 more years, I have to go in once a year, we go over everything, and I am a high graded student, my cooking skills have excelled, every class I'm smashing, even my health class, I have outstanding health records, and I am pretty fit considering 8 months ago out came Skye and Krystal, Max did get to be there for all of their births, we are still madly in love, but considering the birth gape, and how I got pregnant with the twins literally 2 months after giving birth to Jason, he couldn't exactly kick Max out of the picture, and it's been 8 months, so during this visit, he wants Max to break it off with me, before the kids get attached, but right before he leaves to return to school, so I won't be tempted to talk to him about it, and work things out, but also, Max wants to propose this break, he's been saving up for a ring, he knows that Alpha doesn't like us being together, so he wants to close the gape before he's getting too careless.

But I have a even bigger surprise I haven't told anyone about, I'm 2 months pregnant, but Alpha doesn't like mentioning my weight, cause he knows it's a soft spot for me, I always have like a meltdown.

I wake up at 6:45am, my alarm clock, I go to sleep with my door opened, so I can hear the children when they wake me up, I got about all together about 7 hours, which isn't all that bad, considering how other nights have went.

Alpha is on the other side of the house and he couldn't hear us, I've actually never seen where his room is, I have to be quick in the shower, set up clothes really quick, then I go into Jason's room, he's still asleep, better let him stay asleep, he did have a long night, I go get the girls, literally just waking up, coming downstairs and into the kitchen, I get them in a sort of crib, but it's not, it's where we put the children when we need to put them down, but considering the girls can't exactly walk yet, I get them their bottles, they lay there, holding their bottles, Alpha comes in just as I'm making the coffee, he goes over the crib, 'where's Jason?' 'still asleep-', we hear Jason make a whining noise, 'I'll go get him' 'thank you' I say, and I continue on breakfast, Jason is slowly making his way down the stairs, he climbed out of his bed, he's gotten really good at that, some nights I have him sleep in bed with me so he's not wondering around, Alpha scoops him up, 'you made it all the way down', Jason smiles, he's so bloody cute!.

Alpha puts Jason in his highchair, I warmed up his baby food a little, I sit in front of him, toast and bacon is cooking, I haven't gotten to the eggs yet, I'm having a bottle of water, cause I am pregnant, I grab the spoon and start feeding a very hungry Jason, he loves this baby food, it's flavoured banana, I'll give him a bath after this, each of them have dirty nappies, I'll change the girls, they get a bath before bed, while Jason needs one in the morning, cause-, he likes to play with his food, like get his hands in the food, Alpha always finds it humouring, Max is coming down today, cause of break, he'll be here for a week, Alpha still doesn't allow them to stay for longer than a week, and let's Max come by 2 days a week, Max tries not getting greedy and coming in 2 days in a row, he plays it out, so he gets the right amount of time with them, and he won't feel like he should have had more time.

The Kids have never seen anyone but me, Alpha and Max, though we know they need a social life, especially the girls, so when they start preschool they can meet some friends, but keeping the secret at that age is the most important, you have to raise them not to be afraid of their wolf, or the pack, to grow around it, and in it.

The pack just got a quite terrifying spook, as another Alpha moved in on their territory, spotted wolves around the territory, they knock, like literally the whole pack is at the door, Alpha is having a shower, he's quick drying and dressing, Gabriel opens the door, Jason is on the staircase!, they all freeze, Jason stops and stands, he smiles, and waves, I rush down the stairs, 'the door' Jason says, in his baby voice, Alpha comes out, he clears his throat, I pick up Jason and go upstairs, Jason coos a little, Alpha goes to the door, I close the door, I have the kids in my room, Jason snuck out while I was dressing the girls.

'what's with the big commotion?, hardly have so many guests and the barbeque isn't til tomorrow' Alpha says, Gabriel blinks a few times, 'we have a serious issue' 'and what would that be?' Alpha asks, 'another pack is coming into our territory' Gabriel says, 'oh?' Alpha says, he's surprised, but they will seriously need to handle it, Alpha lets only the males in, sends the females home, ... 'cute kid?' one of them mention, 'they grow up so fast' Alpha says before sitting down, they each take a seat, Alpha never lets them play in the living room, cause he brings guests in there a lot, and doesn't want stains or anything, he takes pride in his home.

He is immediantly thinking about the children, 'we must handle this, set up a meeting with this other pack, I will need you to be prepared for a likely fight over the territory' Alpha says, 'and if it does come to that?' 'we better hope we win, this is what all of your training will go towards', the pack hadn't dealt with another pack for almost 30 years, 'best to have the rest of the pack prepared, just in case something does happen, the women, children, and the rest of the pack staying, I will not have any males under the age of 20 to attend this meet, I want some of you watching, my Beta's standing with me, there will be you's all a certain distance away, but they cannot reach this area, understand?, if you think you are about to lose, signal the pack to leave, understand?' Alpha says, they are going to high measures, if this Alpha is choosing to move territory, 2 things could be happening, challenging Alpha for his power/pack, or he's just been overrun and looking for a new territory, Alpha is hoping for option 2, cause he has trained to fight, he keeps himself sharp, but a Alpha has a lot of muscle, he would never give up his pack.

Once they leave, he gets me prepared!, I don't like this, I don't like it at all, he brings in a family van, he has car seats for each of them, 'Alpha, your scaring me' I say, 'you should be scared, I want you to be prepared if the pack does fall, okay?' Alpha says, ... I nod, we put the children's things, important things, they can share a crib, I even pack my money, it'll help if we do need to start over, though it is only $40,000, it'd go a long way.

I do fear for what may happen, they are going to a meeting tomorrow, but tonight we are prepared, I have a esky of bottles and baby food, and some food and drink for me, I won't pack the highchairs, if things get bad I could just have the kids sleep in the same bed as me, but I'm thinking ahead, also packing my computer, some clothes and shoes, cleaning things I'll need, the trunk is done, folded down the 2nd backseat, to fit it all in, it'd just take 5 minutes to leave, getting the kids in, and covering their scent, then just getting out of here.


Who is this other pack?, will there be bloodshed?, will there be a evacuation?, will Alpha be killed?, so much drama even I have Goosebumps!.

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