Look what you did

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I'm going to miss Sookie, I really will, I already miss all my friends at the diner, Becky and Carmen, are about to arrive, turns out Sookie, can only stay for like another day, apparently they other chef is calling for maternity leave, and they had to close the diner today, so Sookie is leaving, a little early but I'll call her later?, and all the time.

Becky and Carmen arrive, 'damn girl!', I come out of my room, we all have a group hug!, this is going to be amazing!, I show them around, 'oh, we have to keep this place in good condition, looks expensive, it came furnished, so please don't remove the plastic off of the mattresses, heard those are expensive?' 'yeah?' Becky agrees, me and Sookie help the girls bring up their boxes, Becky only had like 7 boxes!, while Carmen, literally looks like she was kicked out with 10 boxes!, how'd they fit this in Carmen's families old voltswagon?, they each picked a room, though they were similar in size, about 10 minutes after all there things are up here, Sookie has to leave, she wants to beat traffic, and there is forcasted for a storm, later tonight and she wants to hopefully get back before it, we all hug her, she smiles walking out, once the door closes.

'Oh my god!, we have a apartment!, though your name is on the lease?' Carmen says, 'you each get a key' I say, I pass them each a key ring with a key, and a name tag, 'please don't lose them' I say, 'of course' Becky says, they unpack, 'okay?, so basics, label what you buy in the refridgerator, we have a washer and a dryer, we all have to chip in evenly on bills, if you want I cann each help you's find jobs?' I ask, 'though my parents only paid for me to go to this school?, cause I didn't get a scholarship?, lucky you, I have no idea what job to get' Carmen says, 'same?, I haven't had a job before?' .... 'hmm?, maybe you could get a job on campus?, on Saturday I was going to go check it out?, that's when all the other freshman are arriving' 'so good to be out here!, oh my god!, is that a terrace?!', they both rush out there, shoot, forgot a table set, but it'll be fine, I can't believe I'm living with my two friends, in a apartment that I technically own in San Fransisco!, this is so fucking awesome!.

The girls finish packing, then I make dinner, I am still a amazing cook, I make spahetti bolognese and we watch a movie on a channel that plays movies 24/7, no adds, pretty cool?, we sit on the couch each, we are careful not to get any food on the rug, Becky just had to try out the shower, 'water pressure is amazing' she smiles, she only has her bed and desk unpacked, but we still have tomorrow, though we are touring the campus, should be great?, I hope, cross my fingers, I clean up, put everything away, and lock up, flick the lights off, before heading to bed.

Second night here was pretty awesome, I am woken up at 7:am, I want to have a great start to the day, I shower, go for denim shorts, it's a pretty sunny day, since that storm didn't get anywhere near close to the city, it's pretty hot out here, and I wear a tank top, with a jacket, my hair straightened, and I go in and wake the girls up, I stop before waking Carmen up, as she has a vibrator on her bedside, gross, Becky has another shower, I talk with her about going to a cafe for breakfast, she loves that idea, but I make it clear that we buy our own, Carmen comes out, we wait for her to have a shower, get dressed, we each grab our handbags, lock up, before going out, we walk down the street, it's easy to find out apartment building, I've already memorised the streets, there is a starbucks, we order our drinks and get a pastry, after we eat, I have some gum, trying to stay fresh, I did brush my teeth while waiting for Carmen in the shower, we get to campus, so many cars!, students, frat boys, Becky and Carmen whisper about how cute they are, they know I don't talk about boys since Max, it was painful enough explaining it, and we see some sorority houses, we immediantly find like a dozen different eye catching flyers, but none that they can do, I found one that I could do?, though I was looking for a more adult job?, I grab one for a waitress, 'seriously?' Carmen says, 'I do need a job?' I say, my classes are paid for by my scholarship, I'm going to be a Art and Culinary major, I'm going for a Master's in cooking and a Bachelor's in Art, didn't mention, but I took up art, and they have this cool program here for it.

We get a few sexy whistles from frat guys, they hold up number cards rating us, Becky got a 7, Carmen got a 5 and I got a 100?, I shake my head, and I walk with the girls, I go get registered, as I sign, a guy grabs my ass, I spin, grab his hand, twist, 'Jesus?, chick?', oh no, Max rubs his shoulder, and then freezes, just like me, ... I turn away, grab my student pass, 'thanks' I say, and I walk around the line, Max signs in, in a rush, and he goes after me, 'Roxanne' he says, he grabs my wrist, I spin slap him, a certain frat house looks, 'don't fucking touch me' I say, he can tell I'm hurt, 'Roxanne?, ... how have you been?' 'how have I been?, ... your fucking serious?' I say, 'hair looks good?, dyed it?' 'what the hell are you doing here?' 'going to school?' 'you never liked school and you were never good at school?, so I know you didn't get in on a scholarship?' I say, 'yeah?, ... didn't mean to like hurt you or anything?' 'you called me "Pathetic", and "Weak", Max' I say, 'yeah?, I did?, but if you understood my reasons for it-?' 'you said some pretty hurtful things' I say, 'I know?, but-?, ... I didn't mean it' 'you didn't mean to say, you waited for over 10 years and it wasn't even worth it, I wasn't even worth it?' I say, Becky and Carmen comes over, 'jerk', Becky slaps him, then Carmen does, 'Roxanne', he walks away, 'damn?, you must have really pissed her off?' one of them say, 'yeah?, broke up with her, 2 years ago' 'details?' one of them say, 'we were friends back from preschool, my mother hated us being friends, always thought I'd hurt her, growing up, promises became a big deal for us, her mother was a prostitute and a drug addict, I'd look after her, then on her 16th, I scratched her, she forgave me, but in return I had to let her spend 20 minutes alone with David, he got a little rough, I stepped in, helped her out, then I went after her, we had sex?, and more sex?, and after waiting for over 10 years for her to finally agree to be fully sexual with me, less than a hour later, I get back home, Alpha wants to see me, he orders me to send her messages, of how I used her, and how one of the best moments in my life, meant nothing, afterwards, he put me into the private school, and here I am 2 years later?' 'dude?, that sucks?' one of them say and then suck on their cigarette 'and I still have no idea why Alpha wanted us to break up?, and why he made me her hurt her like that?' Max says, 'don't worry?, this is college, you have 4 years, to hook up with random chicks?, and get over her?' 'I can't' 'don't tell me you love her?' 'no?, it's not like that?, after having sex with her, I literally have had at least over 40 hours of sex and I can't get hard, no one does it for me' Max says, 'damn?, your whipped?' 'but then again, this is college, there are literally no limits on how to pick up chicks, I had kind of a similar scenario, schools virgin, no one could bang her, ... ever wolf wanted her, cause she was untamed and had a smoking hot body, she also happened to be French, and wanted to be a chef?, so I broke into her dorm, covered my dick in whip cream, and I learned a bit of French' 'and she went for it?' 'yeah?, when I said "sucer ma bite, je vais vous faire ma chienne, et vous baiser très, très dur", she totally went for it, and man did that whip cream get everywhere' 'I don't want to know what the translation for that is' Max says, then a guy presses play on his phone, 'suck my dick, I am going to make you my bitch, and fuck you very, very hard', they all crack up laughing, and they high five, 'so basically?, just learn her language?, do something she likes?, and who knows maybe she'll go for you?' the guy says, 'you don't know Roxanne' 'wow?, is that her name?, sounds hot' 'and she is off limits' Max says, 'okay?, whatever you say dude?, settled in yet?' 'yeah?' 'good, cause have got a party tonight' one of them say, 'cheers to that' another one of them say, Max smirks a little and he gets thinking about how to woo me.


Max is going to the same college Roxanne is!, this is not good!, is he really going to woo her?, or ruin everything and break her all over again?.

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