Forgiving You

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It's Monday, I got my arm checked out, couple of weeks, it should be better, my ankle still does hurt, and I got a note from the doctor, so I don't do work for the rest of the week, cause it'll take about that much time, before I can at least take this weird neck strap off, and then I can use my arm, but wear gloves, and not get the wrappings wet, and try not putting too much stress on it.

Max has been stressing though, really bad, his mother is blowing up about it, 'I told you!, I told you this would happen!' his mother shouts, that the entire neighbourhood can happen, 'well she's not at the hospital, Sookie won't let him talk to her?, and she's been ignoring his emails, maybe she just needs time?' his father says, 'how can you still be calm about this?!, he hurt her!' 'alright!, I got it!, so stop fucking rubbing it in!' Max finally raises his voice, before going up to his room up in the attic.

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Max punches the door!, he never ever wanted to hurt me, in anyway, he honestly does care about me, he is going to school, cause he knows I'll be there, though his mother doesn't know if it's the best idea, Max just knows that I'm going to be there, he has to know that I'm alright.

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I had my shower, got dressed, put my wrap on, had cereal for breakfast with orange juice, have my bag packed with a bunch of homework I did, Sookie will be driving me to school, she'll be a little late for work, considering she needs to be work at the same time I need to be at school, but she still will put up with being at least 4 minutes late to work, I got eyes, more than I normally did, I don't know if it was the fight on Saturday, or my arm?, Max arrived, pulling into the driveway, he gave his younger siblings a ride in the car, he walks in, he immediantly knows I'm here, he goes over to me, he notices my arm, he leans on the locker, 'hey?, .... I tried coming and seeing you yesterday?, but, Sookie wouldn't let me visit, and you weren't at the hospital?, you didn't answer any of my emails?, ... Roxanne?' Max says, .... 'why did you pick that fight with David?' I ask, he breaths out, 'cause, ... he's not the nicest of people' 'I know you try look out for me, ... but you actually ruined my first kiss, on my 16th birthday, you were having fun, I was fine, but you dropped everything, to pick a fight with David?' I say, 'I didn't mean for you to get hurt?' 'and what?, have to walk all the way back home?, camp in the woods alone?' I say, 'you still went camping?' 'and I didn't talk to you yesterday, cause I said I'd be having bed rest, and I went to the doctors at 5:am, stayed til 9:am, I had naps, didn't turn on my computer, my IPod got smashed, still should be on the lawn, Sookie, wasn't home, she got called in, I was home alone, having bed rest, remember?, sprained ankle?, scratched arm?' I say, 'so you don't hate me?' Max says, 'yes and no, but seriously, don't ruin moments for me, if my first kiss was going to happen, I can't have you cutting into that' I say, he looks down, 'okay' .... 'and I did talk with David-' 'you what?' Max suddenly looks up, 'he visited me in the hospital?, Sookie had to go to work?, he gave me a ride home?' I say, 'he fucking visited you?' 'and ... I could have actually died out in those woods' 'he went and got you?' Max says, 'yeah?, and where were you?' 'at home?' ... 'okay?, ... well you don't have worry about anything, ... and do not screw this up for me' 'you like him?' Max says, 'as a friend, I'm okay to say that ... he's cute-?', Max huffs, 'what?, why can't you be happy for me?' 'don't do any of that stuff with David' Max says, 'he's literally the only guy who sounds decent?' I say, 'wait for another guy?' 'I'm 16, ... your 16, you have done all of those things, and your life seems amazing, why can't I have those things?' I ask, .... Max can't answer that, 'so, how about, apology accepted, start a fight and ruin something for me again, and I will ignore you' 'your not serious?' Max says, 'just let me experience some things?' I say, 'you are experiencing things?' 'Max, you are the only guy in my life?, is that how it's going to be 5 years from now?, what if I want a boyfriend?, who knows maybe children?, what's going to happen, when I'm being picked on in college for being a virgin?, your going to go punching people?, I won't have it' I say, and close my locker, 'and the arm is fine?, didn't go that deep, got a little infected, just needed two pints?, I'm fine' I say, and I turn away, 'Roxanne' Max says, (bell rings).

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