Look at me now

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I am 18, going to college, I got into San Francisco State University, I haven't spoken to Max for over 2 years, he can burn in hell, after he sent those horrid messages, everything of his literally disappeared, his school records, trophies from the trophy case, class photos of him, where photo shopped for him to no longer be in them, it was like he didn't exist at all.

I fell apart, for a very long time, about 13 months after he left, I picked myself up, and more shifts at the diner, more studying, extra credit classes, even some kick boxing classes and self defence classes, I dyed my hair black, and I now wear make up, I wear eyeshadow and eyeliner, I no longer cry, I channel all of that into rage, and I will not fall apart, I changed my jogging routes, I actually made a new one, that challenges me, I changed my diet, and I picked up a friend, actually 2, Vicky Gomez and Carmen Jenkins, we all are so close, we do basically everything together, I do go out partying, but just me and the girls, I built up a new fashion and money, and by the time I hit graduation, and got my acceptance letter, I had saved up just about $45,000!, a lot, I didn't get a car, waste my money on those, no, I am focusing on my future, I have everything packed, me and Sookie went apartment hunting in San Francisco, found a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 5th floor, with terrace, 2 blocks from the university apartment, I will rent out the 2 two other rooms, to Vicky and Carmen, the rent is $2,000 a month, and $500 a week, we'll split it 3 ways, so each of us are paying $166 each, I of course get the master cause my name will be on the lease, it's not furnished, so Sookie is renting a moving truck, we're going furniture hunting down in San Francisco, I got a big fair well, and Sookie got a week off of work to help me.

I will of course be paying for furniture, I actually am not renting, turns out last minute change, I want to think up ahead, the apartment just came up for buying, as the sudden renter, they are giving me a option of paying $350,000 for it!, hell yes!, I will take it!, I will pay still pay $2,000 a week off of it, but I need to know how much money I can put towards the house as a first payment, it does come with a underground parking system, and there are about 50 parking spots, this is perfect!, just perfect.

We buy 3 bed frames, 3 mattresses, a couch, a fridge, a washer and a dryer, a TV stand, a TV, bedsides for each bedroom, a desk for each room, some lamps for the bedrooms, some curtains, a microwave, a coffee maker, a toaster, 4 bar stools for the island counter, a rug to go under the 5 seater corner couch, a painting of a Artic view, a fake plant, and bringing me to a total spent of .... $19,573 spent, but worth it, each room comes with built-ins, so lucky.

I unpack my things, the girls will be coming in tomorrow, I've given them a address, me and Sookie unpack, 'oh, I'm so proud of you, to think, that poor 2 year old girl, would soon do all of this?' Sookie says, I smile, putting my jumper on a hanger in the built-in, 'I need to go get some little things, food?, cleaning appliances?, books for school?, and I will put $15,000 as a first payment towards the house, leaving me $6,000 to be getting everything else I need, I'll need to find a job?, and then the rest is just fitting in?' I say, the truck we brought also had some things of mine already, like my computer Sookie got me, me personal things in boxes, only had 5, kind of sad, how it all fit in 5 boxes, no suitcases or bags, but the past is the past, no going back now.

The Real Estate is taking a risk on letting me make small payment every month, but with my record, they can tell it's slightly legit, I get groceries, unpack them, had to get culinary things, (plates, bowls, knives forks, cutting board, pots, pans), the basics, the girls don't know that I own the place, they'd think I'm pretty reckless, but the better they think I'm renting, so they won't think it's okay to damage anything, I get a personal on-suite, which is really nice, within just one day, my desk, closet, curtains and my bed are set up, the guest bedroom, I will be keeping the plastic cover on the mattresses, telling them not to take the cover off, they both get similar size bedrooms, and things, if they want anything more, they'll have to buy it themselves.

First night, Sookie pays for Pizza, and we look for a job for me, I am not quite a chef, not sure how they like things out here, so I'm just going for a waitress position, I'd taken some waitress shifts, then when I was offered a job in that position for a extra dollar plus tips, I went for it, I'm so excited, classes will be starting on Monday and it's Thursday, so I have plenty of time, I will get my name registered on Saturday, check out my classes, tour the grounds, make sure everything is in order, and everything else is just straight ahead, it's so nice when things go as planned.


Sorry for another short chapter, Roxanne's life took a turn for the worst, nice to know she'll pick herself up again, and not let Max ruin her like he did, she's got everything, going to a top-notch college, got a apartment, everything settled in, and still has some spare cash up her arm, just in case, looking for a job in the crazy city of San Francisco, hope she can make it.

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