The Hunt

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I rush in my apartment, packing little things, big things, shit I am panicking!, I text Becky about something urgent, :got to go, just won lottery!, send you a postcard., sounds shitty cause it is, and maybe I did win the lottery?, I call the school and tell them I am post poning the semester due to a recent death in the family, they will accept this post pone, but I must return before the end of the semester, and I must do some work, online, hand it in, I agreed to it, the entire time I was crying, not hard to do, thinking about how Max left me and how every bad thing in my life has led me to this!.

The Alpha is heading off, he totally went all killer on the doctor he gave me a abortion, and told him about me being pregnant with triplets, he gave the abortion, and all the Alpha did was break 2 of his fingers, good thing he wasn't a surgeon, and the fingers won't fully heal, but he should be fine, once he was rushed to the emergancy room, the Alpha is on the way, my heart is beating really fast, Becky texts back, :good for you girl!, deffinitely send me a postcard, am I still able to live in the apartment?., oh shit, :yeah, yeah, of course, I trust you, I will continue to pay for it, promise., I quit my job at the resturant, shit, Becky will have to learn how to do that on her own, but clothes, shoes, electronics, money, I have spare money, gun, yep I own a gun, I will need more money if I'm going to get out of here.

I know, how desperate can I really be?, I put on flat leather boots, a leather jacket, a bike helmet, I have my gun, my knife and lock pickers, and a duffle bag, I also may have highjacked a racing motorbike, like in the sport motorbike racing, I will be going for the top jewellry store, bound to have big bucks, this the most craziest things I've ever done.

I pull into the ally, the side door where staff come in and out, there is a electronic lock and a key lock, I can do both, but also cut the power on it, I will have like 5 whole minutes, before the emergancy comes back on, I get off of my bike, I turn, I look, and there is a power line, I run, up the wall, 3 steps up, push off!, grab the pole, and I bring out my knife, and then cut it!, I watch the city go dark, I'm wearing yellow sunglasses, so it's not so dark, I slip down, Max isn't even aware of the sudden power outage, well I did it so only this store was effected, I just need to pick the lock and, ... I'm in!, I grab the back, I move a brick to hold the door open, so it won't lock me in here, I am full on in!, there is a backroom, I fill the bag, oh wow!, this is quite a rush!, don't take jewellry, just money, I empty cash registers, time, I can only be in here for like 3 minutes!, ...... the bag is almost overflowing, I go out, I close the door, get on my bike, the bag is zipped up, time to go.

Now alarms triggered, I start the bike, and I cruise away.

The Alpha pulls in, in a silver sports car, Max and all of the frat guys come out, they welcome him in, he has Max log in, and I've sent like thousands of hate letters, but there is a image, he double clicks, he's in, and there are 3 little babies, 'what's her address?' he asks, James passes it, '2 blocks from here-?', Sirens, 'she wouldn't call the police, she's not stupid' Max says, 'just cause you've been in her head-', "all units we have a 10-65, we are looking for a female on a black motorcycle", ... 'why do you have a police radio?' the Alpha asks, 'it's kind of cool?' .... 'what's a 10-65?' the Alpha asks, 'Robbery' 'she's getting money ... to flee, we need to move now, before she gets away' the Alpha says.

I go to a safe place, well a place where I can open a account and stash some things, I took my jeans, and jacket off, though it is late, they are open til midnight, and it's 15 minutes before that, I'm quick to open a account, I then am given a key, and they show me my box, I wait til they leave, before putting, what I count in there, ..... I took just about $432,584!, man that is a lot of cash for little old me, but I'm using it to pay off the rest of my aparment, it'll leave me paying $333,712 left off of my apartment, I tell them I won a lottery ticket, I have $98,872 in my box, I know I'm going to get catched, I take $2,000, and I take the bike, I quickly buy a storage locker, and I put the bike in the storage, the pack is moving around looking for me, I walk away from the storage locker, only cost $1,850, I have it for a year, the Alpha spots me, he pulls over, I almost walk past, he winds the window down, 'get in' he says, I stop, I kneel down, 'now' he says, I step over, then get in, 'you are so much more trouble then you are worth' he says, 'I'm flattered' 'don't be' he says and shifts gears, damn this engine is intimidating, 'let's talk' he says stopping at a red light, 'about?' 'how about everything you know about werewolves', 'well?, wow?, ... you drove 7 hours?, so I'll try not waste your time?' I say, 'you better not' he says, and the light goes green and he turns the corner, 'okay?, when I was 6, I saw Max's mother, in the woods, naked, had yellow glowing eyes, and longer nails that has dirt all over them, she was staring at me, but I ran, she chased me' 'and you got away?' 'yes, cause I fell in a cave, broke my leg, paramedics found me, when she told them where to find me, she didn't want me near her house after that, but I had nightmares, the only time I didn't have them is when Max was there, .... when I was 10, Max hit puberty, he walked out of class, I watched his spine ... re-arrange itself, Max took 2 weeks off of school, said he was sick, but Max never gets sick, ever, ... after that, he started picking fights at school, he never lost, he got faster, he started ... smelling me, like every time we hugged, then when he got his first tattoo, he didn't even flinch, he has a resiliance to pain, ... then on my 16th, he scratched me, .... the next day, we had sex?-' 'yes, I heard about that' 'figured that's why you ordered him to send those emails' 'you knew I did that?' 'Wi-Fi was different, the emails came in faster' I say, 'smart girl, shame you knew too much?' .... 'are you going to kill me fast?, or slow?' I ask, 'doesn't really matter?' 'kind of does?' I say, 'why did you rob a jewellry store?, that was more than half a hour ago?, you could have been on a plane?, a train?, anything?, but you were walking down the street?' 'had some things I wanted to handle' 'such as?' 'a deed?, so all my money goes to the right places, my things, quit my job, ...' 'seem pretty prepared to be killed' .... 'I have a proposition?' 'ha!, like I'm going to take any off you give?' 'I think you may agree to this one?', he gives me a weird look, and he turns the car into a carpark, 'make it quick?' he says, he turns his car off, the doors are still locked.


Oh my god!, Roxanne robbed a jewellery store!, and now she's negotiating with the Alpha about something, sorry for it being not that big, and for yet another cliff hanger.

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