What the heart wants

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So I come downstairs, my hair now in a strict ponytail, and I'm in my work out clothes, I need to shake off these vibes I'm getting ever since I left Max back at the fraternity, I play the stereo, and use the tablet and here comes my 30 minute long yoga lesson, I'm following this girl on youtube who owns a yoga channel, I'm working my way through her videos, some videos do require gymnastics, like handstands, the splits, but overtime, I was able to nail them, now my body is relaxed and flexable.

Max groans, from his alarm clock buzzing, he scrunches his face, and looks at his alarm clock, that's weird, he never sets his alarm clock?, must be a prank?, he taps his alarm clock, time is 9:30, (this is what he did when he woke up), he sits up and holds the back of his head, and hisses a little, he is healed but he still remembers the pain, he looks around his room, his body cologne is everywhere, he only ever sprays it after a game, he doesn't remember using that much, he slips out of bed, he try's opening his door, it's locked?, he unlocks it, and then he goes downstairs, James didn't get that much sleep, though he was ordered to go on like it is normal, 'are you cooking?' 'what's wrong?, can't I cook?', 'and your watching the cooking channel?', 'hey?, you sure had a crazy night?' one of the guys say, 'what do you mean?' 'thought you don't drink anymore?, you seriously can't remember anything?' one of them say, 'no?, so why don't you tell me?' 'didn't you like totally get laid last night?' 'if I did,I have zero memory of it?' 'yeah, dude you totally got wasted', James is feeling really bad, 'you must have been talking in your sleep then?' another one of them suggest, 'well I did have this amazing dream?' ... 'you had another dream about her?, dude you are whipped?' 'thought I made it clear?, ... we don't mention her again?, my fault that she's dead' 'Max, ... I know you may blame me for telling you about the whole mind reading thing, but it was going to come out eventually' 'I would have prefered to delay that' Max says, 'alright?, anyone hungry?' .... Max can feel something strange?, but ... he is deciding to ignore it, he's had that feeling a lot, it never does him any good, so he's just going to have some pancakes, have a shower, and go on a long jog.

While me, Alpha wants me to remain healthy, a wolf's kind of healthy, more meat, 'I'm not getting that fast' I say, 'and if I ordered you to?', I whimper and hold my stomach, 'I like being a size 14' I pout, 'you'll get over it' 'just tell me, ... how big in size am I going to get?' 'probably about size 20?', I start crying, 'seriously?, ... I am not dealing with you crying, go to your room' he orders, I cry going upstairs, 'Jesus fucking Christ' he groans, (knocking), he's at first thinking Max, he waits til my door is shut, I lay on my bed crying about how fat I'm going to get, Max's dad is just coming by to go over some funeral details for Pete, they'll have the funeral during the break, so everyone in the pack can be there, his wife and children are really hurting about it, he was 54 years old, his wife is 52, she may actually die of heartache, and Alpha is going to have a talk with her about her grief, so she doesn't do anything rash, like suicide, and for her to stay alive, and enjoy what it has to offer, be with her kids, live for her husband, of course, her crying calmed after he had a chat with her, she still took the box of tissues.

Alpha looks at a email on his computer, debt collectors, he is $100,000 into debt, 'dammit', he then thinks about something, he goes upstairs, I'm hugging the pillow to my stomach, he walks in, closes me door, and comes over, 'Roxanne?' he says, I roll over, 'what?' I ask, in a soft voice, .... 'you know the night I bit you?, and was going to kill you?, how much money did you get?' he asks, '$432,584, why?' I ask, 'still got a good memory?, .... I'm curious?, and I was going to ask a favour?, .... how did you break into the jewellery store?', .... 'I cut the power supply, back up power wouldn't come on til 5 minutes, I picked the key lock, the electronic one was not on, I put a brick in front of the door, so it wouldn't lock, I had a helmet on so the cameras wouldn't see me, I had a duffle bag, I didn't take jewellery, I couldn't sell jewellery, and I just took cash, I got out, road off, I was 5 blocks away before the alarms even went off' I say, .... 'mind doing a job for me?' he asks, I sit up, 'you want me to steal something?' 'any things, .... I need you to rob a store, good for money, but also I need about $100,000' he says, 'may I ask why?' 'no, you may not' 'would any of the leftover money go to me?' 'I don't leave leftovers' he says, not lying, 'what about my baby?' 'it's barely a inch big, and you don't even know if your pregnant' '3 rounds?' I say, 'and from what I've learned from you these past few months, ... you'd still have that motorbike?, and the cash?, .... and it'd be in San Francisco' he says, 'maybe?' I say, 'how would you feel about going there tomorrow?' 'that urgent?' 'yes, and if you like this lifestyle, you will stick to the job' he says, 'no visiting anyone?, but my apartment needs to be put under renovation?, since they trashed it' I say, I only got to tape a tarp up for the window Carmen ran into, 'and I mean it this time, do not go anywhere near that college' he says, I nod, here I go again, back to San Francisco.


Alpha is having Roxanne rob some money for him, to help him out of debt, will she get the job done?, is she actually pregnant?.

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