Happy Birthday To Me

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So, me and Max are going to meet up, he's going to drive us out to the old warehouse, it's a abandoned warehouse, we go there and ride skateboards, he taught me how to ride a bike out here, we found this place, when I tried running away and Max was going to run away with me, I know he'd do a lot for me, I get back, I shower, change into jeans and a grey long sleeve with a red and black flannel, I have coco pops and the milk afterwards is the drink I have with it.

We ride our skateboards, we made them, cause he felt bad that I couldn't afford one, so we both made one, so we'd be even, when I fell back, as the board came out from under me, he literally came over, with the first aid box that we just have here in case of emergencies, this isn't the first time I've fallen off, it hurts but I am not that fragile, 'I'm fine', lying, he can hear my heartbeat, 'let me see' he says, I can't get up, 'where does it hurt?' he asks, kneeling down, 'Max' I say, he gives me a look, 'my ankle' I say softly, he checks, 'ouch, it'll bruise' he says, and grabs the bandage, 'I'll be fine' I say, he wraps it, I giggle when he goes over my ticklish spot, 'you shouldn't be laughing about it' Max says, 'Max, it's fine, it's not broken, I can move my toes, it's nothing serious' I say, he breaths out, I can't get my shoe on, so he does it for me, he then pulls me up, I limp towards the car, he picks me up in a cradle, I smile, and he helps me into the car, I put my seatbelt on, 'your all good?' 'yes' I say, we go up to Sookie's apartment, 'what happened?' she asks coming over, 'fell off of the skateboard?' I say, 'well I'm making hamburgers and fries' she says, 'ooh?' Max says, I smile, 'what movie are we watching?' she asks, Max gave her a head's up about lunch here, though we came back early she's prepared.

We eat and watch Twilight, cause out voted Max, 'Jacob is so hot?' I say, 'oh yeah' Sookie says, Max rolls his eyes, 'he is' I say, 'okay?, conspiracy theory?, do werewolves exist?' Sookie says, 'hmmm?, .... what do you think Max?' I ask, he's startled by the sudden subject, 'uh?, ... no?, I think it's stupid?' Max says, I shake my head, 'you know it's called imagination' 'okay?, what would you do if you came across one?' 'is it shaped like a wolf?, does it stand up on two feet?, what colour eyes?, what colour fur?, how big are it's teeth?, and how tall is it?' I ask, 'wow?, ... uh?, black fur?, wolf form?, yellow eyes?, teeth like a ordinary wolf, size a little bigger?' Max says, .... 'hmmm?, are the claws out or in?' 'in?' 'ha!, wolves can't control when their claws come out or in, cause they are part of their paws, but it would depend?, is it growling at me?, showing it's teeth, is staring at me like dinner?, another fact, full moon?, ... but considering there are no wolves out in this part of America?, I don't think I'll ever come across one, ... and you'd have to think, who came up with "Werewolves"?' ... 'okay, you are freaking me out, I need a Pepsi' Sookie says, 'ooh, I second that' I say, 'I'll take one too' Max says, I smile, there is a icepack on my ankle, it's starting to feel better, but I have argued that I am going to this party and going camping, and I will be fine, I'll rest my ankle tomorrow, full bed rest, I promised Max.

We arrive at the party, we walked together, he didn't like me walking on my ankle, but he'll have to put up with it, one of his brothers are throwing a party, his brother owns a house a couple blocks down from Max's place, his house is on a acre of land, Max doesn't really talk about his brothers, he tries to keep me away from them, cause he knows how rough his brother's can be, didn't want me getting anymore hurt than I already was.

We go in, we each get a drink, 'so?, we'll only be staying, til the cops try shut the party down' he says, 'okay?' I say, 'are you sure your alright?' Max says, 'I'm fine' I say, he already had girls already wanting him on the couch playing truth or dare, I take a bottle of beer and I go out to the back deck, it's not so loud out here, I sit on the porch swing, a guy is sitting on the back steps, smoking, I sip the bottle, he glances over, .... he finishes his smoke before getting up, he sits next to me, 'your Max's friend, right?, ... Annie?' 'Roxanne' I say, 'oh?, I'm his older brother' ... 'eldest or older?' I ask, he smirks  a little, 'older' he says, 'so, your David?' I say, he nods, 'not a bad place?' I say, ... 'so, why are you out here?' 'I don't party that much?' I say, 'I guess, it does get kind of over whelming?' he says, 'and noisy?, and crowded?' I say, 'yeah, I suppose?, last I remember you don't like going to these types of parties?' 'Max, got me to come' 'so why isn't he with you?' 'he's allowed to have fun too' 'I doubt your not boring' he says, 'no, he's just a little more of a party animal than me' 'a party animal?' 'you haven't heard of that term?' I say, 'no?, I've heard of it, just the way you say it, sounds kind of weird?, ... why would Max bring you here?' .... 'it's my birthday?' I say, 'hmmm?, I was wondering what he was getting excited about this morning?' he says, like it's pathetic, I giggle, Max seems to knock out of being drunk, hearing me laugh above the music, 'you must be 16?' David says, Max gets a girl off of his lap, and immediantly starts looking for me, he finally goes outside and me and David are actually about to kiss, have no idea it got to it, but somehow I knew the moment Max walked out, there would be a fight.

Max and David wrestle, like seriously, no holding back, fists and blood, getting attention, Max and David's older brother texts their father, he's immediantly on the way, their eldest brother tries breaking it up, but things look seriously bad, their father comes, people are videoing, their father gets them apart, he says something and they head out into the woods, while the eldest brother, shuts the party down, the place is cleared.

'What happened?' his father asks as they are deep enough into the woods, 'he tried kissing Roxanne?' Max says, 'she wanted it' David says, Max growls at him, 'Max, she's a grown girl' 'he shouldn't have even been talking to her!' Max says, 'you don't always have to be so protective of her?, anyway your the one who let her sit outside alone, on her birthday?' David says, Max pushes him, 'you know, she thinks she's not fun enough for you to hang around?' David says, Max punches him, 'your suppose to be talking this out?', they both remove their shirt, and kick their shoes off, 'or not?' their father says, David shifts into a brown wolf, while Max is a black wolf, what he described to me.

Max doesn't know it, but when he went after David, he scratched me, nothing serious I won't shift from it and only a Alpha can do that, but it did sting, he didn't even notice, I am walking through the woods, crying, my arm bleeding, I take the bandage from my ankle and wrap it around my arm, I'll look at it tomorrow, Max and David seriously go at each other.

I go down to the tent Max set up, I sit inside, there is a thin mattress and some pillows and two sleeping bags, I cry my eyes out, and think about some things.

Max and David finally have it out, they get their clothes back on, as Max puts on his belt, 'maybe you should just own up to it?' David says, 'and what would that be?' 'that you like her, Roxanne' David says, his father didn't exactly see it til now, 'more than a friend, or a best friend?, I've heard that you don't let any guys near her?, and you practically ruined her 16th' David says, 'what's that?' his father asks, 'what's what?' Max asks, his father grabs his hand, 'that's not mine?', his father whiffs, 'Roxanne's?' his father says, 'but I didn't touch her?' Max says, he's confused, he looks down at his hand, his claws were out, he flashes back, I got up, he went straight through me, I tried pulling him back, stopping him, he sliced me, 'oh no' Max says, and gets his shirt on, 'you are not going out there?' 'she's bleeding' Max says, 'and she'll go to the hospital, you are going home' his father demands, Max can't believe he actually hurt me, this isn't exactly turning out to be the big 16th birthday I planned out in my head.

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Well what a birthday surprise this turned out to be, what will happen?, is this scratch serious?, Max may be traumatised for hurting not just his best friend, but a girl he may possibly love.

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