Cat (Wolf) Burglar

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I needed some extra gear, so I bought a computer and a desk with a office chair for my storage shed, while I'm at it, I give the motorbike a paint job and I get a new number plate, I may have still had a number plate that was registered to my mother, before she sold the car, the bike is now red, I hack the computer and block the connection and get blueprints to a jewellery store, I seem to be the best at those, and I do a little snooping, there isn't a side door, but there is a front door, bullet proof windows, the door has a swing, I'll need something to keep it open, I went in and bought something, and I got a little look at the layout, secret key code to the register, and there is a key card backroom, I'll need to kick that open, and 4 cameras for each angle, I buy a 1 carrot diamond necklace with a crescent moon, the diamond holds the crescent moon on, I leave, I'm ready, I tie my hair into a ponytail, I wear the boots, the black jeans, leather jacket, yellow sunglasses, the riding helmet, once it shuts down, I wait til the policeman goes past at just past midnight, doing a check, I have my motorbike parked in a ally across the street, behind the dumpster, I have the duffle bag, I'm wearing gloves, forgot to mention that before, but making sure my fingerprints don't get caught, once the guard is well gone, I run up the building, grab a loose brick, pull myself up, get out my knife, slice!, I hear a guard!, I put my knife away, and I pull myself up and forward roll, hold!, I wait til the policeman is gone, he calls it in that it's clear, once he's gone, I look down at the ally, I'll need a gentle landing, there is a window, I can grab the trim, then the next window, and it has bars on that one, and I should be quiet, I roll my shoulders, I run, jump!, grab it!, I breath out, I drop, grab the bars, then just a foot drop and I'm on the ground, I walk around, I checked the lock, needs a special pattern, but I get it done, I push the door open, I hear a screech of a police officer, Jesus, how many cops are there, I go in, I take out a piece of paper, put it between the lock and the door, it's a thick piece of cardboard, I then lay, just below the window, the 2 police officers pass, I get up, I creep, their display jewellery has laser sensors and I'm not stupid, I get the registers open, emptying each one, going for the backroom, I breath out, I listen, no footsteps or heartbeats, kick!, I leaving a kind of footprint, but I get in, no alarms, I go in, I take out a snow globe, it's of the statue of liberty, I picked it up, it's heavy, I slowly close the door, it stops, I get to work, damn they've got a lot!, each stack of money has about $1000 in it, come on, move faster, I look at my timer, shit!, I need to go, I fill my jacket up, then I go out the door, leaving the snow globe, open the door, and I calmly walk across the street, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, alarm!!!, I put the duffle bag under the seat, and the money in my jacket in there, I hear police sirens, I roll the bike backwards, and I wait, I then roll down the hill!, when I reach a red light, I slowly press on the brakes, I then start my motorbike, whoo-hoo, I go to the storage shed, I put it inside, I'll need to handle that front security camera, I put my bike away, I go into my computer, block the ping, and I hack into the camera, and I just use a little magic, and I erase the notice of me, my car is still here, I wiped out me leaving on the bike, I will count the money when I get back, I lift the storage shed, I bring out the duffle bag, I have the trunk faced away from the camera on the turn, and I lift the trunk cover, I put the money in there, I think I scored pretty good, I close the trunk, lock up my storage shed, call Alpha, I get in the car, 'hello?' he says, 'did I wake up?' I ask, and start the car, 'no?' 'yeah, I'm on my way back I've completed the job' 'already?, it's almost 1 in the morning?' 'the job doesn't take longer than 5 minutes?, though those police patrols were pretty hectic?' I say, and I pull out, I drive, I talk with Alpha about it a little, and I hear police sirens, 'what's going on?' 'don't worry, I'll handle it' I pull over, I wait til the police officer comes over, 'are you aware that driving while talking on the phone is not safe?', I nod, 'you gave me a fright?' I say, 'sorry?, we've just had a robbery?, 3 blocks up?, about half a hour ago?' 'oh my god?' I say, completely shocked, I'm a good faker with humans, 'who's that on the phone' 'my dad?, ... I recently moved to the city?, still a little concerned for his little girl?' I say, 'alright?, ... just remember to not talk while you drive' 'yes, officer', he flashes my backseat and trunk, 'is there anything else I can help with?' I ask, 'no?, you have a good night' he says, I nod, 'thank you' I say, then I press the button and my window goes up, and I pull away slowly, I stop at the red light up ahead, I put him on loud speaker, 'sorry, about that?, but I should be back before 9?' I say, 'I should be awake' he says, 'okay?, see you then', he hangs up, I turn my phone off, and I put my focus on the road.

I pull in, Alpha brings down the door, I get out of the car, 'morning' I say and close the door, I toss him the keys, he gives me a look, 'where is the money?' he asks, I walk around the car, and I open the trunk, 'I don't see anything?' 'proves how much you know about cars?', I pull off the cover, and 'I couldn't fit it all in the bag' I say, he helps me bring it inside, he takes the bag, I take the stacks of money, I close the trunk, he locks the car, and we go in, we put it all on the dining table, he brings out a money counter?, he takes the wrapping around the stack, and puts it in, '$10,000', wow?, I they were in hundreds, money is so much more thinner than I realised, also they must have been pressed together?, he counts each one, til we eventually reach .... and I don't believe it either but $570,000 ! ! !, 'can I please have a share in the money' I say, he breaths out, 'why do you need money?' he asks, .... 'cause I like money' I say, .... 'I like money too, but this is a whole lot of money there is 67 $10,000 stacks of money, I'm impressed, you did a whole lot better than you did on your first time' 'cause, it was the closet jewellery store and the one I chose was in the city centre' I say, 'what's that?' he asks, about my necklace, 'I bought it, with my own money, I had to get a scoop of the place' I say, not lying, 'alright?, maybe you could take $70,000?' he says, 'yes' I say, he slides of 7 stacks, while he'll keep $500,000 to himself, why do stores keep that much money in their store?, it is kind of a pawn store?, cause people sell their jewellery, I guess it is handy to be keeping that much money in store, I go upstairs, I hide my stash, while Alpha pays off his debt, and puts the rest away for emergencies, I have a shower, set my alarm clock for 1:00, cause I deserve that extra half hour.

Alpha calls me downstairs, 'your on TV' he says, 'ooh', I jump over the back of the couch and land, I watch, they show footage of me!, ahh!, 'I'm famous' I say, it shows me climbing up on the side of the building, apparently someone hacked into the system and posted the footage on the internet!, Max and the entire pack are watching, as I climb up, take out my knife and catch it, then me pulling myself up, and the police officer passing, then me running and grabbing that window, looking completely human, then me picking the lock, and hiding under the window, I'm inside, and I empty the registers, then go around back, and I bring out the snow globe, 'what's with the snow globe?' 'I bought it?' I say, 'sure that won't be traced back to you?' 'I was at a souvenir store, and a whole bunch of different cultures were in front of me' I say, 'alright?', then it shows me, showing money everywhere, then me looking at my watch, before rushing out, going across the street, going backwards, then rolling down the hill, 'promise you weren't traced?' 'I hacked into the system, I erased the cameras, and 3 traffic lights before where my location was, deleted, erased, I was never there' I say, 'you are very talented' 'and I blocked up the connection so they'd never trace it to me' 'so where did you send it?' .... 'the white house' I say under my breath, he starts coughing!, 'you sent the block to the white house?' he says, 'it was the best one I could find' I say, 'really?' 'and the only code I could get into?' 'what do you mean?' .... 'I may sometimes go in there and check out the presidents bank account?' I say, he sits up, 'what the fuck?' 'I never touch it, I just look at it' I say, he gives me a different look, cause I wasn't lying, 'alright?, ... don't you have homework?' 'yeah?, but I have to work on this speech about Climate and I have like 3 weeks before that is due, and I just need to record my voice?, and I will be giving it subtitles, and I have a final cooking exam, I have a hour to make a tart, so I'll need to time myself, I already know how to make it, I've been testing myself' 'why haven't I had it yet?' 'cause?, I didn't want you to', 'excuse you?' he says, 'I love tarts' I say, 'you love every single bit of food on the menu' 'now, that is offensive, you should be nicer to me' 'oh really?' .... '1, I am your biological daughter, 2, I'm having your possible heir, 3, I stole $570,000 for you' I say, .... '1, never mention the first thing, 2, your the one who offered to have my "heir", and 3, I ordered you to steal that money' he says, I pout and I cross my arms, 'if your going to give me attitude you can go up to your room' he says, I get up from the couch and go up to my room, I slightly slam the door, 'do not slam doors in my house!', I open the door, and blow a raspberry at him, he gets up, 'don't fucking start with me' he snaps, I close my door, he stands there til he hears my door lock, 'that's it!', he comes upstairs, he has a key to my room, 'I'm taking $30,000 off of you', he of course got what he wanted, and I have to find a new hiding spot for my money.


Alpha has got quite a temper on him, Roxanne pulled off a very popular robbery, can't wait to find out if she's having the pack's future Alpha!

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