Could you be a Angel?

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First day of classes?, I've worked it out, though me and Becky will need to pay a little more, we have agreed not to rent out the room to someone we don't know will value things like we do, and will respect our privacy, and she's enjoying the bathroom to herself, so we'll leave the room alone, in the morning, I wake up, 7:am, shower, make my bed, prepare my bag, I have things for work afterwards.

I walk to school with Becky, she's already found a job, she'll wait tables with me, I will help her out, but we'll be earning the same ammount, so that's good, now we both have to pay $250 a week, so lucky the first 2 weeks are paid for her, and I still have time to work up more money.

'you want me to do to what?' 'it's this old trick?, to get in the head of your prey?, or in this case ... Roxanne?, what you want to do, is just stare into her eye's, look into her eyes, and if you focus hard enough, you'll hear what she's thinking?, it's a trick I picked up?' 'I can't believe you convinced me into this?' Max says, 'bet you'll give everyone a fright?' one of them say, they all start laughing, 'try not embarressing yourself', they all smile, and then separate into little groups and go to class.

I have a cooking class first, we basically go over what we'll be doing and cooking for the semester, then I have a art class, I go in and I grab a art stand, 'students, I know you may be use to this, remember phones off, and none of your drawings will be leaving this room, understood?', we all murmur in agreeance, 'great, here is our volunteer', holy shit!, Max comes in, some girls eye him down, he only has a towel around his waist, oh my fucking god!, he couldn't help but smirk, he is being paid, $5 a hour to be doing this, 'alright?', the teacher says, I slowly grab a piece of paper and clip it to the board, then bring out several sharpened led pencils, 'ready?, remember this class goes for 5 hours', 5 fucking hours!, I stretch, Max makes eye contact, I feel a little dazed, then he's in!, "oh shit, be cool, be cool, I mean, ... I hope his dick got sloppy, fucking deserves it, he dumped you, he dumped you", he drops his towel, a few girls gasp, almost faint, "Jesus, has it gotten bigger?!, ooh?, like the new tattoo?, makes me want to touch damn, that looks hot!, stop it!", I clear my throat and grab my pencil, "maybe it's a wolf thing?", he suddenly is looking at me, "why is he looking at me like that?, just look away, focus, don't embarrass yourself", I begin sketching, I start with his head, his eyes, need extra shading, "man, those eyes, stop staring at me, starting to freak me out?, maybe he's using his imagination and my clothes are off?, mmmm?, look away!", Max is curious why I mentioned wolf thing, he never told me anything, though it worked, he's in my head, hearing every thought, "I hope his dick scarred Carmen, how dare he touch her?, I mean, ... she has AIDS", he's trying to keep a straight face, "his dick could be harder?", then he gets a little daydream, of me on the table, and us doing doggy style, "I wonder what his wolf looks like?, ... maybe he's got black fur, wait a second?, black fur?, golden eyes?, ahh!, he's starring", I look away, "he's being awkward, and his dick is kind of sad?, ... (sigh), if only he could just be straight with me?, I know he cares, but he cant' be honest with me, he's not who he use to be, .... and didn't even like me before we kissed and I've known for a long time that he liked me, if only he knew how much I liked him?, .... but he's a man-whore, he ruined my 2nd kiss, and losing my virginity, though let's be honest, his dick was amazing, better the second time, when he lost control and fucked me in his wolf", Max didn't realise I knew so much, I'm still working on his face, I've completed his nose, and his eyes, now his lips, and jaw, "Jesus?, stop moving!, though who could forget a face?, I'm still angry that he came here, bet the bastard followed me, but he isn't doing something out of a romantic movie, he didn't come here for me, he came here to be a frat, to get drunk, have sex, .... and have even more sex, I should just walk out of here?, can't let him back in, it'd just prove how what was it again "Weak" I am, it took a long time to get where I am, he has no idea how he destroyed me, how much I wanted him, but I was too scared to lose him and when I finally have him, he didn't want me, now, let's work on the ears, why does he have to be so perfect?".

2 hours, 31 minutes later, I've done the head and shoulders, working on the arm tattoo, he has to walk around, so that every gets a view of him, "I can tell that girls want to fuck him, but that can't have him, he's mine", Max can't believe he just heard that, "no one is going to take him from me, he's mine, all mine, just thinking about him tied to a bed, oh fuck, I could ride him for hours", he's trying not to get hard, he comes over, cause he's allowed to see how everyone is drawing, "fuck, don't come over here!", he watches as I drawer, mine is a little better than everyone else's, "don't hover me, Jesus!, though he does smell pretty good?, or it's the heater?, fuck, it's hot in here!, I want to touch him, but everyone is looking, mmm, he's gotten so much more bigger, don't look at him, ... why must he stare at me like that?", he walks away, I sigh, "mmm, damn that ass is good?, he always wearing jeans, so you get the outline-, stop staring!, oh my god!, well it's a Art class, no one will blame me, just a little to the right, though I know exactly how his tattoo looks, I was there when he got it, I know every detail, I use to trace his tattoo in my dreams, his body is now foreign?, unfamiliar?, why'd he have to be such a man-whore?, maybe I shouldn't have fallen for that idiot?, shouldn't have sat outside at parties?, I should have been more out going?, more fun?, had less of a appetite?, wasn't so fucking "pathetic", shouldn't have relied on him, shouldn't have leaned on him, made him promise things he couldn't own up to, when we were 7, it was never let each other be alone, when we were 9, I made him promise to always be there for me, when we were 13, our first party, I made him promise to never kiss me again, and we continue being friends, cause things got awkward between us, when we were 16, he broke our first promise, he left me alone to almost die in a tent, then we had sex, several times, then he left me, he has no idea how it scarred me, felt like I was mourning a ghost, like he was a figment of my imagination, and when he left, he took everything, I don't know why I thought I could do this?, he doesn't even feel anything, probably fucked enough people to be the entire school, just hold is together", I breath deeply, trying not to cry, "I was I could tell him that I knew what he is?, I've known for a while, first with his quick temper, his quickly growing muscles, his giant dick, how he smelled, how he's smell my hair when we hugged, how he scratched me on my 16th, how strong eh was, how he dominated me, like a watch dog, how many siblings he has, how his mother doesn't like me, cause I once saw her walking naked in the woods, I was 6, but I'd never forget it, how her eyes shined in the night ... she had claws, didn't hang low, but the only time I didn't have nightmares about it was beside Max, he chased the bad dreams away, then when he hit puberty, I saw his spine breaking, I'd probably get killed, .... though his brother David was pretty scary, I only went for him, to make him jealous, he was a terrible kisser, incredibly rough, and talking about wolves was a turn on for him, yeah I knew a lot about wolves, I did a assignment on them, when I told Max about it, next morning at school I watched his mother rip up my assignment, and I told the school my mother burned it, .... if he knew how much his mother fears me coming out, how she tried pushing him away, cause the second I let out a hint of me knowing, I'd get killed, I found myself a anchor for him, I never liked burdening him with my tragic life, for a while I figured he pitied me, and I know he was at his Alpha's when he sent those messages, cause he was at a different Wi-Fi connection, but that is in the past, just focus on his big dick and keep your eyes to yourself, only like 2 and half hours left and then I can go get some air", Max is now fearing for me, if he tells anyone about what he just heard, I'd be killed, but he can't believe how much I knew, too much for my own good, he has to protect me more than he realised.


Max can read Roxanne's thoughts and finds out truths, how she's feeling, old secrets.

Will he be able to protect her?, or will he be the one who kills her?.

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