Just for tonight ... Love me

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'Well, everything seems to be in order?, ... amazing how on top of things you stayed?' 'yes?, well I found it best to distract myself from the pain' I say, the Dean nods.

I decide to stop by my apartment, I could smell Becky she's at work, I checked with the real estate, she has been dropping the rent by, I will collect that, since they've let it pile up, I will stop by and collect it, they'll wait for me, I walk in, holy shit!, there is a blanket over the smashed TV!, holes in the wall, Carmen's old bedroom has a hole near the doorknob, I go to my room, it's untouched, the fridge door is taped on, I can smell Carmen all over this place, I can smell her coming up, .... I decide to go to my room.

I hear her burst in, giggling, a man with her, I walk out slowly, 'leave' I say, 'oh?, and you think you can come back 3 months later and suddenly your the boss?', I glance at the man, 'leave' I growl, he backs away, 'hey?' she pouts, he is a wolf, he closes the door, 'hey, this is my place now' 'oh is that what you think?, ... I actually own the apartment, and I do not want you in it, now get out or I will throw you out' I say, she giggles, 'how about I'd like to see you try bitch, I'm not so easily-', my eyes flicker wolf, her eyes widen, I circle her, then walk her backwards, she runs!, I stop my eyes go normal, and some people across the street, in their apartment watch, I pretend to start crying, and fall to my knees, she jumps over!, everyone freaks out when she hits the ground!.

I get up and go to the bathroom, bitch, fucking deserved it.

After a few witnesses come forward, 2 policeman are knocking on my door, I answer questions, 'I'm the owner of the apartment, she was out of it?, drunk?, when I demanded for her to leave, she seemed rather odd?, then when I said I'd call the cops, she ran?, but I guess with misdirection?, she ran into the window and then ... to her death', under my eyes are puffy, my eye shadow is leaking a little, 'so, sorry, did you know her?' 'a little?, but I'd recently won the lottery, I said her friend could stay, me and her weren't exactly on the good side?, but I never expected her to do something like this?, it's just awful' I say, .... 'sorry for the loss, does she have any family?' 'her dad?, but he lives like 7 hours away?, in a small town of Bear Valley?' I say, 'could you get me the number?' 'yeah, I have it in my room?', I slowly walk to my room, I grab my contact book, I give them the number, they give me a card for a helpline for like depression and stuff, and they will call Becky and tell her about what happened.

I go throw out the TV, I will have to fix the place up later, Becky gets the news while she was working, she falls apart, Max was in the restaurant at the time, about a hour before the game, 'what is it?' he asks, 'Carmen?, she jumped from the terrace' she sobs, everyone gets alarmed, 'what?' one of the guys say, 'apparently, 7 witnesses saw her jump, literally willing to kill herself' Becky says, 'are they positive it's Carmen?' James says, Becky can't even speak anymore she goes into the back room, she's really in pain about this, I put Carmen's things in boxes, fucking bitch, I remove the door and throw it in the dumpster, I'll get a new one installed, but I am only here til about 2:am, I call Alpha, I called him when I arrived, but I seriously need to call him, 'calling so soon?' 'we got a problem' 'how big?' 'this fucking whore, was staying in my apartment, I may have spooked her and she threw herself from the terrace' .... 'are you fucking serious?' 'the bitch broke my TV, put holes in my walls, and my door, and she wouldn't stop fucking laughing at me, don't worry, it's covered?, everyone thinks it's suicide' I say, 'just stay out of trouble, alright?, how bad are her injuries?' 'she's dead, and her face is slushy on the sidewalk', 'good' he says, 'alright?' 'remember, you are on a time limit, don't talk anyone who can blow your cover, don't let anyone see you, who'd recognise you' 'shit?' 'what?' 'she brought home a wolf, he may blab?' 'what did he look like?' 'surfer tan?, blond hair?, brown eyes?, had a wrist tattoo of rose vines?' 'I know him, I'll talk to him not to mention anything, don't start anymore shit, understand?' 'yes' I say, he then hangs up, I need to get the locks replaced, I call the real estate, ask them if they can get someone over to change the locks, and have my place cleared of all tenants, since the recent death, I can't trust anyone in my apartment, they will handle it for me, good, now, I'm starving', I spray some of my perfume, then lock my bedroom door, before leaving, they will give the news to Becky, they'll let her pack her things, Carmen's things will be sent back to her father, I drop them off at the post office, before going and getting a 10 pack of nuggets and a fries with a large chocolate shake.

I go to my box, I take out $10,000, I'm going to go full on buy the storage unit with the motorcycle, I have literally 4 hours to kill, I will be with Max from midnight to 1:30-ish?, after I clear it up, they put the storage locker fully in my name, I then go buy dry wall, a hand saw, and I rent a truck, I buy ground tile and the stuff to help it be on the ground, I get a fold out couch, a bedside, a wall portrait, and some paint, nail gun, nails, couch cushions, a armchair, a fluffy rug, then some heels, and a box safe,

I put up dry wall on the storage shed walls, I then paint over the nails, I'll let that set, I put the motorcycle in the truck, I lay down the floor tile, I wait and have a can of Pepsi, before painting the walls, about a hour later, I'm leaving it to set, then laying down the rug, rolling the motorbike back in, putting in the furniture and the safe, and I set up a automatic spray to go off every half a hour, it's vanilla scented, I've put a strong lock on the storage shed, I'll go get some dinner.

I return the truck, I get a large popcorn chicken and small plain gravy with a can of Lemonade, for dinner from KFC, it's amazing how busy I keep myself, now I park the car, and I make my way behind the houses, and I climb up, I see Max drinking, he's not bothering trying to fuck other girls and no pussy is going to help this mourning pain for him, I wait as everyone is partying, I watch as he falls into sleep, I slowly lift his window and climb in, I close the window, then the curtains, I make my way over to the door and slowly lock it, I remove my shoes, then my jacket, I crawl up the bed, he wakes up slowly, 'Roxanne?' he says, 'miss me?' I ask, I sit on his lap and kiss him, 'your alive?, ... am I dreaming?', he can hear the music downstairs, but he always can, 'it is whatever you want it to be' I say, he kisses me, 'I've missed you', he kisses my neck, turns out he dreams about me all the time, his dick wakes up, 'someone's excited?' I smile, he rolls us over, and kisses me, he kisses my neck, 'you smell so good' he whimpers, my fingertips slowly glide down his muscular back, he grunts a little, he's dick is really responding, I flip us over, 'I'm in charge tonight' I kiss him, then his neck, his head leans back, I kiss down his body, 'oh fuck, oh fuck', he looks as the blanket bobs up and down, his eyes light up, his clawed hands grip my head, 'oh fuck, I love you' Max says, and lick his tip, 'mmmm, and I love you' I say, I wonder if he'd really say these things if he didn't think it was a dream, I then suck on his balls, this is going to be one heck of a night, but one thing is for sure, we are going to make a baby.


Roxanne sure had one busy day, Max finally admitted his feeling but he thinks that it's a dream, does he actually love her?, what would he do when he finds out the truth and that Roxanne is a werewolf and the Alpha's daughter.

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