I can feel your heartbeat

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I just sent in my speech, took forever, had just over 2,000 works in it, I had good breathing, and I was calm, and I was confident, I just need to do my final cooking class, I casually send in videos of me drawing, my teacher wants me to send in a nude of myself!, you take a picture of yourself then do a sketch, there was no way I was telling Alpha about this, but I asked her if I could drawer anything, but I checked about 6 other students out of 7 already handed it in, not including me, I'm actually kind of putting this off, I take the picture, I pose with me laying on my bed, my hand holding my head up, and the other resting my waist, I'm laying on my side, and my leg crossed over the other, so no showing of my pussy, my hair was curled, and the lighting was good, the pillows were designed, I quickly got dressed in case Alpha came up, I check the image, damn, I never really look at myself naked in the mirror, but I look good in this.

I get out a piece of paper, I'll scan the image in, I couldn't help it, I hack into a account, damn!, I immediantly log out, fuck that was scary, but I do have to send a nude in.

I'm a little worried, break is in like 5 days, I won't be able to go out on a run, and Alpha isn't letting me go out, and he doesn't want me shifting around the house, he wants me to be careful about my scent, cause the frat guys will come over for a barbeque in his backyard, which I learned is a pack meeting, he will eventually tell them about me, cause he'll have to explain the heir, he doesn't know how Max is going to take it, or the pack, about me being alive, being pregnant with Max's child, or ... being the Alpha's daughter.

I start the outline and begin on the background, after a while, I decide to go downstairs for some lunch?, I make grilled ham and cheese, Alpha comes in, we don't really talk that much unless he wants something or he wants to know something deep about me, for personal reasons.

The Next thing I knew, 5 days had passed, I was feeling kind of klostraphobic, from being couped up in this house, don't get me wrong I love it in my room, but I've completed all of my homework, so I paid Alpha to bring in a piano for me, and a guitar, I want a new hobbie, I download some apps on the tablet so I can learn how to play the piano and guitar.

Alpha has actually managed to put a lock on my door!, he locked me in my room, with a bag of corn chips, and two bottles of chilled water, he'll need me to stay preoccupied for the next 24 hours, and my bedroom comes with it's own bathroom, I watch as everyone arrives, then I see Max!, oh he's looks so much hotter from when I last saw him, wait?, ... who's that?, a girl has her arm wrapped around his?, I whimper a little, and out of nowhere, I feel the need to grab my stomach, and I can feel a soft fast beating heartbeat, 'uh oh', I say, I don't think the baby likes Max being so close with another woman, I go over and bring out the flip phone, Alpha is greeting people in, he brings out his phone, it's me, he goes into the bathroom, 'what?' he snaps at me, 'who is that girl Max brought?' 'you've got to be kidding me?, this is not the time to get jealous?' 'no, the baby?, it's heartbeat, is moving really fast?, I don't think the baby likes her?' I say, 'he brought Jenny, she's a very good wolf in the pack' 'you not helping, it kind of hurts?' I say, 'you just need to breath and keep yourself calm, when your stressed the baby is stressed' he says, 'okay?', I breath deeply, I feel like crying, 'okay, now I'm ordering you, do not lose this baby, stay fucking calm, take a nap, that's a order' he says, I go over to the bed, he then hangs up, I lay on the bed, I hold my stomach, 'shh', I gently rub my stomach in circles, I have gained a little weight, from the new diet Alpha has put me on.

He comes out of the bathroom, 'Max?, Jenny?, I'm honestly surprised to see you two together?' 'my mother is making me' Max huffs, she is a little uncomfortable about him saying that, 'hmmm?', he gets out his phone, 'are you seriously writing this down?' 'oh yeah?, and I'm writing a book?' the Alpha says being sarchastic, I slowly open my eyes after getting the text, I look, :no need to stress, Max's mother made him bring her., I sigh, I fucking hate his mother.

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