Set in stone

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With Max so close, I feel a deeper desire to be closer to Max, Alpha has ordered him to come near his house unless he has a other reason that doesn't involve me, (baby included), Max is pacing in his parents living room, 'you know, .... now that she's a wolf, I don't have a issue with her?' his mother says, 'oh please, you'd only want to take him or her from her, you still don't like her, I can feel your rage' Max says, she's not happy that I got pregnant without him knowing and she doesn't trust me to raise the child with the pack values, cause I'm a outsider.

I've been ordered not to mention Max, with no work, and I finished on the piano and guitar, already, I know, but I needed something to keep me busy, I'm going crazy, it's bothering Alpha, 'do you want me to send him back to San Francisco?' he asks, 'no?, ...', then I get a idea, 'what if the baby is human?' 'nope?' 'but if Max isn't there?, will he or her be human?, will I become human again?', now he has to think about that, the college semester goes for 19 weeks, he stays home for 2, but Alpha is sending them back a week early, now Alpha has to think about if he wants a healthy heir, it's required that the father be there.

He brings over Max, has him sit on the couch, 'alright?, since new information has come to me, I'd like to set up a timetable?, .... where you may spend a day with Roxanne and the child, once a month, including while your at school', Max does the numbers, the semester goes for just 4 months, he'd only get 2 days with me, 'but that's just 2 days in 9 months?', .... 'fine?, once a week?' he thinks about it again, 'I only am here for a week, the next break you'd only have us here for a week, and there are only 2 breaks before the Christmas break?' Max says, 'are you going to be a pain in my ass?' 'yes, sir' Max says, Alpha huffs, 'you are going to take the once a week, 24 hours, starts, now', he taps on a alarm clock, 'what do you mean now?', Alpha gets up and walks out, then I flash over, and I hug him!, 'whoa?', he hugs me back, he stands up, and holds me, he smells my hair, he recognises the scent, I smell his scent, I then kiss him, he kisses me back, 'hello strange' I smile, and unwrap my legs, 'wow?, look at you?' he says, eyeing me down, I then pull him upstairs, I close the door, 'your anxious?' Max smiles, it's not just me the baby wants him, sounds gross, but it's more like a connection feeling.

He's moving slow, he's feeling something, he has one hand on my headboard, he's going really slow, but he feels good, he doesn't have a condom on, cause he doesn't need to, and I want to really feel him, he sits up and holds my stomach, he can feel the baby's heartbeat, it's a happy heartbeat, 'oh fuck me', his hips jerk a little, he finishes, he kisses me, the baby likes him loving me, Max kisses down my body, he kisses my stomach, I shiver a little, he smiles and he gently kisses my stomach again, oh shit, no, suddenly I'm gone, 'Roxanne?', he looks around, then he notices the bathroom door suddenly lock, I hate morning sickness.

It's so fucking embarrassing, he gets off from the bed, and comes over the bathroom, he knocks, 'you okay?' 'uh huh' I say, when the baby is done, I brush, floss, mouthwash, I even do my hair, and spray some air freshener, before coming out, 'uh?, ... this is my room?' I say, he smiles, from the way my breath suddenly smells like peppermint, he knows it's morning sickness, I walk past, 'so?, ... that's my bathroom, that's my closet, that's my piano, guitar, desk, since my bedroom takes up a wing, I have views of the backyard and front yard, and ... that's my bed' I say, he smirks, 'ready for another round?', 'uh huh', suddenly he falls back on the bed, it's mostly the baby doing these sudden movements, I kiss him, I brushed really thoroughly.

After about a hour, I'm hungry, we both get dressed, and I bring him downstairs, 'done already?' Alpha says, 'so?, ... what am I allowed to eat for lunch?' 'anything with chicken in it' Alpha says, Max is a little confused, 'how are things going?' 'well, the baby is happy?' I say, 'I got that part?, you know I can feel his emotions' Alpha says, 'I know' I say, 'I didn't?' Max says, 'it's the Alpha bond, being able to sense their emotions?' 'so, the baby is a boy then?', Alpha thinks about it, 'yeah?' Alpha says, ... 'great', I bring out a large piece of paper, 'what is this?' Alpha asks, 'I planned this?' I say, 'of course you did?', 'okay, game plan, ready?' I ask the last part Max, 'you really planned what would happen if you were having a boy?' Max says, 'of course?, .... so, I was thinking, what if?, of course I'm going to live here, their is a bedroom across the hall from mine, and I've been in there, perfect for a nursery' 'agreed' Alpha says, 'and I was thinking diet?, ... I was going to try breast feeding?, cause "fun fact", wolf pups feed from their mother', Alpha shakes his head, can't believe I just mentioned something I learned off of the internet, but it is the best way to go, honestly, 'if it isn't for me?, baby formula?, then schooling?' I say, 'your thinking that far ahead?' Max says, 'of course?, ... I want him to be home schooled' 'are you sure that's the best way to go?' Max says, 'of course?, I have every single bit of work I've been doing since I was in preschool, I have high standards on records and Alpha can also teach him growing up, and like I'm going to let him go to school for 6 hours?, I'm not a school teacher' I say, Alpha chuckles lightly, cause I don't want to be distanced from him, 'since you will be in that college for 4 years?, on breaks?, he would require contact from the father, cause a father figure plays a very big role in a child's life, ....' 'anything else?' 'nope?' I say, and roll it up, 'what was the plan if the baby was a girl?' max asks, I bring out another piece of paper, 'alright?, ... since I don't trust living outside of here, cause honestly I don't like your mother, I'd get pregnant again?, honestly I thought if I didn't get pregnant with a boy, suddenly I'd have a miscarriage and I'd have to replace the pregnancy?', I've learned to be very open in this house, 'but, ... she would go to school' 'that's kind of sexiest?' 'living couped up in a house is no life for a girl, and I want her to grow up with the right attitude?' 'what about with him?' 'he'd get over it?, and besides a girl does require a social life, she'd go crazy and I wouldn't want her getting the wrong kind of personality' I say, 'I would aim for the bedroom, next to mine' 'why that room?, and not the one across the street?' Max asks, I huff, 'thinking ahead, every girl loves a window seat, and a large wardrobe, while boys, they more want space, no carpet, he'll ruin it, while that room does have carpet, and there is bathroom across from that room, she'd want something personal?, great?, good?, ... I'm hungry' I say, 'so how are you doing school?' 'all online?' I say getting out a packet of diced up chicken, I'll make diced up chicken, with fried rice, I'll make Chinese food, I get out the flavours, 'we could just order Chinese?' Max says, 'we don't order food here?' I say, 'why?', Alpha huffs, '1, it is a hassle, first it's waiting over half a hour, 2, you don't even know if they got your order right, 3, the neighbourhood isn't exactly the kind of place a human should just randomly be coming by?, first it's the delivery person saying how this place is all upper class?, and then it's humans wanting houses near here because they don't want to feel poor, then humans are coming up here, cause there happens to be a amazing large waterfall about 5k's that way, then tourists are coming by cause someone saw a wolf, in a area where wolves haven't been spotted in over 40 years, ... got the picture?' I say, ... 'yeah-ha?' Max says, 'that was a very good interpretation?' Alpha says, I shrug, 'I'm just incredibly paranoid, and I like planning things out?, checking out options?' I say, and I get out a pan, 'I'm thinking, mixed beef and chicken?' I say, 'definitely' the Alpha says, 'is this how things are normally around here?' 'pretty much?, and me having to go upstairs everyone visits' I say, 'that rule still stands' Alpha says, (knocking), 'but I'm cooking' I say, 'it's Gabriel' Alpha says, (Gabriel is Max's father).

Alpha closes the kitchen, 'be very, very quiet' Alpha says, he goes and gets the door, Alpha and Gabriel talk, Alpha explains how Max will be bonding with his unborn son, and the pack will have a heir, then Gabriel brings up his wife having issues about her son "hanging" around me, cause she doesn't think I am suitable to raise a child, let alone the pack heir, Alpha will have a chat with her, 'is that Chinese food?', quickly Gabriel realises why such amazing food is cooked in the kitchen, 'yes?' Alpha says, 'may I?' 'I don't like the idea of wolves coming around just to stare' Alpha says, Gabriel was going to check how I am, then he was going to tell his wife and other wolves, he leaves.


Everyone knows that Roxanne is alive, she's having a boy!, will Max be able to keep their son healthy with the weak visiting?, will the pack get curious about how their Heir is being raised?.

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