I want you, more than anything

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The girls want to go to campus and go to a party, maybe get laid, but that so isn't my scene, I've gotten a map of the campus, I will be going for a job interview, I emailed ahead and I won't get tips, no one tips, I will work Monday to Thursday, only getting $10 a hour, not a whole lot, and it works with my classes, cause 2:pm to 6:pm, not a whole lot of time but who am I question getting $160 a week, $640 a month, but I don't need to pay rent, not quite yet, but I do have to pay $664 in rent a month, so I'll build up money, after 2 weeks, then I'll start paying, the girls straight up hand in 2 weeks rent, $332 each, I'll give that to the real estate in the morning, before going to my job interview at 10:am, I know Monday will be one heck of a rush, but I need to get into a routine, let's just hope it sticks, last thing I need it Max Danvers getting in the way of all of that, I've left him in my past, so I need to move past that, and him.

The girls don't come back, so they deffinitely got laid, I already got the mail to be sent here in my name, so when bills come in, we can settle it, there isn't a landline, so no need to worry about phone bills, but electricity and plumbing, we do need to pay, each of us need to chip in, evenly, though at this rate Becky is having 2 showers a day, so we'll need to confront her about this, and try to figure out how to work this out, me and Carmen are both having a shower a day, it's not far to be paying for another person's shower.

Waking up, I am already getting use to it here, after my shower, I go make some coffee, and bacon and some toast with sunny side up eggs.

the time on the wall clock is 9:17, I woke up at 7:00, I make my bed, lock my bedroom door, I have the rent money from the girls in a envelope, I will drop by the real estate, then my job interview, I know I'll get it, but still, if not I can find another job, I have time, I'mgiving myself a week to build up money.

I walk on campus, Max is waking up, a naked Carmen next to him, and his dick is numb, but not for a single moment did he feel hard, he knows I'm going to be angry, but he had to try, but nothing, he feels himself bound to me, and broken.

I get the job!, he can smell that I'm on campus, he woke up as soon as I stepped pass the front sign, he gets up, showers, dresses, and goes downstairs for a shower, Carmen and Becky come downstairs, I go around, maybe check out a time chart for some yoga classes?, kick boxing classes, and I get a month pass to kick boxing, and I'll show up for some classes?, they run on weekends, and I don't work on weekends, I found some paths, that are used for jogging on, that should be good?, I need to keep in shape, I go grab a bagel and a iced chocolate frappe, and I have gum, I text the girls to meet me on campus, Carmen and Becky come over, I sit on a bench, 'so?, .... how was the party?' I ask, 'amazing' Becky says, smiling just thinking about it, 'Frat dick is so good' she says, I couldn't help but giggle, Carmen looks guilty about something?, 'Carmen?' .... 'I had sex with Max' she just had to blurt out, Max comes out of the house with the guys, they are going to check out the lacrosse field, when suddenly, Carmen is getting up, 'look I'm sorry' Carmen says, 'oh your about to be' I say, 'is that a threat?, bitch, you ain't got nothing on me?' 'nothing?' I say, like it's a joke, I step forward, Carmen steps back, the guys of course look over, when my fist hits her face!, she hits the ground hard, she's knocked out, 'damn?, Roxanne?' Becky gets up, she then coughs, 'are you fucking insane?' Carmen says, 'how's that taste you stupid bitch?' I say, 'whoa?' one of the guys say, 'like touching what isn't yours?' I say, and I kick her stomach!, 'Jesus!' they cover their mouth, 'Roxanne, walk away' Becky says, she's of course frightened, I look down at her, I kneel down, 'listen, ever threaten me like that, or touch what doesn't belong to you?, I'll kill you, ... pack your shit, and get the fuck out of my apartment' I whisper, but the frat guys heard it, I get up, and walk away, 'sorry, Carmen, but you are so stupid?, and no way can I find a apartment?' Becky says and goes after me, some students look, Carmen starts crying, the guys come over to her, 'you okay?' one of them, 'you, fuck off' she says, to Max, 'what?, what'd I do?' Max asks, she gets up, she goes off, they think about it, 'did Roxanne, do a manly thing?' one of them say, 'what do you mean?' one of them question, 'okay?, so Max fucked Carmen, she told Roxanne, and she totally lost it, remember "shouldn't touch what isn't yours", dude, she is totally hot for you' 'you think?' 'I know?, she made that Carmen bitch's heart stop, for 2 whole seconds, and she actually was going to kill her, cause you two had sex?' 'that doesn't really sound like Roxanne?' 'you haven't seen her for 2 years?, maybe you haven't seen her be dominative of you?' one of them say.

Carmen gets back, Becky helped me pack Carmen's shit, 'give me those keys' 'do I get my rent money back?' 'already gave it to real estate, and there is no way I'm giving you my personal money over what you did' I say, 'I was drunk' 'I don't give a fuck, take your shit, get out' I say, I hold my hand out for the keys.

That's Carmen gone, I go over the room, she really made the room smell, I broom and mop the floors, wipe down the closet and desk, and even the bed and bedside, she is truly disgusting, Carmen goes to a Sorority, she goes to 3 before getting into one, cause they witnessed what happened, some sororities are mean and some are nice, she got into a nice one, that felt for her, the mean ones saw her as untrustworthy, and a slut, and not that hot, she has a flat chest, and can't even take a hit.

I can't wait for classes, one of Max's fraternity brothers, know a student who can get a copy of all of my classes, and my info, 'hmmm?, wow?, let me say, she's a fucking phychopath' he says, Max gives him a look, 'no, seriously, she got a A in everything, she's majoring in cooking and Art, and taking up Law as a side major, she already has a pass to kick boxing, a buddy of mine saw her checking out a yoga class?, she owns a apartment, she's driven, and just so happened to get a job as a waitress at the campus's resturant' he says, 'damn?, she moves fast?' one of them say, 'she's been planning on coming here for years, she hasn't gotten a single grade below A, ever, she's had a job since she was 14, she's been saving up on coming here, of course she got her own place, she loves cooking, before I left, she didn't like Art, and law, is something she'd be getting into for personal reasons' Max says, 'wait?, ... Art?, that gives me a idea?' the frat house leader says, he has a cocky grin on his face, so obviously it isn't good (for me).


Roxanne kicked out Carmen, of course she's driven, and willing to cut the rope on anyone getting in her way, and did she really say that Max is "Mine", damn, she's gotten posessive, what has the frat leader prepared for Roxanne to trust and get the hot's for Max again?.

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