Let me SPEAK!

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Waking up in bed with Max, I look at the clock, I only have about 3 more hours with him, I get up, and I go downstairs and get make a start on breakfast, coffee, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast, pancakes, taking up the space on the oven, I have orange juice, I'm not allowed caffeine, Alpha comes downstairs, 'morning' he says, I get out 3 plates, 'oh right?, he spent the night?' Alpha says, I butter for 2 pieces of toast each plate, then eggs just the way they like it, 2 eggs per plate, then, 2 sausages each plate, and then bacon, 5 eat plate, and I didn't know if Max wanted some so I just put them on a plate, there are 8 of them, all fluffy and soft, Alpha takes 2 of them, syrup, butter and sugar is already on the table, Max comes down, only his in boxers and shirt, 'morning' I give him a kiss, he looks kind of cute, messed up hair, 'hungry?' I ask, and I bring our plates to the table, and the pancakes, I put 3 on my plate, I butter them up, then drizzle some syrup, he sits at the table, no one sits at the ends of the table but Alpha, he actually only has 1 chair at 1 end, cause he can, me and Max sit across from each other, he grabs 1 pancakes, we dig in, 'so?, Max what have you got planned to do today?', ... 'wash my truck?, maybe go on a run?' Max says, 'Roxanne?' 'today, I'm cleaning my bedroom, changing the sheets on my bed, doing my laundry, polishing my shoes, taking a bath, then paint my nails, curl my hair?, and I am curious what's on the menu for lunch?' I say, 'very good and inside barbeque' Alpha says, I'm always this organised, we finish eating, Alpha took the last pancake, and had 2 cups of coffee, Max had one, and I had 2 glasses of juice, I wash up and fill the dishwasher, 'oh, Max, you have ... about 50 minutes before your 24 hours is up' Alpha says, Max forgot about the timer, after time is up, he won't see me for about another 4 months, we go upstairs, have a shower together, then just as we're finishing round 2, and going round 3, Max is panting, while going really fast, he holds my waist, we're doing doggy style, he's close, I've finished countless times, we hear Alpha coming, Alpha unlocks the door I locked, I roll over, use the pillow to cover me, 'time is up', Max breaths deeply, Alpha waits as he gets his clothes, then escorts him out, I didn't even pick clothes for today, so I wear a robe, and stand at the top of the staircase as he is shown away, he looks at me, Alpha closes the door, locks it, Max got dressed while he was shown out, he goes to his parents, 'oh honey, are you alright?' his mother asks and hugs him, 'yeah?, I'm fine?' Max says like she's being weird, 'how was it?, tell me everything' she says, 'it was actually really great?' Max says, 'Max, you having a son and you are okay with not being there?' 'at least I will be there partially?, and Alpha doesn't want me dropping school, and everything is fine?' Max says, 'are you hungry?' 'no?, I'm actually stuffed?' Max says, 'what were they feeding you?' 'well for lunch we had Chinese food, then for dinner we had meat pies, pasta, mashed potato and mixed vegetables, then for dessert, ice-cream, whip cream, chocolate topping, then this morning?, it was eggs, bacon, sausages, toast and pancakes?' Max says, 'well?, are you going by there later?' 'no?, I'm only allowed to visit once a week for 24 hours' Max says, 'you'll hardly be there?' his mother says, 'and you want to go up against that with the Alpha, he actually did kind of negotiate' 'really?, how did he negotiate?' 'only visiting once a month, I'd rather this option, so please, don't ruin it' Max says 'you have a claim, he is your child too' 'and I do have a say, and he is going to be heir, and I don't want to ruin that, he's going to have a life, and it's planned out' 'your just going to let him be raised by Alpha and that ... girl?' 'without him, when Alpha leaves, we'd all go homeless, best he is raised properly?, I'm 18, I know very little about raising children, and what do I do?, drop school?, lose my education?, I can wait, in 3 years?, I will graduate?' 'honestly, Max do you hear yourself?' his mother says, 'there is nothing I can do' 'is he just going to keep Roxanne there?' 'she prefers it there, and she is fully prepared for our child's future, and it sounded pretty good, so I am not getting in the way of that' Max says, 'and how will it be when he is born?' 'probably the same?, visit once a week?' 'he is your son?' 'yesterday I didn't even know he existed, ... this is good enough for me, so don't tell me how I should feel!, alright!, it's my life, and I gave him life!, and I will not let you fucking abuse it!' Max raises his voice.

Of course spooking the whole house, 'do you honestly think I don't want to be part of his life?, .... I want what's best for him, and he has a future, you have no say in it' Max says, then he goes out the back door.


Sorry for it being so short, Max sure has a bottled up temper on him.

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