That's what "friends" do

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David's shirt's off, my shirt is off, Max's dad rushes around the back, 'Max?, what is it?' he asks, Max breaths deeply, his eyes are wolf, 'make it stop' Max says, 'make what stop' his father says, his claws are out, 'what's happening?', David tries getting my pants down, I push his hand away, Max lifts his head, 'what?', David unbuckles my belt and gets my top jeans buttons and zipper open, I try getting up, he pushes me down, I whimper a little, I try stopping him, Max gets up, 'what?' his father says, 'ouch, get off of me' I say, his father heard that, but so did Max, Max goes into the house, 'Max' his father says, David is ripped off of me, their father goes in, and gets them outside, I sit up, I didn't really see much, one second he was on me, and the next?, he was gone?, I get my shirt on and fix my jeans and belt, my arm hurts a little, I grab my bag, and I go into the woods, hoping to leave that whole freak show behind me, I should have listened to Max, I go to our spot, not quite ready to go back yet, Max and David stop fighting, and Max doesn't listen to his father, and goes after me this time.

He walks down the hill, 'hey?' I say softly, 'are you okay?, thought you were at David's?' 'he is a total jack-ass' I say, Max smiles, 'did you get to have your first kiss?' 'it was weird?, ... so much effort goes into it?', he bursts out laughing, 'no seriously?, it's like chewing stake', he can't stop laughing he actually lays back, 'it's not funny' I say, 'it kind of is?' Max says, I lay back, 'he hurt my arm a little?' I say, 'he tried coming onto you?' Max says, 'I think I should become a nun?, I mean it's obvious?, no guy is going to be into me for my personality?' I say, ... Max building up courage, 'I am?' Max says, it takes a while for me to process that, I turn and look at him, 'Max' I say, 'I know?', his father is looking for him, 'we agreed not to have any sexual feelings for each other, cause if we ever fought, we couldn't be friends?, it's a stupid rule' Max says, 'but we agreed upon it' 'all cause of stupid game of spin the bottle-, wait a second?, ... I was your first kiss?' 'we agreed not to count it' 'but still, I kissed you first', I shake my head, 'I did' Max says, and sits up, 'why are you so happy about it?' I ask, he shrugs, his father smirks a little, and decides to let Max come back on his own, he can handle being yeld at, 'Roxanne, I'm going to kiss you-' 'Max-' 'no, just this one time, then we can be friends, I promise, I will never bring it up again' Max says, 'pinkie promise?' I say, he holds his pinkie out, I wrap my finger around his, then grab the back of his head, and kiss him, his eyes widen, then close, he hugs his arms around me, uh oh, we're in trouble.

I don't know how it happened but-, ... me and Max had sex ! ! !, we each lay on the grass, naked, his shirt covering me, and him just laying there naked, we are both breathing deeply, I hold my pinkie out, 'oh come on' Max says, 'I'm serious' I say, he is reluctant but he promises never to mention it, or kiss me again, I can't believe we had sex!, I think I may have shamed myself, he rolls over to face me, 'by the way, you give one heck of a blowjob' Max says, I roll away, a little shy about it, he holds his arm around me, 'Max' 'I'm not fucking you, my tank is empty', he cam, and man did he, he gently kisses my neck, 'Max' 'I'm not sexually kissing you, friends kiss each others cheeks all the time' he says, 'not like that' I say, 'like this?', he kisses my neck again, this time with a little more, he can tell it's turning me on, this is as close as he's gotten to what he's only dreamed about doing with me, 'I can't see you as a friend, when your naked', I move his shirt over me, 'not like that, and especially not wearing my clothes' 'Max, we're friends, let's not lose that' I say, 'we just had sex, you just had sex for the first time' he says, 'shame, I won't count it as my first time' I say, 'oh come on' Max says, 'I mean seriously, you even forgot we kissed' 'cause we never spoke of it, but this, I won't forget' he says, 'Max, don't go breaking promises' I sit up, and his shirt slides down, he kisses my nipple, he watches it get hard, 'Max', I pull the shirt up, 'I can't stop' he says, I sit up, I crawl over him, he grabs my ass!, 'Max', I roll over, he moves between my legs, 'no, Max' I say, he kisses my breasts, 'I'm not kissing your lips, you never gave details',  I sit sitting up, 'Max', 'what?' he says, 'we're friends and-', I close my eyes, as he touches me between the legs, 'you like it' he says, 'no?, it feels wrong', I lie, 'just lay back, close your eyes' Max says, 'I can't, this is wrong' I say and open my eyes, I look around, then I breath out, I lay back, 'uuuu', my back arches, his lips are against my pussy, 'Max' i breath out, his eyes light up, 'mmmm' he groans against me, I grip the grass, 'uuuu-uu', I try closing my legs, 'no, keep them open' he moans, he holds my legs open, he looks his claws are out, he holds my inner thighs, 'no, I'm gonna-, uuuu', his tongue swipes as a wetness spills out of me, he sits up and fingers his thumb on my weak spot, that he'd found, he rubs his tip, his wolf is burning up, he looks around, he grabs his shirt, 'hey, just keep your eyes closed' he says, he ties his shirt around me, 'Max?', he kisses my neck, he presses himself in, his dad comes out, me and Max have been out here for at least a hour, he then sees it!, 'holy-', Max is a wolf on top of me, his shirt tied over my eyes, Max keeps quiet, his father backs away, he's never ever seen that happen, 'where is he?, where's Max?' his mother asks, 'we best leave him for a while?' he says, 'why?, where is he?' she asks, 'go back inside' he says, 'no?, where is he?', ... 'very busy?' 'what do you mean?', then a man, body builder, 'where is Max?' he asks, his father breaths out, 'out in the forest, by the river' .... 'and what is he doing?, you seem to have quite a shock?' 'I found him, ... having sex with ... Roxanne?' he says, 'and that is shocking because?' .... 'he was in wolf?' 'he exposed us?' 'no?, her eyes were covered?' 'well, this is a new thing?, I heard a soft rumour that he had a human friend he was protective about?, but didn't expect that?' 'Alpha-' 'when he gets back, send him to me' he says, he nods.

Max finally let me get dressed, he sits with me, 'you have no idea, how much you mean to me' he says and moves my hair away from my face, 'Max-' 'no, I know, you want to stay friends, but ever change your mind on that stupid rule, let me kno-', I kiss him, his arms move around me, 'how about know?' I ask, he nods, and kisses my back, he holds the back of my head, 'just promise me your not going to hurt me' 'I'd never do that' Max promises, I kiss him.

I can't believe I'm going to have a relationship with Max!, ahhh!, I wonder how tomorrow at school is going to be?, I go home, and so does he, except before he even reached his parents place, his father comes out, 'Alpha wants to see you' 'what?', his father guides him to the Alpha's house, the whole Wolf Pack knows about what Max was doing, the door opens before Max even reaches it, 'good luck?' his father says.

I have a shower, a little itchy from the grass, I get a email, ahh!, it's from Max!, I go over, my hair in a towel, and wearing fluffy pyjamas, I tap on it and open it, with a unshakeable smile, then I read

:sorry, to have led you on like this.

What?, I don't understand, it is Breaking Max, 'now, I want you to type this' his Alpha says behind him.

:It was just sex, I honestly was only friends with you cause I wanted to get with you, cause I couldn't have you, and now that I have, you honestly were not worth waiting over 10 years for.

Max doesn't really mean that?, his brother must have gotten into his emails.

:And this is a promise, you never meant anything to me, I don't even want to see your pathetic face anymore, I could do so much better than you.

Max is almost crying from writing this, but he's under Alpha orders, my eyes start watering up, a tear falls from my eyes and down my cheek, how can Max say that?, I thought-, ... I thought he cared?.


Max was forced to send cruel emails to Roxanne, for his own good and his Alpha's amusement, how will this effect Roxanne?, poor Roxanne, she'd been through so much and to suddenly have her heart ripped out by her best and only friend, and sudden boyfriend and for him to say none of it meant anything.

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