Maybe in another lifetime

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With a deep thrust, Max groans out, and he finishes inside of me for the 3rd time, he's all sweaty, I roll us over, I kiss him, 'oh fuck, you are a beast in the sheets', I'm all wet, he sits up, 'I can't stop' he says, he kisses my breasts I smile, and look at the time, oh shit!, it's already 1:am!, I've been here for a hour, he grips my ass, 'mmm, baby you need to wake up' I say, 'what?, no', then three of his finger, reach up inside of me, I push him back down, 'I ought to tie you down' I say, I gasp, he pulls his fingers out, claws, 'I'm so sorry', he rolls us over, 'I'm fine' I say, 'let me look' he says, 'Max', he kisses me, 'I'm never going to hurt you, I didn't mean to' he kisses me again, he kisses down my body, he sucks the blood away, I heal within a couple of seconds, 'oh you taste good', I glance at the time, I don't have time, he has to go to sleep, while Max's head is under the blanket I send a text, :how do I get him to go to sleep?., Alpha looks at the text, I moan, and hold his head, 'fuck, your good' I moan, 'your warm, and-' 'uuu', Alpha texts back, :knock him out, his weak spot is the back of the head, you have to do it. Alpha sends, I close my eyes, 'I love you so much' I moan and holds onto the headboard, fuck, I'm close, I can wait, my body is heating up, I can control my eyes from lighting up, I have to, he sucks, my thighs shake a little, I grab the lamp, hit him!, his head drops between my legs, I am so sorry, I climb out, I sit the lamp back, I roll him over, lay him in bed, I make it a little, I get my clothes on, I find the deodorant, and I let loose on spraying it, I set his alarm clock for 9:am, that noise should wake him, it's 1:32, when I finally finish, I kiss him, I stroke his hair, kiss his forehead, I then climb out the window and close it, I call Alpha, being stealth about it, 'on my way back' I report, 'Roxanne?' James says while fucking Becky on the back of a car, 'Roxanne, put me on loud speaker, I will handle this' Alpha says, I walk over, I press the button, 'James, listen to me, and listen to me carefully', James is freaked out, Becky even more.

Once Alpha sorted it out, Becky did have a lot to drink, James has been ordered to never mention it to anyone, to practically forget about it, Becky fainted, 'your a wolf?, but no human can survive the change?, let alone a Alpha's bite?', 'I will explain everything in person, when you come down in 3 weeks, understand?, just go on like you normally do, no one can know, is that clear?' Alpha says, 'yes, sir' James says, 'now, it is time to go' he says, he then hangs up, 'goodbye, James' 'why did you come here?' he asks, 'it's personal?, you wouldn't understand?' .... 'you can't use Max like that, he hasn't been the same since he thought you died' James says, .... I walk away, I get in the car, and I drive away.

I get back about 20 minutes til 9:am, I pull into the backyard driveway, Alpha comes out, gets the garage open, and I drive in, he closes it, 'better have a shower, I can smell Max all over you' Alpha says, I toss him the keys, and close the door, he presses a button and the car locks, he follows me in, 'I can't believe you suggested hitting him in the back of the head with a lamp' 'but you did it?, and it worked, obviously' Alpha says, .... 'something happened?' I say, 'something I should be worried about?' 'I don't know?, ... while we were-, you know?, he cut me?, and he tasted my blood-', 'yes that is very bad, a way wolves track is through their prey's blood, he'll feel drawn to you for 24 hours, that's when your blood will fade from his system, he'll come here, he won't know why, but don't worry, it'll take a while before he feels like following it',.... 'I need a hot shower and a long nap' I say, he smirks a little, I go upstairs, my legs feel like mush and I feel like I should just pass out first.

I close my curtains after my shower, I set my alarm clock for 12:30, about 4 hours of sleep should be good enough, it's so I don't mess up my sleeping arrangement, hate to be sleeping during the day and awake at night, makes me wonder if vampires are real?.

When I wake up, I check that it's okay to come downstairs, I'm in pyjamas and my hair is a mess, Alpha snorts a little, 'it's not funny?' 'is that really what you look like when you wake up?' 'no?, just I was awake for 18 hours, my body isn't use to staying up that long' I say, and yawn, 'coffee?', I nod, he slides a mug over, I rub my eyes, 'so?, now I need details' 'do you just ask for details about sex cause you don't have a sex life?' 'ha, ha, very funny, talk to me' he says, 'I came in, locked the door, so no one would come in', I sip my mug, 'and I gave him a blowjob?, then we did missionary position, then doggy style, for the first round, he didn't finish inside of me, he got a little too excited, the first position didn't even go longer than a minute, ... about 20 seconds later, we went again, but I was on top, doing backwards, then forwards, then missionary, he cam, then doggy style, missionary, doggy style, and then I laid sideways, and he cam' 'damn?, I don't remember it being that hectic, even when I was his age?' 'well, he hadn't gotten a erection for 2 years' I say, 'very true?, continue' 'he spent a little time kissing ... me, and then he had my legs wrapped around his neck, for 10 minutes before he cam, then when I realised the time, he was sucking on .... me, and I texted you, and then I hit with the lamp?, did everything to cover my scent, and make it seem like a dream' I say, 'when did he cut you?' he asks, 'after the 3rd round, he began fingering ... me, and his claws came out, that when he went down ... there' I say, 'I know it's awkward talking to me about this?, but soon it'll feel comfortable' 'this is my sex life and I'm talking about with my, ...' 'don't you dare say it', ... 'Alpha' I say, 'nice save' he says, I show him my empty cup, 'I'm not getting you another one, get it yourself' he says and walks out of the kitchen, I smile and get up, I refill my mug, then go upstairs to get dressed, I close my door, click.


Roxanne certainly had a very exciting night, will Max get to her before 24 hours is over?, or will he think he's being haunted by a ghost and ignore it?.

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