The birth of a King

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The five year old Izuku Midoriya was playing on the playground like everybody else till he heard a loud explosion behind him. Tears formed in his eyes as he heard it, he knew exactly what the explosion meant, Katsuki Bakugou was either bored or just wanted to have some fun, either way Izuku would suffer from it. "Deku!" The Ash blond boy yelled with venom in his voice, he had his lackeys behind him, they were laughing at what was going to happen. "K-Kacchan!?" The little green haired boy said with fear, he walked backwards to get away from Bakugou but didn't take his eyes off of him. But suddenly he felt a tree behind him, he couldn't get away, he saw Bakugou's fist making it's way to his face. He could feel Bakugou's fists hitting him repeatedly, he was laying on the ground while bakugou kept on punching and kicking him. His eyes got blurry with tears, "S-Stop!" Izuku cried out before Katsuki suddenly stopped. Izuku opened his eyes to see the blond boy not moving, the greenette was confused as he saw that. "K-Ka-kacchan?" he asked, Bakugou just stood there staring at him "T-Talk" Izuku hoping the blonde would do as he said, to his suprise it worked. "What The Fuck Deku!? What did you do to me!? Stop that shit!" he yelled, "I-I'm not d-doing anything" Izuku stuttered while waiting for Katsuki's next punch, but said boy still couldn't move. "M-move!" Izuku commanded, suddenly Katsuki moved again, his expression had changed, he looked angry before but now it was not only that but also fear. He stumbled backwards, "Y-You.. you are a V-Villain!" he yelled in fear but tried to look strong to his lackeys, Izuku started to tear up again. He ran home as fast as possible after Bakugou and his lackeys had left.

"Mum! Mum!" he yelled as he arrived at their apartment. "Izuku? back so soon?" she said suprised, but then she saw the tears streaming down her son's face. She hugged him "What happened?" she asked in a worried tone, "Kacchan h-hhe.. he c-called me a V-Villain" he cried while wrapping his arms around her. "Wha- Why would he do that?" she asked suprised, she expected that he had called him Quirkless and useless again but she didn't expect that. "H-he.. he punched me and said mean things" he said after wiping his tears away, "I-I said t-that he should stop.. and he suddenly stopped and didn't move anymore" he said while stuttering a little, "after that he only spoke after I told him to and only moved after I told him to" he said while looking his mother in the eyes. She was suprised to say the least but then started smiling, "Everything is fine, you aren't a Villain" she said while hugging him, "We'll go to the doctor again tomorrow, okay?" she asked. The last time they had been there, Izuku was told that he is quirkless, but now that he seemingly had a quirk, it would be much better.


"Alright, Mrs. Midoriya. It is suprising but your son seems to have a quirk" The old doctor said the mother son duo as they sat in the doctor's office the next day. The face of the little Midoriya lit up as he heard that, Inko just smiled at her son. "It seems to be a completely new quirk, I've never heard of something like this" The doctor said while looking at the documents in his hands. The two Midoriya listened listened silently to the doctor, "I'd compare the quirk to a king's command, just a lot more powerful" the doctor said, "it seems to have no limits.. He can command everything, and I mean everything. He can command people, objects and even the law of physics itself" the doctor told the two, Inko was just amazed by her son but she was also scared, so much power in the hands of a child. She was also a little confused, she had only a weak telekinesis quirk and Hisashi Midoriya had a fire breathing quirk so how was it possible that their child had such a quirk.

"The Quirk needs a name" The doctor said after sometime "The parents usually do those things so what do you see as fitting Mrs. Midoriya?" he said while looking at her through his big glasses. Inko thought for a moment till she remembered the doctors comparison, "I like your comparison so how about 'The King's command'" she smiled. "Okay, You'll have to sign some papers and then you are good to go" he smiled kindly before giving her some papers.


It had been some years since then and the once small boy Izuku Midoriya was now thirteen years old. He woke up in the morning to a loud alarm, he slowly stood up from his bed and yawned, he looked at the alarm clock and changed it into a thoothbrush with toothpaste on it. He had changed his own quirk when he was only ten years old, he had to say his command out loud to make it happen but now he just has to think about it, however he still said it out loud sometimes because he was used to it. Soon after he found out about his quirk he realised that he had the powers of a god, but other people thought different about him, they just thought of him as a villain, just because he can do whatever he wants to. He could just change how people thought about him but he still wanted to be a hero and didn't want them to be right, he wouldn't be any better then a Villain when he would do that. He sighed and got dressed with only one thought, "Morning" he said as he walked down the stairs, they had moved to a much bigger and more modern house, Izuku had 'built' it when he was seven when he noticed that his mother had some problems with the neighbors. "Good Morning Izuku" she smiled at him brightly, "should I bring you to school?" she asked while giving him a plate with pancakes on it. "Thanks but no, I'll telport" he smiled back at her, to other persons it looked like he had multiple quirks but it was really just one quirk. 

He said good bye to his mother and suddenly he stood infront of his middle school. The people around him didn't look really suprised, he did this almost everyday so it wasn't that strange. He noticed that in the school were three kind of people when he first got there, there were the people that would call him a Villain like Bakugou, there were the people that would just ignore him but still think that he is a villain and there were the people that wanted to be his friends just because of his quirk is so powerful, but he didn't need any of them so he was pretty much alone at the school. He had to admit that it was interesting when new people got to the school, they had no Idea what his quirk was nor why so many called him a Villain, a lot of the new girls would fall for him because he looked pretty handsome, he had changed his own appearance, not just on one day that everybody would notice but slowly, everyday a little. He was now 5'8' tall and had a little more mature face, he had removed his freckles because he he didn't really like them, but he had kept his hair as messy and fluffy as before, he wasn't really finished with changing because he was still thirteen after all and it would look strange for a thirteen year old to be more mature.


"Today we'll be talking about your future career" The teacher said as he entered the room with a stack of papers, "I'm kidding! I know you all want to become Heroes!" he said as he threw all the papers in the air, the class started to show their quirk, expect the young Midoriya and Bakugou. "Hey Teach!" he yelled from the back of the class, "Don't compare me to all these extras!" he yelled. "Ah Bakugou, you wanted to go to Ua, right?" the teacher said, the class started to whisper about the information. "Fuck Yeah! I'll be the first of this fucking school to go there!" He yelled again, "Midoriya wanted to go to Ua aswell when I am not mistaken" the teacher said while looking at the green haired boy. "What the fuck Deku!?" He yelled while jumping at Izuku with the help of his quirk, "Kneel" Izuku said with a earth-shattering voice. Katsuki stopped in the middle of the air and fell to his knees, Izuku had started using this command when he was eight, he read a book about king arthur and excalibur, in the book was a picture of a person kneeling infront of a king and that brought him the idea. The whole class stared at the two boys waiting for Izuku's next move, said boy just stood up and walked towards Bakugou. "A farmer attacking a King, sounds like a joke" Izuku laughed before placing his hand on the ash blonde's head, Bakugou turned to stone slowly while everybody watched. "Please continue with the lesson" Izuku smiled kindly at his teacher before sitting back down as if nothing happened.


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