The Teacher's Assistant

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The class looked confused at the green haired boy that just walked over to the desk next to Aizawa's. "I'm sorry sir but what is this about?" Iida asked as he stood up, Aizawa just looked annoyed, he was too tired and didn't want to explain. "Midoriya is going to be a my assistant from now on" he answered simply, the class tried to process the information they had been given. "Deku! You fucking Villain, no way you're going to teach me!" Bakugou yelled from the back of the class. Izuku just glared at him and took away his mouth, the class stopped talking instantly, they were afraid to be next.


"Why didn't you tell us?" Kaminari asked as they went to lunch together, "I didn't know about it, nezu offered it to me just this morning" Izuku smiled at him. "He offered me my hero license but I wanted to stay with the class so he offered me this job" He explained to them, "You got a Hero license? That's so manly!" Kirishima said. They found a free table and sat down, "Yeah, I got the name that the media gave me on it" Izuku said as he took out the small card. "The King? That's so cool!" Kaminari said as he looked at the card, "You know what would be really manly? A crown or something like that" Kirishima said energetic. "Yeah maybe" Izuku said while he was thinking, "Like this?" he asked as a crown appeared on his head. He created a mirror and looked at himself, he shook his head, he created a white glowing crown hovering over his head. He looked at his friends, "Looks good Midoriya" Jirou said as she arrived with Momo and some food in her hand. Izuku then looked at Momo, a thought crossed his mind, she was his queen. Suddenly a glowing crown similar to his appeared over the young yaoyorozu's head, she herself didn't notice it herself only as everybody on the table stared at her. Izuku started blushing, he had accidently created it, just like he did with the halo that morning. "S-Sorry.. I-It was an a-accident" he apologized quickly, "don't be" she chuckled. The rest just looked at the two of them, they had never seen Izuku blushing before. Izuku quickly erased the crown, they started to eat and laugh together as suddenly a hand touched Izuku on the shoulder. "So you're class 1-A's King!" a blond maniac laughed, "Neito Monoma" Izuku said, he heard about the class 1-A hating copycat and also read the blonde's mind. "I heard about you, your quirk is pretty strong" Izuku said nicely, he didn't want to make any enemies. "We will destroy you at the sports festival! The world will see who's the better class" he yelled, "I'm sorry but I won't participate at the sports festival, it would be unfair as part of the teaching staff and with my quirk" Izuku said still nice, "T-Teaching staff?" Monoma went pale. "Yes, I'm the new teacher's assistant" Izuku replied as he held out his hand to shake Monoma's. "But you would need a hero license!" Monoma said, his face got some color back. Izuku just grabbed the card that was lying on the table and showed it to him. "T-The King? Y-You're that guy that takes out Villains with only one w-word" He was about to piss his pants, suddenly a hand hit the back of Monoma's head. "I'm sorry King-sensei, Monoma has a problem with class 1-A for some reason" A girl with orange hair apologized with a bow, she dragged the unconscious Monoma back to her table and sat down.


"We'll talk about Hero names today, you'll need them for the workplace experience after the sportsfestival" Aizawa explained after the lunch break. Midnight entered the room, Izuku just felt like three were too much people for just one class. "You have to choose carefully, the name could stick to you even after you changed it" Aizawa said to the students, Izuku suddenly started to laugh loudly. The class just looked at him confused, "Says the person who just asked their best friend for a name" he said to the black haired pro hero. Aizawa just glared at him with his quirk active, but suddenly Aizawa's hair fell down and Izuku's started to rise. "I can do that too" Izuku smiled, Aizawa just sighed at the boys behaviour.

'Seriously Yaoyorozu?' Izuku thought as he heard what she was thinking about, 'What? It mean it isn't wrong' she thought with a smile on her lips. She walked to the front and presented the name she had come up with. She was blushing but she was still proud, ""The Queen"? Is that a reference to "the King"?" Midnight asked, Momo just nodded. Midnight somehow approved it, Momo smiled brightly and a halo started to appear over her again. Izuku quickly shook his head and made it disappear.


"Wanna go to the mall together?" Kaminari asked the group as they made their way out of the building, "Yeah sure" they said in unison before they started laughing. They walked down the streets talking and joking, mostly joking about Kaminari. They eventually arrived at the mall after some time. "Let's go there!" Momo suddenly said before grabbing Izuku and Jirou and dragging them into the fashion store, Kaminari and Kirishima followed while laughing at the look of Izuku. They went to the women's department and spent some time watching Momo trying things on, Jirou tried on some shirt's but nothing else. "Should I try things on too?" Izuku asked, the to boys just laughed, Izuku however was completely serious and just looked at them in confusion before reading their minds. Izuku grabbed a black dress and disappeared into one of changing rooms. They all just looked at him confused as he did this, they waited some time before a beautiful young green haired woman came out with the dress Izuku had grabbed. "How do I look?" she asked the confused group, Momo was the first to understand what had happened. "Do we know you?" Kaminari asked, Momo just chuckled "You look amazing Midoriya" she smiled at the former boy. The rest of the group just stared at the green haired girl, "I don't change my gender that often" Izuku said as she(?) looked at herself in a mirror. The group started to understand who the girl was, "Midoriya?" the blonde asked. "Hm?" Izuku looked back at him, "That's so manly!" Kirishima suddenly yelled. 


"Ehm.. Midoriya, c-could you do the same thing with me?" Kaminari whispered to the now male greenette, Izuku expected some dirty thoughts but to his suprise he saw none of that in Kaminari's mind. Izuku smiled at him and nodded, Izuku flicked his fingers and the boy infront of him turned into a young girl, his hair and eyes were still the same but pretty much everything else changed. Izuku also changed the clothes so it would still fit him or her(?), Kaminari suddenly started to mumble about something, Izuku couldn't really hear it and wasn't curious enough to enhance his hearing. "Just tell me when you want me to turn you back" Izuku smiled at the girl, she seemed to start to think even harder about some kind of topic. Izuku just shrugged it off and went to the others.


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