A new rank

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"Come on Denki, we'll be late" Izuku shouted from the front door at his sister that was getting dressed in her room. "Ready!" She said as she came quickly running out of her room. It had been some days since they came back from the camp, the students of class 1-A and 1-B made a lot of progress with their quirks but now it was time for something more important, The Hero Billboard Chart JP. The students even got a day off because of this, "I wish mum could've come with us" Izuku sighed as he got into his car. "Yeah, wait, I never asked, what is she working as?" Denki asked him as he started the engine, "Mh? She's a lawyer" Izuku answered simply.

The place was extremely full, everywhere were reporters, pro heroes and civilians. Izuku didn't even bother searching for a parking lot, he just stopped infront of the huge building got out of the car. Denki quickly followed him and the car disappeared, reporters and fans quickly surrounded him. Izuku gave some autographs and answered some questions while walking with Denki next to him. "Is that your girlfriend?" A reporter from a magazine that only wrote about the love life of pro heroes asked. "No, she's my sister" Izuku said nicely and hid his annoyance as best as he could.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally got inside, they even had some problems getting to the exclusive pro hero area because the bodyguard was just to stupid to recognize him. But they eventually arrived and sat down next to All Might. It was a little strange but they somehow got along quite well, Izuku had talked to him about All For One after he got arrested and somehow became some kind of friends.

Suddenly the light dimmed a little and the crowd got quieter. "This is the first time that heroes go onto the stage, Look!" One of the reporters said into her microphone. Light turned on on the stage, "Number ten is smooth and clean, you all know him from the ad, The Laundry Hero: Wash!" a female commentator said. "Wash! Washa, Washa, Washa!" The strange washing mashine hero exclaimed, Izuku could only speculate what it meant. Izuku almost missed Present Mic as commentator, almost. "Number nine is a very promising man, that nothing can stop! Kamui Woods!" The commentator said in a cheerful tone, the young pro hero waved at the audience as he walked to stage. "The man of the old school, The Shield Hero: Crust, slid down to the number eight!" The woman said as. "Mirko is going upwards! Number seven is the Rabbit Hero: Mirko!" Said pro hero just smiled proudly at the cameras. "Number six is the well known shuriken throwing Man, Ninja Hero: Edgeshot!"

"Number Five is The Fiber Hero: Best Jeanist! He isn't here today due to taking a break, but we are eager for his return!" The Woman announced while some pictures appeared on the huge screen on the stage. "The Number Four has his own tempo, The Wing Hero: Hawks!" She announced. "The third place is taken by somebody that nobody expected, The Flame Hero: Endeavor!" The commentator said. Izuku could feel the anger from the fire surrounded man, "Now to our second place, he is not only the youngest pro hero but also the strongest, The Royal Hero: The King!" All Might wanted to encourage him to go to the stage but as he turned around to the boy, he was already gone. Izuku appeared with a light 'plop' next to the former number two hero, the crowd cheered loudly at his sight. "But now to the greatest hero of all time, the symbol of peace, All Might!" The commentator announced as the lights go out. The Number one Hero slowly walked towards the stage with his usual bright smile on his face. "I'm waiting for the day that you'll take my place" All Might whispered to Izuku as he arrived next to him.

After some time a reporter walked up the stage and started to ask question but it just ended in a chaos made by Crust, Mirko and Kamui Woods. Hawks suddenly felt something tug on his jacket as he saw a hand coming out of a small portal offering him a chewing gum. He quickly looked around and found the Number Two smiling at him with a questioning look and chewing gum himself. Hawks just smiled back and took the gum from the hand.

Izuku spent his time flying reading a book, he didn't expect the event to be that boring. "King, what is your secret? you just got your license but already got this far" A reporter suddenly asked. Izuku looked up from the book, "I just help when I see someone in need" Izuku shrugged. "Your succes rate is amazing, do you have some kind of trick?" another reporter asked. "Not really, It's just hard to lose with my quirk" Izuku smiled, the reporters could smell the money from his answer. "How about we do a private Interview and you tell us more about your quirk" Another reporter said. Izuku didn't really feel like having a privat interview, he would have to talk so much and answer so many questions. "How about a interview with the new top three?" Izuku asked with a smirk on his lips. If he had All Might with him then he wouldn't have to talk as much and about Endeavor.. he just wanted to piss him off.

"Ugh, I should have stayed at home" Izuku groaned as he closed the car door that kept the press and fans outside. "I'm hungry, let's grab something to eat and go home" he said to his sister "Burgers!" She screamed excitedly, "Burgers it is" he said while starting the engine.

On the middle of the road, he felt something in his pocket. He quickly took his phone out, Almost the whole class had congratulated him in the class group chat. But they got stopped as Aizawa wrote that they should instead train for their provisional license.


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