The King arrived

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It had been some months since Hisashi had returned and it was the day that Izuku would finally have his first day at Ua. He hugged his parents that morning and left to his new school. It was big but that didn't scare him, he walked towards the gate and immediately as he did a lot of students came to him, he was well know because of the media after all. He just teleported away from them and walked towards class 1-A, as soon as he opened the door he heard a voice he hoped that he wouldn't hear. It was a yelling Katsuki Bakugou, he was arguing with a blue haired boy about him having his feet on the desk. Izuku sighed at the view and walked towards a empty seat, "Deku!" Bakugou yelled before he could sit down. "How the fuck did a villain like you get here!?" he yelled, Izuku just rolled his eyes, it wasn't like Bakugou was wrong, but he was still annoying. "You really like being stone, don't you?" Izuku said annoyed, "You won't do that again you fucki-" he got interrupted as he turned into stone again. The rest of the class just looked at him shocked, "He never learns" Izuku mumbled before turning Bakugou back into flesh and blood. "You fucking piece of shit, I'll ki-" he got cut off again, this time by his mouth just disappearing. Izuku watched laughing at Bakugou freaking out, the class was just shocked by Izuku's behaviour.

The blue haired boy was the first to talk, "I'm Tenya Iida, It's nice to meet you" he said while bowing down. "Ah, the little brother of Ingenium. I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku smiled kindly, "How did you know?" Iida asked suprised. "I can read your mind and the engines make it kinda obvious" Izuku explained, Iida was asking himself how many quirks the boy had. "I have one quirk to answer your question and yes, I didn't take the entrance exam" Izuku answered the boys questions, the class was just amazed by the greenette. "If you're here to make friends then you can leave immediately" A yellow caterpillar said, "Good Morning Aizawa-sensei" Izuku smiled kindly, his mouth hurt from all the smiling but he kept on doing it. "Like Midoriya said, I will be your homeroom teacher, Shouta Aizawa. Now, put those on and meet me outside" Aizawa said while holding the PE uniform up. Izuku took his and just changed it with a thought, he didn't even go to the locker room, he just followed his teacher to the training field.


"Now that everybody is here.. Bakugou how far did you thow in middle school?" Aizawa asked as the last people arrived, he still had no mouth. "Midoriya, could you please give him his mouth back" Aizawa said as he turned to the green haired boy, as he said that a certain ash blonde started to yell. "Alright, how far?" Aizawa asked again, "Over seventy meters" the boy said after he calmed down.. a little. "Try again with your quirk" he said and threw the ball to Bakugou, the boy just smirked and threw it. The display showed over 700 meters, The class cheered that they could use their quirks, "fun? I'll expell the person who gets last" Aizawa smiled, not a kind one, just a creepy one. "Midoriya is the only exception, It would be unfair for you" Aizawa said, the class was confused at what their teacher said. "Sir, can I do it anyways, without getting listed" Izuku asked the black haired man, "Do whatever you want, isn't like I could stop you anyways" he answered while going into his sleeping bag. The first test was the fifty meter run, most of students of the class weren't really fast but Iida, but then came Izuku's turn. He slowed the time down and waited for the start signal, as soon as he heard that, he stopped the time completely, he walked over to the finish line slowly and started time again. It looked like he had teleported for the others, he could but that wouldn't have been as accurate. 0.000001 seconds said the machine, the class freaked out, they quickly realised why it would have been unfair for them.

The second test was a grip strenght test, most of the students weren't specialized on strenght so they weren't really impressive. Izuku just destroyed the machine in his hand, not even shoji was able to do that with three arms, Sero and Mineta were standing with Shoji and were amazed by his strenght till they heard something break behind them. They saw Izuku and quickly went to him, "Woah, You have to tell me your workout schedule!" Sero said to him. "I don't have one, It's just my quirk" Izuku smiled, and amazed the black haired boy even more.

After that came the long jump, everybody did pretty well on that one but Izuku decided to sit that one out, "Midoriya, why don't you do it?" yaoyorozu asked him as she sat next to him. "I just don't want to embarrass myself... It's been sometime since I flew a long distance" he admitted, "I'm sure that you'll be fine" she smiled at him. "Ehm.. yaoyorozu, I don't plan on marrying in the near future" he said before standing up, she just blushed, he had read her mind. He went to the starting line and jumped forwards, before he touched the ground he started to fly and flew away into the distance, he was faster than any bullet and had to be careful to not hit anything. He flew around the whole globe two times before getting to a stop at the training field, "See, I embarrassed myself.. I only got two times" he said to yaoyorozu as he walked back towards the class, their mouths were wide open. "Close your mouths" Izuku commanded and they did it immediately, they just opened again as they heard him command them.

The fourth test was a sidestep test, Izuku just slowed the time down and moved and did it slowly. The class wasn't even suprised anymore, but it was suprising that Mineta did well at that test. And then came the final test, the ball throw, Izuku had to admit that he was suprised when he saw Uraraka score infinity but just waited till it was his turn. He grabbed the ball and walked towards the white circle, he took a deep breath, he didn't even throw the ball, he just touched it and it flew forwards. Izuku waited sometime and turned around, he cought the ball mid air, it was so fast that it even ripped his arm off. "Damn it" he cursed as he held his right arm in his left hand. The class was horrified at the view, Izuku just erased the arm from existence and put a new one on himself like it was nothing, "Never saw somebody lose a arm?" he laughed.


After their 'lesson' with Aizawa, Izuku left the building. Izuku created a new car and opened the door to get into it but he got stopped by somebody. "Oh Midoriya! Do you want hang out with us?" Kaminari asked him, next to the electricity user were Yaoyorozu, Kirishima and Jirou. Izuku thought for a moment, "Yeah, sure!" he smiled, "Do you want me to drive you?" he asked them. "That's your car?!.. That's so manly!" Kirishima said while pointing at the black car, Izuku just nodded. "But aren't you too young for a car?" Yaoyorozu asked, "Well, my age is not fixed" Izuku said while changing into an adult and even into an old man. "Are you even really fourteen?" Kaminari asked as he saw that, "Don't worry, I am really fourteen, you could ask my parents" he laughed.


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