Solving Daddy Issues

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The next day came and Izuku got ready for school, but when he was eating with his mother she kept looking at him worriedly. He looked at her confused, "Are you sleeping enough?" she asked him, he had large eye bangs from not sleeping at night. He fixed it quickly together with feeling tired, he nodded to her question like the eye bangs had never been there.

He walked out of the house and thought for a moment, he decided not to teleport to school and instead created a bugatti la voiture noire. He changed his appearance a little so that he looked old enough to drive and created a driving license. He drove towards his school and ignored the looks of the other people, he got stopped on his way by a villain that just destroyed things without thinking. Izuku sighed, he might decided to be a villain but he also had a plan to get some revenge, doing the work of the heroes would only help him. Izuku left the car and changed his appearance back, Heroes tried to fight the giant but failed. Izuku just stepped towards the villain and flew up to him, The villain tried to punch him but got stopped by Izuku's command. "Kneel to your king!" he said in a earth shattering voice, the villain did as he was told and Izuku shrank him to the size of a mouse, Izuku walked towards one of the Heroes and gave him the villain, the Hero just looked at him confused. Izuku made him  a little bigger again, the villain was now the size of a normal human, "I have to get to school" he said and turned around and walked towards his car.


He arrived at school shortly after, he parked infront of the school and erased the car from existence. The students around him stared at him, mostly girls, even some that called him a villain seemed to blush at his sight. A lot of the students had seen him 'fight' against the villain that morning on Tv and the day before, that changed their opinion a lot. He just ignored them and walked towards class.


From that day on, Izuku kept on capturing villains in his free time and planning his revenge at night. The media just called him 'The King' because of him always telling the villains to kneel infront of their king.

But then one day, a letter arrived at the Midoriya household. It was from Ua, The High school Izuku planned to go, but it wasn't even time for the entrance exam so it wasn't the acceptance letter. Izuku opened the letter slowly, in it was a hologramm that started to play as soon as the letter was open. It showed a little rat like animal, "Greeting Mr. Midoriya" it started to talk, "I am nezu, the principal of Ua and I can say that I am impressed. Your actions didn't go unnoticed, I get straight to the point.. This is a invitation to Ua, I think that the exam isn't needed for you" the animal smiled but was still serious. Izuku smiled, not with excitement but with satisfaction, his plan was working better then he expected.


That night he was working more on his plan as suddenly a big purplish balck portal opened in his room. Izuku walked through it, he had nothing to worry about, there was no being on earth that could ever really harm him. When he left the portal he stood inside a shady little bar with only two people in it. One of those two stood right infront of Izuku, it seemed that the mist figure wanted to walk through the portal. "I thought I would need to convince you to come with me" the figure said suprised, "It's not that I have anything to worry about" Izuku said coldly. He walked past him to the bar and sat down on a chair next to a person with a hand on his face. "So what do you want?" Izuku asked while staring at the mist figure, "Let me Introduce myself fir-" he got interrupted by Izuku "Yeah Yeah, you're Kurogiri and he's Tomura Shigaraki. Get to the point" he said, he had read their minds. "Of course.. We've been watching you for sometime now and also know about your plans" Kurogiri started, "You want me to join you" Izuku said. "Somebody must have told you about me, who was it?" he asked while teleporting behind the bar and making himself a drink. Kurogiri quickly walked over to him and took him the liquid away, "We might be villains but I'm not letting a underaged drink alcohol" he said. "fine" Izuku said and poured water into his glass, he sat back down and moved it towards his mouth, before he drank it he quickly replaced it with Whiskey. "Nice try" Izuku smiled at the mist figure, Kurogiri just sighed, "To answer your question, It was your father who told us about you" Kurogiri said to the greenette. "Wait! Father? I thought it was sensei" Tomura finally looked up from his gameboy, "Oh I see what's going on" Izuku laughed. "He has no Idea!" he laughed even harder much to the displeasure of Shigaraki, "So this is what happened to him" Izuku said after he had stopped laughing. "Kurogiri, I don't like him. Make him disappear" Shigaraki groaned, "I'm sorry Tomura but that isn't possible" a voice said. "Sensei!" Tomura said as he looked at the small display on the wall.

"So All Might beat your ass" Izuku said as he took another sip. "I'm sorry for not being there, my son" The person that Izuku could now identify as All For One said, Tomura on the other hand just looked from the display to the greenette next to him realising who the boy was. "That explains how I got such a quirk" Izuku said as he put the glass back down, "You are ruining my plans to be honest... but I have enough time to make new ones" Izuku smiled. "Does that mean you'll join?" AFO asked his son, "Yeah, I'll help you with your revenge on All Might" he said before he just disappeared. Izuku suddenly stood infront of his father, he looked at his state and couldn't help but to laugh. "Damn, he really did beat your ass" Izuku said to the scarred man, "Want me to fix you?" Izuku asked in a amused tone. AFO just nodded and Izuku flicked with his fingers, at the same place where a blind, faceless man had sitten was now a healthy white haired man in his late fourties. Hisashi Midoriya looked at his soon with tears in his eyes, he put his hand on his son's face with a smile that only a happy father could smile. "By the way, mum thinks that you're still working" Izuku said before Hisashi suddenly hugged him.


"Mum, I'm home!" Izuku said as he entered through the front door, It was early in the morning and he had been at the laboratory till now. "Where were you so early?" she asked from the kitchen, "Just at the airport" Izuku said while taking off his shoes. "What were you doing at the air-.. port" she said while walking towards her son, when she got there, tears were running down her face. "H-Hisashi.." she said before hugging the man that was standing behind Izuku, the boy just looked at his happy parents and sneaked into his room.

Izuku groaned as he remembered that had to go to school, he just wanted to stay at home. He sighed and created a clone, he walked together with his clone towards the living room. Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya were cuddling on the couch as they saw the two identical boys. One of the boys disappeared soon, The original then sat next to his parents. "Oh I forgot to tell you that I got a invitation to Ua" he said as he stood up and went towards the kitchen to eat something, he didn't need to, but he liked eating. The two older Midoriya's were happy for, well Hisashi already knew about it and was just happy because this meant that their plan would work.



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