A Hero

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"So what is your quirk Midoriya? Momo only joked that you could do everything" Azuri Yaoyorozu asked as they sat on the couch together. "It was no joke.. I can make your table to gold or could change your quirk just with a thought" he said seriously, "Oh come on, stop joking" Azuri just said to this. Izuku chuckled and pointed at the table, it turned to gold instantly, the older yaoyorozu was amazed by the boys power. "It's good to hear that Momo is in good hands" she smiled, Izuku smiled back before turning the table to it's original material.


"come in" The voice of Isao Yaoyorozu could be heard from the outside of his study room after Izuku had knocked at the door. Izuku and Momo opened the door and walked inside, they had excused themselves after sometime to Mrs Yaoyorozu to talk to Isao. "Mr. Midoriya, I'm sorry if Momo disturbed you, I expected you to say no." The older man said nicely, he was always like this to other people other than his family. "Interesting that you think that I said no" Izuku said coldly, he could say what kind of man Isao was as soon as he opened the door. Mr Yaoyorozu looked suprised, "Oh so you said yes? please, take a seat" Isao said firmly as he pointed at one of the two chairs infront of the desk. Izuku took the offer and sat down while Momo sat down on the other chair. "I did, Momo is a nice young woman, so why wouldn't I?" Izuku replied, "I understand, you're not the first person to notice how beautiful she is and don't get me started with the money" Izuku felt anger rise inside of him. "I'm not doing it because of her body, of course she is really attractive but her character is more important to me, sir" he tried to calm himself down. "And I have no need of money" Isao got interested, "No need of money? You must have a rich family aswell" the Yaoyorozu said with dollar signs in his eyes. "Yes, but also because of my quirk" the greenette replied simply, "Your quirk is some kind of strenght enhancer I assume, I saw your fight with All Might" Isao said. "In a way, yes" Izuku replied simply. 

Isao just shrugged it off, "I'll inform Endeavor that his son won't marry Momo, The wedding will be held as soon as you are both old enough." Isao exclaimed, "Endeavor, huh?" Izuku started to smirk, "Midoriya, no" Momo said as she heard what he was thinking. 'Midoriya, yes' he thought as suddenly the door opened and a tall man with a flaming beard walked inside. "I won't allow that! she will marry shouto!" the man said loudly, "Endeavor, I-I-" Isao said intimidated by the hero. Izuku suddenly broke out in laughter, Isao looked at the boy in confusion. "S-Sorry.. I.. I just had to" he said under his laughter, Isao looked just more confused, "Fear not, I am here!" Endeavor suddenly shouted like All Might. Izuku just laughed harder, "I'm sorry" Izuku said after he had calmed down, "Endeavor was never here" he said and Endeavor suddenly vanished. Mr. Yaoyorozu could only be described as confused, "I just wanted to see your reaction" Izuku said to the older black haired man. Isao started to understand what happened, "So Momo wasn't kidding as she said that you can do everything" the man said as he relaxed again.


"Ugh, that was annoying" Izuku said after the two oft them left the study room. Momo couldn't hear him, even though she was standing right next to him. 'A wedding means that there is a honeymoon' she thought while pictures that mineta would like filled her mind. 'I can hear and see everything you are thinking about' Izuku thought while using his quirk on a special part of his body. Momo started blushing a deep shade of red, "S-Sorry" was all she said while she hid her face. She suddenly felt something metallic touching her face, she took her hands away to look what it was only to realise that it was the engagement ring on her finger. "I thought that you might need it" he said while trying his best to not look her in the eyes. Momo just smiled at him brightly, "Thank you" she said while going for a hug. Izuku was suprised but allowed the affection.


"Midoriya, why don't you stay for the night, it's getting late and I would feel bad if I had you walk alone in the dark" Azuri said as they arrived back at the living room. "But I can ju-" Izuku wanted to say but got stopped by Momo telling him to accept, "Thank you Mrs. Yaoyorozu" he said. Momo dragged him into her room after that, "I'll just sleep on the-" "You'll sleep on the bed with me, we are engaged" Momo interrupted him, he wanted to create a second bed but got already pushed onto Momo's bed. "I'm not letting you go after what you did with All Might" she said into his chest, "I was worried" she said before looking up at his face. "Don't worry, everything is fine" he smiled as he wrapped his arms around her slim body. They laid there in silence for some time before Izuku noticed that she had fallen asleep. He smiled at the sleeping beauty and moved into a more comfortable position, he undressed both of them and closed his eyes to get some sleep, not that he needed to.


The next day arrived quickly, Izuku woke up to a beautiful sight, Momo was lying in his arms, her hair was down and sunbeams were dancing on her skin. He couldn't help but to smile, she was truly a angel, suddenly a halo made out of pure light appeared above her head, he had accidently used his quirk. He quickly shook his head to wake up completely, he erased the halo and carefully woke up the black haired girl. She started blushing as she saw that both of them had only their underwear on. "Morning~" she said into his ear before standing up to go to her dresser. She took her school uniform and wanted to change but realised that Izuku was still in the room, he quickly turned around as he noticed what she wanted to do.


Izuku and Momo arrived at Ua about an hour later, some of their classmates looked confused as they came out of the same car but Kaminari and Mineta knew what was going on. "Midoriya! I should be the first one to get laid!" Mineta yelled before his mouth disappeared, the others understood now. "I can tell you that we didn't" Izuku glared at them, he might be their friend but that didn't mean that he couldn't erase their mouths or turn them to stone if they annoy him. Izuku started to smile as he saw that they all got the message and they all sighed, they were out of danger. "Izuku Midoriya, please come to the principal's office" a loud voice said as they were on their way to class, "See you later" Izuku said to his classmates before leaving.

"Ah, Midoriya, please sit down" Nezu smiled at the green haired boy. "you probably remember that you didn't need to do the entrance exam, I thought that the practical part was to easy for you but now that you are here, I noticed that the rest is also too easy for you" Nezu explained, "What I'm saying is that, I'm giving you the chance to become one of the youngest pro heroes" the animal said as he gave the boy a sheet. "The exam for the license would be a breeze for you, so I asked the goverment about it. Just fill that out and I can give you your license" Nezu smiled proudly. Izuku hesitated, he wanted this but he also wanted to stay with the class, with his friends. "I already thought you would want to stay in class 1-A, so how about you get this license and stay at school, not as a student but as a assistant for the teachers" Nezu offered, Izuku didn't even need to think, he took a pen and wrote onto the paper infront of him. He gave it back to the animal, nezu smiled and opened a drawer, he took out a small card. "Izuku Midoriya, Hero Name: The King" was on it, nezu gave the boy the card and said good bye.

He changed his clothes as he walked back to class 1-A, the uniform wasn't really comfortable. He had his hero costume on, if you want to call it that, he slowly knocked at the door and waited for Aizawa's voice. "come in" a tired voice answered, Izuku opened the door with a smile on his face. "Ah, Midoriya, get a desk besides mine and then you can start" Aizawa said to his former student, Izuku just flicked with his fingers and a desk appeared.


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