The Banana.

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Izuku was walking down the street while helping things with simply things like a cat on a tree or just a old woman crossing the street. But He stopped as he heard something from behind him "Stop and give me all your money" He slowly turned around. It was a young man with a banana in his hand like a gun. "I'll do, I'll trow it, so don't do anything stupid" the boy threatened, but it didn't really sound like it, he sounded like he was firing his gun at a person for the first time. Izuku chuckled and took out his purse, "Here, 200,000 Yen"  Izuku said as he gave the man his money. He turned around and walked away "now go and buy a crib for the baby she didn't tell you about yet" Izuku said as he slowly disappeared and reappeard at Ua.

"Alright class, I wanted to talk about something Important, I think that you're making good enough progress for this. The Hero Internships, it's basicly like the workplace expierince you already did, but I'm to tired to explain this, Come in!" Aizawa said to the class before looking at the door. The door opened and three people entered, Izuku already knew who those people were and he respected them. "Those are the top students of Ua, they're also called "The big three" the'll explain you the details" The teacher said before slowly getting into his sleeping bag. "Introduce yourselves to the class while I sleep, you start Amajiki" Aizawa said, his face was the only thing that wasn't covered by the sleeping bag.

The ravenette paniced, the potato technique didn't help him. But It all suddenly vanished, he looked around suprised and found Izuku smiling at him. "I'm Tamaki Amajiki" he said normally, not even a bit of his anxiety showed. The other two looked suprised but happy for their friend, "My name's Neijire hado" The bluenette smiled at the class before bombarding the students of class 1-A with questions. "Hado, some people are trying to sleep or read" Izuku said from his seat. The girl only then noticed him, she quickly rushed over to him and asked thousands of questions about his crown. "You're here to explain the Internships" Izuku reminded her. After some time she finally stopped and let the blonde introduce himself. "You all passed and already got your provisional license, I see, then you'll all fight against me!" Mirio said excitedly while Izuku just smiled, he felt bad for his class but wanted to see them loose at the same time. 

He watched silently as the class arrived at gym gamma and Mirio took off his clothes. "Please keep them on" Izuku said, he really didn't need to see him naked. "But my quirk-" "I know, I know, just do it" Mirio looked confused but put his shirt back on. Hado stood next to Izuku and looked from him to her blond friend, her eyes suddenly lit up. "You changed his PE uniform! I read about your quirk, you're the guy with the banana weakness!" she said excitedly. Izuku just nodded quietly, "Ehm.. do we have to do this?" Momo raised her hand. "Just go to Midoriya if you don't want to fight him" Aizawa said tiredly. She smiled and went to her fiance, Shinsou and Denki both followed quickly. Izuku had told Momo and Denki about Mirio's strenght and Shinsou was just too tired.

Denki tugged on Izuku's shirt, "fine" he sighed before a young boy appeared from behind his legs. The boy smiled brightly as he saw the electricity quirk user "Auntie Kami!" Izumo shouted as he ran into her arms. Hado looked confused and had so many questions, "Is that your Brother? What's his quirk? Is he strong? Does he have a similar quirk to you?" She asked him faster than a normal human being could understand. "He's not my brother, he's my son. He has three quirks and none of them are really similar to mine." Izuku answered simply. "Your Son? Who's his mother? How old were you when you got him? Where did he come from so suddenly?" She asked again, Izuku started to get annoyed. "His DNA is a mixture of mine and yaoyorozu's, so she's technically his mother. And He was never really born, he's a creation of my quirk." Izuku answered in a more annoyed tone. "Yaoyorozu? A creation of your quirk? So he's not a real human being? Can he think on his own?" She asked again. "He's real, just not born like everybody else and yes, he can think on his own." Izuku responded again. Lady Luck was on his side, Hado's thirst for knowledge stopped, at least for now. Izuku looked back at his class, only to notice that they had all been defeated by Mirio. Izuku could literally feel it as Todoroki's ego crumbled.

"Alright, I guess we'll do the explaination of the Internships tomorrow. Now, get changed and get ready for mic's lesson" Aizawa said tiredly before he left the gym. "Sweetie, it's time for mommy and daddy to go to class" Momo smiled at her son. The boy just nodded with a cute little smile on his face before turning to Denki, "Bye, Auntie" he said as he hugged her. "See you later, Izu" she smiled back at him. The young boy ran towards his father, Izuku hugged his son "I'm done in a hour, how about we go and eat ice cream together then?" the pro hero smiled, a smile that only a father could smile. Momo noticed that, he seemed different when Izumo was around, he seemed more mature.

"So I heard that you're single.. How about we have some fun then" Midnight smiled seductively at Izuku as they sat in the teacher's lounge together. "Nemuri, what the fuck" was all that Aizawa said, he was lying under his desk in his sleeping bag. "He's underaged" The black haired man said, "Isn't like he couldn't change that. There's nothing that speaks against it" The woman said. "Single" Izuku laughed suddenly, "Who told you that?" he asked with a smirk. "I... I just.. The media never said anything about a girlfriend so I just thought.." She stuttered, "Wait, so you aren't single?" She asked suprised, but at the same time she wasn't. "Didn't say that.. but yeah and I don't think she'd like to share me"


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