the strongest being in existence

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It was a akward silence for the rest of the ride after Izuku had explained what happened. "Okay, I think I get it now" Kaminari said after sometime, "Sooo.. Yaoyorozu is my sister-in-law soon, right?" Kaminari asked. Momo wanted to say something but Izuku was quicker "Yeah.. well, if you say yes to mum" Izuku smiled. "It isn't like I don't like you or Inko, I just think that it's a little soon for adoption" She said while looking down at her hands. "Don't worry, take your time" the greenette responded. Now Momo was in Kaminari's position, she just kept on looking from her fiance to her best friend. 'My mum talked about adoption with her some days ago, she said that she needed some time to think about it' he explained to her with the help of telepathy. She nodded understanding, she turned around and smiled at her friend. "I'd love to be your sister-in-law" she said to Kaminari, a smile formed on the blonde's face.


Izuku opened his eyes, he was standing infront of the school with Kaminari next to him. He had just telported them there. They entered the classroom to find out that everybody was already there and chatting with eachother. "Everybody ready?" Aizawa asked "I don't care, let's go" he added before anybody could say anything and left the room. The class quickly followed him to the bus.

The bus ride was quite long, but the bus eventually stopped at a cliff. Kaminari groaned as she streched herself, "Are we there?" She asked their teacher. Aizawa just ignored her and waved at the people that sat inside the black car that was there before them. The car door opened and a two woman came out with a young boy. "Long time no see, Eraser" Mandalay smiled, then she noticed the confused looks from the students. "We are.. the wild wild pussy cats!" They said together while doing a strange choreography. "Today only the half of us" she smiled, "This whole place is our property, the camp is at the base of the mountain" The Burgundy-Red haired woman said and pointed at a mountain. "So far away!?" The class said in unison, "But why did we stop here?" Uraraka asked. "Let's go back to the bus.. quick" Sero said guessing what would come. "It is half past nine, if you're quick, you can get there by twelve" The woman smiled evilly. The students quickly ran back to the bus "There's no lunch after twelve thirty" The woman said. Before the students arrived at the bus, the blond woman jumped infront of them. The ground started to shake, and every body got send flying down the cliff. Unfortunately, Izuku got send flying too.

"Hey! not me" Izuku yelled at her while standing in the air. "huh?" she just looked at him confused. "That's my assistant" Aizawa said simply, Izuku slowly floated down to the ground. "Assistant? That doesn't really sound like you" She said, "Yeah, it was nezu's idea. Midoriya used to be my student and didn't want to leave the class, so nezu offered him this job" He explained it to her. "Wait, you're telling me that this kid is a pro hero?" the blonde asked in disbelieve. "I heard about him, he's 17th on the Hero Billboard Chart JP. He's quite new but is quickly climbing the ranks" Mandalay explained. Aizawa just shrugged, "No wonder with that quirk" he said before going back into the bus. Pixie-bob just liked her lips, "I'm taken" Izuku said before following his superior.

When the bus arrived at their destination, Izuku noticed the young boy, well noticed him before but didn't really have time for him. Izuku smiled and walked to the boy, he smiled but hid his evil intentions behind it, he knew exactly what the boy would do. "Hello, I'm Izuk-" the boy hit him in the crotch but only hurt himself, it was like metal. "-u Midoriya" Izuku continued like nothing happened while the boy held his own hand in pain. "Sorry, I had to. I knew what you would do" Izuku chuckled. The boy was angry but also felt sympathy towards the young hero. "Whatever" The black haired boy said and walked away.

"Oh, you're back" Izuku smiled at his classmates that were slowly one by one coming out of the forest. "You bastard!" Mineta yelled with his last energy and jumped towards the greenette, but he got stopped by invisible barrier. "I could help with your exhaustion but that wouldn't feel as good as relaxing in the hot spring later" Izuku said as he threw Mineta with one hand into a trash can. The class cheered weakly before going inside.

"Enjoy your meal!" The two pussy cat's smiled at the class. They quickly started to eat, it was like they didn't eat in months. Three Izuku's were walking from one table to another, serving the students. The Izuku clone's were all dressed with in a nice white dress shirt with black pants and a black vest. The original was just watching from his seat while eating a self created steak with some salad. Mandalay just watched with amazement, she slowly walked over to the teacher of the class. "What is this kid, Eraser?" she asked as she watched how one of the clones created food by just flicking with his fingers. "He's the strongest being in existence" Aizawa answered like it was the most normal thing to say. She could never tell if he was joking or not, so she wasn't sure if it was the truth.

"That's so much better" Momo moaned as she got into the hot water. "You're right" Mina smiled. They relaxed for some time in silence till Kaminari spoke to Momo "When will you do it?" the black haired girl just blushed. Mina smiled widely and listened closely to their conversation. "In some years" Momo mumbled, "Who is it? Who will take your virginity?" Mina asked excitedly. Kaminari and Momo just looked at her like she just told them that she liked Mineta. "Mina.. What the fuck" was all that Kaminari said, "What? wasn't that what you were talking about?" the pink girl asked confused. "No Mina, no" the electricity quirk user buried her face in her hands in disappointment.

"Walls are meant to be climbed!" Mineta said at the same time on the other side of the wall that seperated the boys and the girls. He started to climb up, "That Aizawa isn't watching doesn't mean that you can do that" Izuku said as he changed Mineta's quirk a little. He just erased the part that it doesn't stick to himself. The grape boy was sticking to the wall and called for help but nobody was even trying to help him.


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