an experiment

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Izuku arrived on time at the meeting he had been informed about only minutes before. A lot of pro heroes were there and even some Ua students, like the big three and even some of his class. In the front was one man that Izuku respected a lot, Sir Nighteye. "I'll inform you now about the reason why I called you all" he spoke. A picture of a man that Izuku could Identify as the villain Overhaul and a little girl appeared on the screen behind Nighteye. "This man is Overhaul, a yakuza that produces and sells quirk erasing bullets" Izuku had to admit that he was interested, it wasn't easy to make such things at least for everybody else. "We have evidence that a little girl is with him, that seems to be his daugther" "That's wrong" Izuku interrupted the man quickly. "Oh and why is that?" the man asked in annoyance. "The two aren't related at all, he's just using her to make the quirk erasing bullets. I read his mind and saw his memories when I met him" Izuku explained. "You met him?" Nighteye asked, "My father did some work with him" Izuku answered simply. "Right, you're his kid" Sir Nighteye didn't trust him at all, "Excuse me but I have to take down a yakuza" Izuku said as he turned around. "Wait!" Nighteye spoke up again, "fine then I'll just do it quick" The greenette said as he flicked with his fingers.

A group of people appeared in the middle of the room, everyone of them was knocked out. A little girl was standing next to Izuku and looked around confed and scared. "Don't worry, everything is fine now" Izuku smiled at her, "We're pro heroes, you won't ever be treated like that again" he said as he kneeled down to look at her better. Her face lit up a little, "You're the nice man that visited me!" she exclaimed happily. "Yeah, that's me" Izuku's smile grew a little, it was nice seeing that she remembered him. "Remember? I don't remember, what happened?" Izuku mumbled as his head started to hurt, he fell to the ground and held his head. 'brother' so many images appeared infront of his eyes, images that he never saw before. The pain stopped but his screams were replaced by sobbing. "Brother, I'm so sorry, I should have helped" he sobbed while the other pro heroes just watched confused. Izuku took a deep breath, stood back up and wiped his tears away. "I'm sorry I have to do something" Izuku said as he was about to leave, he was held back by two little arms on his leg and a bigger hand on his shoulder. "Please mister, don't leave" Eri said as tears formed in her big eyes, "You have some things to explain" Nighteye, the owner of the bigger hand said. "I'm sorry, I'll be back soon, I have to talk to my old man" Izuku said before he looked down to the young girl. "Stay with the queen for a while, I'll be back as soon as possible" he smiled at her. "promise?" she asked, "I promise" she slowly let go of him and ran towards the worried black haired girl.

A second later Izuku disappeared from the nighteye agency and reappeared at a large city, the buildings were shining and majestic. Izuku just rolled his eyes, he never liked that place, it was always too.. good for him. People around him rubbed their eyes as they saw him, they couldn't believe it, he had returned after being gone for two thousand years. Izuku just ignored them and went straight to the largest building in his sight.

"Old man!" he yelled as he kicked the door open, "I'm back!" he yelled again as he walked through the empty halls. "Hespere, it's nice to see you after all this ti-" "Oh shut up, we both know that you don't care, we're just your experiments" Izuku stopped his father as he arrived at a huge throne room. "It was better when you were gone" The man made out of light said as he sat back down on the throne after he had stood up as Izuku entered. "Yeah, yeah, I know, you've been telling me things like that since you created me. The angel that was too similar to you" Izuku sighed. "I just came here to say that you should either do what I did but never come back or just finally die" Izuku smiled innocently at the first being in existence, "You brat, I never should've created you" the man gritted his invisble teeth. "But you did, and now you can't even erase your mistake" Izuku laughed. "Bye bye, dad, I'll go and visit the only sane angel" Izuku waved as he left the throne room.

The next thing Izuku saw was a blood red sky, a smile formed on his lips. The place wasn't perfect in anyway but it was so much better than heaven, it wasn't so extremely clean and not every building looked the same. Izuku took a deep breath, the air was so much dirtier, that was the only thing he didn't miss even though it was quite nostalgic. Four big red bat like wings grew from his back, he slowly flew up in the bloody sky and flew towards the big mansion that was stading in the middle of hell.

Big dark red wooden doors got slammed open, "Who Is interrupting me!?" A loud voice broke the silence. "Darling, it's probably just millie" a female voice said, "You're right" the male responded before a piano started to play again. Izuku smiled, his little brother hadn't changed at all, he always got angry when somebody interrupted him while playing. A second later Izuku sat on the piano and smiled at his brother and sister-in-law. "Missed me?" Izuku asked the second angel created by god. The slim blond man looked startled for a moment for a moment, "You took your time, You didn't even visit me once since I left" Lucifer said as he stopped playing. "eh yeah, about that.. I left heaven after you, I went to earth, erased my own memories and lived with them for a while" Izuku smiled apologizingly. "You Idiot, I could've needed you" the blond man chuckled, "How's earth? Haven't been there in some time, did dad do something stupid again and blame it on me?" The king of hell asked as he stood up from the piano seat and walked over to a old leather couch. "Not bad, Humans being humans and suprisingly dad didn't blame much on you. What about you?" Izuku answered as he sat down next to his little brother.

"I married" Lucifer smiled at the blond woman next to him and continued "We have a daughter, her name's millie. I'm so proud of her, she's a lesbian, what dad calls one of the biggest sins" He laughed. Izuku gritted his teeth, he never understood how that was a sin, especially because the old man creates some humans just to commit those sins. "And what about hell? what I've seen looked pretty normal, almost too normal, I didn't even see anybody fight" Izuku asked as he leaned back. "This part of hell is currently under the control of Ross, and nobody tried to take his place yet" Lucifer explained.


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