New Emotions

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"Alright then Lucy, greet millie from me. I still have some business up there" Izuku said as he pointed to the sky. "You better visit me soon and don't let me wait that long again, Hes" The blond man smiled. "heh, It's strange getting called that, I didn't hear that name in some time" "Then I'll make sure to use it more often if it's so strange"Lucifer's smile got wider.

"Alright, I finished my talk with my old man and my brother" Izuku said as he stood back at the agency. They looked at him confused before getting ready for a fight, Izuku was confused for a moment till he remembered something. His appearance had changed as he entered heaven. He chuckled lightly, "Who are you, Villain?!" Endeavor asked as he walked up to Izuku. "You're touching my sour spots.. almost" Izuku said before he walked over to his fiancee and Eri. His red and black haired slowly changed back to green, his red eyes also changed back to it's original color and his wings disappeared. "Don't worry, it's just me" he smiled at her, before he could do anything else she tackled him. "You Idiot, I was worried" she spoke into his chest, "Don't worry, there's nothing that could happen to me, not even god himself could hurt me" he said truthfully as he petted her head.

"Where have you been?" Sir Nighteye asked as he put his cell phone away. "You said that you'd go to your "old man" but I just called tartarus and they said that you weren't there" He said as Izuku got back up. "right, that guy still exists" Izuku mumbled "I don't think I should tell you were I was, Let's just say that the person I visited first is an asshole" Izuku smiled innocently. "I don't trust you" Nighteye whispered that only Izuku could hear it. "That's sad, but I couldn't care less" Izuku smiled as he turned around. "Alright then, the goal of this was to capture the yakuza and save Eri and that happened, can I go home now?" Izuku asked as he helped Momo back up. "fine" Nighteye said as he walked away. 

Eri ended up going with Izuku, because she didn't let go of him and couldn't really control her quirk. "Izuku, what happened?" Momo asked worriedly as they sat inside his car, "later" Izuku mumbled as he pointed at Eri.

Half an hour later, Izuku arrived at his apartment with the two girls. Eri had already fallen asleep and got carried by momo while Izuku opened the door. They entered as quiet as possible, a room for eri appeared and she slowly put her into the little bed. "What happened?" she asked again as the door to his room closed. Izuku really didn't know how to say this, "I... remembered something" he answered after some time. "huh?" was her only response, "You know my quirk is basicly godly.." he started while she nodded. "That's because it is god's ability, I'm his oldest son" he said quickly, she was deep in thoughts for a while after that. She didn't know if this was some kind of joke, he could've gone insane or the least likely was that it was actually true. "So, if you're telling the truth, does that mean that there is a heaven? and god exists? what about the devil? Why are you telling me this?" she asked quickly. "Well yes there is a heaven and a hell, god exists so does Lucy. But I'm telling you this because you're important to me" he smiled at her. But she still couldn't believe it, "I need prof" she decided. "Alright then, let's go to hell" he smiled wider. "Hell? why not heaven? Isn't it nicer up there?" "I would rather not go there, in heaven are two types of people, the completly stuck up and the people that have realised that it can't get worse. Once you get to heaven you don't get kicked out, so you can technically do whatever you want to, except if you're an angel." Izuku explained, she just nodded understanding.

"Open your eyes" Izuku said a few seconds later. The two of them were standing at the same place where Izuku had been some hours before. She looked fascinated by the view even though it was so brutal and chaotic. "It's beautiful" she mumbled at the sight, a pair of gray skinned arms wrapped around her from behind "It truly is" Izuku whispered into her ear. "Let's get back, Eri could wake up any moment now" he said, before she could responde, they stood inside his room again.

Some seconds later they both laid in his bed. "I hope that bastard kills himself" Izuku mumbled Into her hair, "What? Who?" she asked confused. "God isn't as nice as you'd expect" Izuku answered, "I was always the mistake, that he wants to erase but he can't kill me and neither can I kill him." he added. In that moment something changed in Momo, all her love for him disappeared and was replaced with hatred. "I wish I had taken Todoroki" she said before she grabbed her things and left, Izuku was left confused but quickly understood the situation. "You sick bastard" Izuku mumbled, his father knew exactly that he would never change somebodies memories or feelings and he used that against him.

Tears formed in his eyes, he quickly wrote a note for his mum and sister and disappeared to be never seen again on earth...

The End

...Or maybe a beginning

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