marry me

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"So you have a really powerful quirk but it also makes you stupid?" Izuku laughed as they sat in a small cafe, "Yeah, basicly" Kaminari rubbed the back of his head. "Wanna change that?" Izuku smirked, the group just looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" they asked in unison, "That's my quirk, I can do everything just with thinking about it" Izuku said like it was the most normal thing on earth. "Stop joking, what's your quirk really?" Kirishima laughed, "No seriously, that's my quirk. It's called The King's command and I can just command people, object or physics" Izuku smiled. The group just couldn't believe him, "Alright let me show you" he said and pointed at a cup on the table. "Shoot at it" he commanded Kaminari after he changed his quirk. Kaminari formed his hand to a finger pistol and electricity came out and shot at the cup, "Whoah, I couldn't do that before!" Kaminari said in amazement, "I also erased your drawback" Izuku smiled kindly. 'Marry me, Marry me, Marry me' a certain black haired girl thought as she saw that. He just looked at her and shook his head while chuckling a little, but suddenly her thoughts changed, he started to see pictures, pictures of her with.. not much clothes. His nose started bleeding, "Bro, u good?" Kirishima asked him with a worried expression. "Yeah, somebody on this table is just thinking about some.. interesting things" he said, Jirou and Kirishima just looked at Kaminari. "Hey, It wasn't me!" He yelled as he saw their looks, Izuku just laughed.

'stop, I'm trying to keep my blood where it is' he thought and made yaoyorozu hear it, but he didn't use his quirk on her to stop her and he didn't plan on doing it. The rich girl just turned red, 'Then just say yes' she smirked hoping it would work, 'seriously? You'll only stop when I marry you?' he sighed. She nodded, her thoughts drifted off, it wasn't just her anymore but her with him. 'Who knew that you'd be such a pervert' he thought, she just got even redder, 'I'm more into a good character then into a beautiful body' he thought. She was relieved, he really was a perfect husband, he had an amazing quirk, a god like quirk to be specific, he was hot and he even had a nice character. 'I can still hear you..' he thought, she got red instantly, 'So you don't really like it when people only like you because of your body, am I right?' he asked asked. 'Y-Yeah, maybe a little' she admitted, he smiled 'I thought you would just try and seduce me with your body, I have to say that I'm glad that it isn't like that' he thought. 'but I have to admit that It worked, your body might not be enough to bring me to marry you but enough to turn me on' he though, he had a large buldge in his pants and tried to get it back to it's usual state with the help of his quirk. 'This is my first time going out with friends, I didn't have any before Ua because I was homeschooled' she admitted after some time. 'I didn't have friends myself because the people thought that my quirk is villainous' he told her, 'Villainous? you have such a amazing quirk, I'm sure you'll be a great hero' she smiled at him brightly. "What is going on between you two?" Jirou suddenly asked, that made them realise that they were still sitting in the cafe with the other three. "We were just.. thinking" The black haired girl answered while looking away to hide her huge blush.


"See you tomorrow!" Kaminari said as he left the car and walked towards a building. Only the black haired girl and the green haired boy were left inside the car, Izuku had offered them to drive them home and everybody except Jirou excepted because he had to do something afterwards. Izuku and Momo drove to her mansion in silence, "I expected something more modern" was the only thing he could say as they arrived. She chuckled a little, "Thank you Midoriya, it was fun today" she smiled and hugged him. "Here's my number" she said and created a small note, "I still have to get you to marry me" she smiled, she kissed him on the cheek and left the car. He sighed, he didn't know if he could really do the whole plan with yaoyorozu around.


He arrived at home later than expected, he opened the front door and got greeted by his father, the biggest villain in history, sleeping on the ground next to the couch. "Ah Izuku! I'm trying to get him to the bed but I can't bring him there alone" Inko whispered as she saw her son. Izuku just smiled and flicked with his fingers, the man that had laid on the ground was lying inside their bedroom. "Thanks" Inko smiled before going to the couch where her husband had laid, "How was your first day?" she asked him. "Good, I made some friends and went to a cafe after school with them" he smiled back.


"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might said as he did the exact opposite of that, it was already a new day and they had already a english lesson with present mic. The whole class cheered, except Izuku, he hadn't forgotten who told him that he couldn't become a hero. "Today we'll be doing battle training!" the pro hero said while flexing his muscles, "But what would be a hero without a hero costume!" he yelled and pointed at the wall, out of it came suitcases with numbers on it. Izuku walked towards the suitcase with the number eighteen on it, he took it and changed into it within a blink of an eye. It was simple but still elegant, a black dress shirt, black pants and black dress shoes, he thought about adding a mask similar to his father's but decided against it, it would have been too suspicious. He followed All Might to the fake city while the others were changing, "Not really nice seeing you here All Might" Izuku said, he didn't even try to sound like he liked the pro hero. All Might didn't really know what to say, he had told the boy that he couldn't become a hero and now here he was, the same boy. "N-Nice suit young Midoriya" All Might said, "Thanks, my father helped me with it. At first I was thinking about adding something like a black skull like mask but decided against it" Izuku chuckled, All Might's eyes widened. "So I was right, you told me that I couldn't become a hero because I reminded you so much of All For One. Don't worry, I was just kidding, If I would be his son then I wouldn't be here and try to become a hero" Izuku smirked. All Might was ashamed of himself, he had wronged that boy for looking similar to someone.


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