Workplace experience

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"This is Hitoshi Shinsou, he will be your new classmate" The black haired homeroom teacher told his class. Shinsou just lifted his hand and waved a little with a uninterested expression on his face. Aizawa quickly started the lesson after Hitoshi sat down, "Almost all of you got nominated by a pro hero, you'll choose an agency and learn some things from them" Aizawa explained the class, everyone except mineta got nominated even Shinsou. "Hm? Da- Aizawa-sensei, you nominated me?" Shinsou asked as he saw the papers infront of him, Aizawa just answered with a nod.


"See you later! I have to get to Present Mic" Kaminari yelled through the house before she went out. She had choosen the agency of Eraser Head and Present Mic, Izuku on the other hand waited for his Intern, he didn't have a official agency but was somehow able to get a Intern.

"Midoriya!" The young Yaoyorozu smiled at him, he choose to nominte her, he didn't even know why he did it himself. "Hey there, wanna go? Kaminari just went out to her Internship" Izuku said as he closed the door after she came inside. "Is she okay, after what happened?" Momo asked, she was worried, "Yeah, she feels better but still isn't as cheerful as before" Izuku sighed. "Okay let's go" she smiled at him.


They had been out on patrol for about two hours and had only stopped small robberies and thiefs. "A Hero's work might be important but it's also quite boring" Izuku said to wich Momo just chuckled, "Of course it is for you" she said. Suddenly somebody ran out of an dark alley and jumped at Momo, it was a tall young man that seemed really skinny, he hold a knife to the young woman's throat. "Give me all your money or I'll kill her!" the man shouted at Izuku, the greenette just turned around and laughed. "Do it" Izuku said coldly, Momo was shocked, she didn't expect him to motivate the man 'No, he has probably some kind of plan' she hoped. 'A little more trust from your end would be nice' he said to her with the help of telepathy. The man with the knife hesitated, "I'll do it, I really will!" he said but Izuku just shrugged "Go on" he said. The man had enough and move the knife into her skin but nothing happened, her skin was like iron, the knife didn't do anything to her. The man pressed harder but it didn't help, the man started to get scared. "Now.. kneel to your queen" Izuku said simply, the man slowly moved onto his knees and kneeled infront of Momo. Tears ran down the man's face, the feeling of not being able to control his own body was scary. Handcuffs appeared on the man, in the blink of an eye all three of them were standing in the nearest police station. "Ah King, another one?" one of the officers said as he saw them. "Yes, he threatened to kill my Intern with a knife and wanted money" Izuku replied as he brought the criminal to another officer.

"You have a Intern? that's new" the officer smiled nicely, "Yes, that's her first day, she's a student from Ua, her name is "The Queen"" Izuku answered simply while trying to hide how angry he was, he could still hear the thoughts from the people around him and let's just say that he didn't like what they thought about Momo. He just turned around and teleported away with Momo.


Around the same time at a other part of a city Kaminari arrived at the agency of her two teachers. "Hey there, young listener!" Present Mic shouted as he saw her, she smiled back at him widely. "Hi Mic-sensei" she said to the man that was putting sugar in his coffee, way too much sugar. "pa- Mic you shouldn't drink that" Shinsou suddenly appeared behind kaminari, she looked startled but so did he, he didn't expect her to be there. "Kaminari, right?" Shinsou asked as he calmed down, "Yeah, you're Shinsou, right?" she replied, he just nodded as an answer and tried to stay calm. "We're waiting for Shou and then we can go" Mic said as he leaned back in his seat. It was silent for some time till Shinsou opened his mouth "So you're dating The King, right?" he asked Kaminari, she just started to laugh. "No, we just live together and are friends" she answered still laughing a little, "What about your parents?" he asked. She looked to the ground with a sad expression, "I got kicked out, because they didn't accept me" she said. "accept you?" he asked confused, "I wasn't always a girl.. Midoriya was the one who changed my body with his quirk" she admitted to him. "Hm, he did got work" Shinsou answered simply, Kaminari processed what he had told her for sometime before blushing madly. Mic just watched his son flirt, at least that was what the purple haired boy was trying. 'He's really not better than Shou' Hizashi chuckled. "I usually don't work that much at day and not with Mic, but this is a exception" A yellow caterpillar said as it crawled towards them.


The King and his Queen teleported to Hosu city after they had captured some villains that day. "Did you hear about Iida?" Izuku asked her as they were walking down the street, the only thing that was illuminating their way was the crown that was hovering over Izuku's head. "No, did something happen to him?" the black haired girl replied, "His brother got injured by the Hero Killer and can't walk, Iida will probably seek for revenge, that's why we're here" he told her before a scream filled the night. Izuku walked to the source, The Hero Killer was standing on top of a bloody Iida and a Pro hero was lying farther away. "Told you" he said to Momo before knocking Stain out with a thought, he quickly healed the two injured people and called the police. "Hey Iida, you're an Idiot" Izuku said simply to the hatred filled boy, "I planned on visiting your brother tomorrow and healing him" he told the boy as he sat down next to him. "But there's nothing that can heal him" Iida said confused and angry, "But you do know who you're talking to" Izuku laughed.


Izuku was on his way to the hospital with Momo, after the incident from the day before they had to tell the police what happened and somehow the media heard about it too. The King was now all over the news, more then he was already before. "You must be Mrs. Iida, Nice to meet you, I'm Izuku Midoriya" Izuku introduced himself to the woman that was sitting at Tensei Iida's bed. "Yes I am but what is this about, there is nothing that can help him" she said in a sad tone, "He can" Tenya Iida said to his mother. "Hey there Ingenium" Izuku greeted the man on the bed, "Hello" he smiled weakly. "Just walk" Izuku said to him after some time, Mrs. Iida got angry "But he c-.. can't?" he looked confused as her completly healthy son stood up from his bed and walked around the room. "Thank you, King-sensei" the youngest Iida bowed, "No problem" Izuku smiled before saying good bye.


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