stay for a while?

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Izuku was sitting on the couch in the living room of his house and watched Tv as he heard the door bell, he had just gotten home after they had met and after he did some hero work. "Kaminari?" Izuku asked as he opened the door, she had a large backpack with her. "Can I stay here for a while?" she asked while panting heavily, "Sure" Izuku said as he opened the door completely to let her inside. "What happened?" Izuku asked as he saw dry tears on her face, tears formed in her eyes again. "My parents kicked me out" she sobbed, "I.. I told them that I want to stay like this" she looked down to the ground while tears ran down her face. Izuku didn't know what to do, he had never been the best at comforting people, he did the only thing that came to his mind, he hugged her. "Stay here as long as you want" he whispered carefully, Inko wouldn't be at home for at least two weeks so Izuku didn't have to worry about explaining it to her. "Thanks" she cried, Izuku quickly created a room for her, they didn't have a guest room because Izuku always created a personalized room for the guests.


Izuku had texted the rest of their little group while kaminari was sleeping. They came as fast as possible, "What's wrong? You just said that it was important" Jirou said, she was the last that arrived. "Kaminari told her parents that she was more comfortable as a girl and she got kicked out" he explained to them, they were shocked by that information. "I told her that she can stay here as long as she wants" Izuku told them and pointed at the newly created door. "I'll talk to Aizawa tomorrow" Izuku said, they just sat there silently and processed the informations.


"Hey, are you feeling better?" Izuku asked a few hours later as Kaminari had finally woken up, she slowly nodded. "Kirishima, Jirou and Yaoyorozu were here earlier to check on you" he told her, Kaminari just smiled in a sad way, she missed her parents. "I'll talk to Aizawa tomorrow if that's okay with you" Izuku smiled at her, she nodded quietly. "Everything is going to be fine" he smiled at her and hoped that it would help and it did, she smiled back at him.

"Make yourself at home" Izuku told her, her stomach suddenly started to growl. Izuku just flicked with his fingers and a hamburger was lying infront of her, "I guess it's Not bad living with you" she laughed and sat next to him onto the couch.


"Aizawa-sensei, I wanted to ask about trans students" Izuku asked the tired man before class started, "Talk to nezu, I don't know about those things" he answered as he laid back down in his sleeping bag.

"Midoriya, what is it?" Nezu asked nicely as he saw the young pro hero walk through the door. "I wanted to ask about trans students.. Denki Kaminari just had her transition so I wanted to ask for her" the greenette told the small animal. "after the transition a trans girl gets treated like every other girl" nezu said with a smile. "Thank you, sir" Izuku said before teleporting to his house, Kaminari sat in the living room in her new school uniform. She brought her plate to the kitchen as she saw him and put the sandwich in her mouth before touching his shoulder and teleporting to school together.

When Izuku opened the door, all eyes went to him and Kaminari. They had still about ten minutes till class would start, Izuku quietly went to his desk while almost falling because of the caterpillar. Kirishima was the first that went to Kaminari, "Yo dude, are you feeling better?" he asked the blond girl. "Yeah, a little" Kaminari smiled at the red haired rock, "Good to hear, you Idiot" a voice behind the young girl said, suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around her. "I hope Midoriya didn't try anything" Jirou said, "Hey! I'm in a happy rela-" Izuku said but quickly stopped himself by covering his mouth with his hand. He only got interested looks and a glare from Todoroki, after all he was told that he would marry the young yaoyorozu. 

"Are you new in class? I'm Mina Ashido" Mina said as she walked towards the electricity user. "Ehm.. I'm not, It's me Kaminari" she replied in embarrassment, Mina stared to scan the blond girl like a robot. Her eyes widened "Kaminari?!" she suddenly yelled out, "Oh please, those breasts aren't even real" Bakugou said as he walked towards the blond girl. He moved his hand up towards the girl, "Bakugou don't!" Izuku yelled out. "What do you want nerd!? Those aren't real" the angry pomeranian yelled and garbbed Kaminari's breasts. Seconds later a loud clap echoes through the halls of Ua and bakugou had a red mark on his face in the form of a hand, Kaminari's hand to be specific.

"What the fuck!?" The ash blonde yelled, "I told you not to" Izuku said "I was the one who made that body, she's to 100% a girl.. minus the periods" the greenette said. "Oh I was wondering if that would happen" The young blond girl who was holding her arms infront of her breast to protect herself from another "attack" said. "I thought it would be more comfortable that way" Izuku said before grabbing Bakugou and dragging him out of the room.


"Do you know why you are here?" nezu asked the ash blonde idiot infront of him. "How the hell should I know!?" the  boy yelled back, "You're lucky that Kaminari didn't want to sue you, you could've ended up as a sex offender" The small animal telled the angry boy. "Oh please! she isn't even a real girl!" he started to yell again, nezu sighed. "You might have a great quirk but I won't allow transphobic behaviour at my school" the animal said as he stood up from the chair. "I hoped that your character could change but I was wrong" Nezu said while walking towards the door, "You'll no longer attend Ua" he said before leaving throught the door.


The rest of the day was uneventful, Izuku was the one who told the class about Bakugou's expulsion. The class took that information quite well, much to Izuku's suprise, only one girl seemed sad but didn't show it. Mineta didn't even react to the information, he just kept on mumbling something about "more boobs for me" or something like that.


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