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The Internships of class 1-A were over quickly, Izuku and Momo spent the rest of the week with patrolling and stopping some villains. It was the day that Inko Midoriya would come back from her business trip, the day started like every other day. Izuku woke up, made breakfast and woke Kaminari up who was lying on her desk with a video game on the computer screen, this wasn't the first time that she had fallen asleep while playing. A bucket of water appeared in the smirking boy's hand's, he poured the bucket onto the defenseless girl. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" She said as she jumped up from her seat. Izuku made the water and the empty bucket in his hands disappear and walked out of the room. He had learned that waking Kaminari up like that was the only way, the first time he tried to wake her up, he got a electric shock.

They went to the living room and ate together while watching Tv. They didn't hear the front door getting unlocked due to the show they were watching. A tired looking Inko midoriya with large eye bags and tousled hair entered the house, she plunged into work after she heard about Hisashi's.. job, but she didn't want to tell Izuku how she felt, she didn't want to be a burden for her son. She found said son sitting on the couch with a unknown blond girl next to him, thoughts about grandchildren filled her mind. Izuku heard her thoughts, he turned around to her with a mixed expression on his face. "Hi mum" he didn't know what else to say after what he heard. "Hello Mrs. Midoriya" the blonde waved at her with a smile before turning back to the Tv. "My son has a girlfriend!?" she said excited, she had waited for this moment ever since the boy was born. "No mum, no. Kaminari is staying her because she got kicked out by her parents." he explained to her quickly, but it felt almost like lying to her, he really didn't have a girlfriend but he had a fiancee that she still didn't know about. Inko looked at her son for some time, she decided to believe him for now. "So I have a daughter now!" The mother exclaimed happily and completely forgetting how tired she was.

Mrs. Midoriya spent some time with getting to know the young girl before going to bed. "How was the Internship with Shinsou?" Izuku asked, he had noticed the purple haired boy's stares at Kaminari. She suddenly started to blush, "G-Good" she said while clearly avoiding eye contact, Izuku just smirked satisfied with her answer.


"Mum!" A little green haired boy shouted as he left the car that stopped infront of Ua. He ran towards the young yaoyorozu who hugged him instantly, the others didn't fall for it this time at first but as Izuku Midoriya left the car with Kaminari, they kept on looking from Izuku to the little boy. "Izumo, I told you to wait" the young father smiled at hiss son, "But auntie kami said it was okay" the boy argued. Izuku glared at the electricity quirk user, he quickly dropped it and smiled as he saw Momo. He walked towards his fiancee and son, he kissed her and lifted the four year old boy onto his shoulders. The others just stared at the scene infront of them in confusion, "So manly!" Kirishima suddenly exclaimed. "Midoriya, is that really your kid?" a shocked jirou asked, "Oh right, you haven't met Izumo yet. Yes, he is, Momo and I had a little.. thing some years ago" The father said while avoiding eye contact, it looked like he was in shame or embarrassed but he actually had to hide that he was holding back laughter. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding" he admitted while holding his hands up in defeat and the kid on his shoulder disappeared. "Aww, not so soon, I like Izumo" Kaminari said in a sad manner. Momo couldn't even say anything, she had a huge blush on her face due to the kiss, the others also remembered that quickly. "It was just to make it more realistic" Izuku lied to them, his body actually did it without thinking. 

"Mornin' class" Aizawa said as he entered the class room with a coffee in his hand. "I'm getting straight to the point, we're gonna have a summer camp" he said tiredly as he walked towards his desk in the front. The class started to cheer, "But first you'll take a exam, if you fail, you won't go to the camp" they slowly got quieter as he talked. Kaminari looked around for someone that would help her study, her eyes landed landed on her flatmate. He just nodded at her, she exhaled in relief as she leaned back again. "I'll give you a week to prepare" Aizawa finished, "Class dismissed" he said before getting into his sleeping back and lying down under his desk.

"Miiidooorriii, please tell us" Mina begged as they were walking towards the cafeteria. "I won't tell you anything about the exam" Izuku told her as he created some food out of thing air. "Pleeeaaasee" she said, she was clinging onto his leg since they left the classroom. "Nope, I can help you study but won't tell you anything about the exam" He said as he teleported her next to him so that she was sitting and not clinging onto his leg. "Really, you would do that?" she asked happily, he just nodded as he heard another girl starting to ask him for something. He quickly read Kaminari's mind, "fine" he sighed before creating Izumo Midoriya again. He really felt like he was surrounded by children, they were all so needy. Izumo ran towards Kaminari with his small legs, "Auntie Kami!" the little boy said happily before hugging his aunt. They started to play together while Shinsou kept on reminding Kaminari to eat.


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