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Class 1-A was standing infront of a large building, it reminded Izuku for some reason of a circus tent. "I'm so nervous" Jirou said while Mineta just couldn't hold still because of the same reason. "When you pass the exam and get your provisinal license, you'll come the pro hero being a little closer and become semi-pros. Do your best" Aizawa said with a serious expression but all of this got annihilated by Izuku who was flying right next to him in the air and blew bubble gum bubbles. It felt like a good day for him for some reason that he couldn't explain. "Let's do it!" Denki said excitedly, "We'll do it at the first try! Plus Ul-" Kirishima said. "Ultra!" A tall boy with a unifrom that wasn't their's said together with the red head.

"It's inappropriate to mingle with a group of strangers" A purple haired boy with the same uniform said. "I am very Sorry!" The boy from before said before ramming his head into the ground instead of bowing. 'Those uniforms-' the class thought in unison, "I just wanted to say it too. I love Ua. It's an honour to compete with you!" The over excited boy said way too loud while blood flew down his forehead. "It's also an honour to meet you, Mr. King!" The boy bowed down again. "Chill, yoarashi. You still have a exam to pass and not pass out instead" Izuku said to the boy. "You even know my name!" Yoarashi said even more excited, Izuku flicked and the boy's wound disappeared but he didn't even notice it. "Hey fam, could we take a pic for my insta?" The fawn haired girl behind Yoarashi asked. "Uh, sure" Izuku wasn't really used to such a modern slang.

"Already on your phone, sorry but I don't really have time for much more" Izuku smiled nicely, it was a lie, he had as much time as he wanted but didn't really want to interact with strangers that much. After that the Shiketsu group said their goodbye's, "You should avoid him, he's quite strong." Izuku said to the class.

"Eraser! I've seen you on Tv at the sports festival, but we haven't seen each other personally in so long" A female green haired pro hero teacher said as she walked towards the black haired teacher. "Let's get Married" She said and reminded Izuku of Momo asking him the whole time, "No" was Aizawa's only answer. Mina on the other hand just started thinking about ideas to start a fanfiction. ""No"? Good one!" the greenette laughed, "You're hard to talk to, as usual, Joke" Ms. Joke suddenly stopped. "Huh? you're teaching the number two!?" she said and rubbed her eyes. "Uh.. no, I'm his assistant" Izuku said, "Assistant? Even better!" She turned back to Eraser Head. "Marry Me!" "Still no, we really haven't seen each other in some time. I got married already some years ago" Aizawa said tiredly. "What!?" She said in unison with the class, only Shinsou and Izuku were quiet. "But that you're here means that.." "Ah right, Come over here! Here's the Ua!" She shouted at her class that were standing a little farther away from them. "Class 2-B from the Ketsubutsu-Academy!" Izuku didn't even try to listen to what the students were saying, he just read his book. He only moved as he noticed that Aizawa was walking away and towards the building. 

Izuku watched quietly from his seat as the exam started, but he quickly lost interest and ended up with his phone in his hand and scrolling on reddit. Aizawa tapped his shoulder, "The exam's over" was all he said before leaving to find his class.

"So everybody did it? Good" Aizawa smiled slightly as he saw the list of students that had passed. Izuku just smiled at the cheering class.

"How about we celebrate later?" Izuku asked as his friends as they left the building. "Yeah, that sounds quite nice" Momo smiled, while the others agreed too. "How about we meet at 6 pm at my house?" he asked again, "Why not now?" Kirishima asked. "I have a Interview with All Might and Endeavor in some minutes" "That's so manly!" The red head exclaimed.

"King, what exactly is your quirk? You seem to be able to do so much with it" The reporter asked as Izuku sat on a small couch with the other two top heroes. "First I have to say that I wasn't born with this quirk." Everybody in the studio looked suprised but All Might quickly recovered as he remembered whose son he was. "My Original quirk was called "The King's command" It was able to.. well, do everything, I just had to say it out loud and it would happen." The others in the room looked shocked. "But Only some years after It manifested, I changed it, That's the quirk I have right now. It has still the same name but I don't need to speak it outloud anymore, I just have to think about it" He explained to the people in the room. "But I have a weakness, because I think it's more fun that way" He smiled childishly at the reporter. "Ehm.. and what is that?" the woman asked with interest. "Banana's paralyze me and deactivate my quirk when one touches my skin" Izuku lied, he had a plan and hoped somebody would fall for it. "That sounds.. Strange" The reporter said, she was suspicious but didn't say anything.

After the interview he quickly teleported home and waited for his friends. Kirishima was the last to arrive, he had Mina with him. Izuku didn't really care, the more people the more fun. They somehow ended up playing truth or dare after watching a movie together. After some normal lame questions(Nobody choose dare) it was finally Izuku's turn. "Midoriya, do you.. mhm.... do you love anybody in here?" Mina asked, she needed some informations to gossip about. "Eh yeah, Two actually" He responded simply, "More specific" the pink girl muttered. Izuku looked at Jirou with a still innocent smile, "Ehm, Dare" She said, "Alright, you're gonna get the hottest thing I have here right now without creating something" Izuku smiled evilly while she just turned red. "Jesus Christ, not that!" Izuku said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen. He came back some seconds later with a bottle of red liquid, "You can't giv-... Actually, do it" Denki smiled evilly, she had put it in her food once, thinking it was just ketchup but spend the rest of the day with her head over the toilet, well she would have if Izuku wouldn't have come home.

"Hot!" Jirou tried to say but only a pain filled scream escaped her mouth. She ran around the room looking for something to stop the pain but nothing would have helped. "I think that's enough" Izuku muttered to himself before helping her with his quirk. "This is the last time I play with you" she said as she fell to the ground, she panted heavily but quickly recovered and sat back down next to them.

"Pay back" she whispered to herself, "Midoriya, truth or dare?" she asked with a Innocent smile. "Truth" he answered quickly, "Who were those two people you were talking about earlier?" Now it was her turn to smile evilly. But Izuku didn't hesitate, "Well, Denki, I mean, she's my sister, so it's obvious and the other person is also kinda obvious I mean we're engaged" Izuku said as he leaned back in his seat. They all started to freak out, well except Denki, Momo and Izuku. "Engaged!?" Mina yelled. In that moment, Izuku was so grateful that his mum wasn't home. The pink girl took a deep breath and calmed down, "Alright, Kirishima, Jirou and Momo are the suspects" she said as she got into her love-life-analyses-mode. Her eyes moved faster than anybody could look, even Izuku struggled to keep up with her. She looked up and down on each of the suspects and stopped on Momo's left hand. "Is that a engagement ring?!" Mina yelled, the black haired girl just looked over to her fiance for help but he just smiled. He flicked his fingers and Mina's expression suddenly changed from gossip-mode to confused. The time suddenly started to move backwards, the only people that could see it were Denki, Momo and Izuku. "Well, Denki of course, I mean, she's my sister. The other person is myself, for also obvious reasons" He said seriously, Mina looked shocked, she expected anything but that. Izuku just started to laugh, "Alright I was kidding, Just Denki, nobody else in here" he said while giving a small apologizing smile at his fiancee.


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