Heart of Stone

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"Midoriya, what about Bakugou?" the teacher said with a shocked expression, "He'll be fine, I'll turn him back after the lesson. He's annoying, I don't want to hear him for now" Izuku answered, the teacher just nodded while not knowing what to say. He continued the lesson while Bakugou just watched, he wasn't able to do anything, he couldn't move, he could just watch and listen. 'That fucking piece of shit! I'll kill him!' Bakugou thought while watching in silence, "You shouldn't do that and you also can't do that, Bakugou" Izuku said coldly. The teacher looked at him confused, "I can hear your thoughts dumbass, Killing me doesn't sound that heroic" Izuku said while writing into his book. "Talk" The greenette said before Bakugou's mouth and nose turned back to normal, "You fucking piece of shi-" He got interrupted by Izuku "You already said that, You really need new insults" he laughed. "Got nothing more to say? bye then" he said after Bakugou had been silent for sometime, Katsuki's mouth turned back to stone.


The school was over and the students left the class room but some stayed only to watch what would happen when Katsuki get turned back into a normal human being. Izuku looked at the rock infront of him and smirked, he went behind Katsuki and changed his appearance. He turned Bakugou back and hold back his laughter as Bakugou looked around looking for the greenette, "Hey fucker! Did you see a green haired extra!?" he yelled at the disguised Midoriya. "I'm sorry I did not" he shook his, Bakugou walked out of the room angrily, when he was gone Izuku turned back and started laughing. Katsuki Bakugou was nothing more but the King's fool, the people around him thought of him now as even more of a villain after what he did to the ash blonde. Izuku just teleported to a small cafe, he ate something there before heading home, but he got stopped on the way. He stood under a bridge and heard a weird sound, before that thing he heard came to close he teleported behind it. It was a greenish sludge with two eyes, "Where did he go!?" the sludge said out loud and looked around only to see the boy staring at him, it was a cold stare that send a shiver even down the villains spine.

Izuku created a big bottle out of thin air and only in the blink of an eye, the villain was trapped inside it. Shortly after that All Might, the number one Hero arrived, "Fear not, I am-.. here?" All Might said as he arrived at the strange scene infront of him. A middle school student had captured a villain that he couldn't catch. "Thank you young one" he smiled brightly as Izuku threw the bottle to him, "No problem" he just answered coldly. All Might felt something he hadn't felt in some years, he felt fear, he feared the boy infront of him. The boy reminded him so much of his nemesis, All For One, his face, his hair, his cold aura, everything was similar to The villain and he seemed to be strong like the villain. "All Might.. You are the number one hero" Izuku started to talk "Can someone with a villainous quirk become a hero?" he asked. "I'm sorry.. but no" All Might said, he couldn't let someone so similar to All For One become a hero, who knows what could happen, "Hypocrite.. You always say that everybody can become a hero" Izuku said while turning around and walking away. Tears formed in his eyes but her quickly erased them from existence."Sensei.. the boy you told me to keep my eye on.. I think he will be ready soon" a person that watched the whole thing from a dark alley said into a phone before turning around and walking away.


Izuku was only some streets away from his house as he saw a large crowd and smoke. He was too curious to just walk away, he teleported onto a near roof top and looked at what was happening. Heroes where holding back the people, The same Villain that tried to attack him only some minutes ago was now attacking another person. 'That Idiot of a Hero lost the bottle. How can he even be the number one' he thought before he looked at the person that was being attacked. 'Should I help.. he kinda deserves it' he thought before he sighed, he jumped from the building without getting any kind of injury and flew over the barriers. "Hey Kid! What are you doing!?" One of the Heroes yelled at him but Izuku just glared at him and kept on flying towards the villain. He just walked through the flames that were around the villain, "Didn't you learn that this is a bad idea?" Izuku said with a deathglare to the villain. Fear could be seen in the sludge's eyes as he saw the greenette, "Kneel" Izuku said to him as he arrived infront of him. The sludge suddenly transformed back into a human and kneeled down and letting the unconscious blonde fall to the ground. The former sludge was a bald man in his thirties, luckily his clothes transformed with him so he wasn't naked. The Heroes just stared at the boy, they didn't know what to say, the boy had stopped a villain with only one word and walked through flames like it was nothing.


The heroes started scolding him soon, "Oh please, it wasn't like you were useful" he laughed, "You are just angry that I did your job while you just stood there watching" he said before teleporting behind the crowd, he walked away like nothing happened but luck wasn't on his side so they all followed him and asked him question. He just ignored them and telported directly home, he laid down onto his couch and thought about what had happened. '"I'm sorry.. but no" I can't become a hero.. I'm just a villain.. even All Might sees that' he thought about All Might's words, "Might aswell give them what they want" he chuckled."Izuku? Are you okay?" Inko asked worriedly as she arrived at home after work. "Yeah, don't worry mum" he smiled back, she knew something was off but let him be.


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