What. the. fuck.

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"Alright, you had enough time to prepare for this" Aizawa said as he stood infront of the class with a stack of papers. "If I or Midoriya, see you cheating, you'll get expelled instantly, Understood?" he asked the class, you could hear Kaminari and Mina gulp before nodding. "And Midoriya" he said as he turned around to look at Izuku, "Don't help them" he said with a glare. "Don't worry, I won't" he answered with a sligh innocent smile.

'five, the answer is definitely five!' Kaminari thought as she stared at one of the questions. Izuku chuckled lightly, luckily nobody heard him. The answer was fifty but Kaminari had enough things right, so she would definitely pass. "five minutes left" Izuku said before analysing all of their reactions. 'Come on Mina! Five minutes, you'll do it!' Mina tried to cheerherself on but it didn't really help her.

"Time's up!" Aizawa said as he laid back in his chair. They all gave their sheets to Izuku and sat back down. "Put your costume's on and meet me outside" Aizawa said before leaving the room.

"You'll fight against teachers" Aizawa deadpanned as everybody arrived. "What!?" The whole class said, Principal suddenly appeared out of Aizawa scarf. "That's right! You won't fight against robots today. You'll be put into teams of two and fight against one teacher" The small animal explained. "But Sir" Iida spoke up, "One person will end up alone" he said. "Hito- Shinsou will fight with a clone of Kaminari" Aizawa said in his usual tired voice, "A clone?" Kaminari and Shinsou asked. "Yeah, but only the original will count for Kaminari" Aizawa said tiredly.

Almost two hours later, It was finally Clone Kaminari's and Shinsou's turn after they had watched their classmates getting either defeated or winning. They were going to fight against All Might, even with only half his power, he was still a extremly dangerous opponent.

"I apologize in advance" All Might said as they entered the fake city, "For what?" Shinsou asked in a similar tired manner to their homeroom teacher. "For Bea-" All Might answered only to stop in the the middel of the sentence and staring at them. "Stay there" Shinsou ordered before taking Clone Kaminari's hand and walking out with her. The class was amazed, suprised and shocked at the same time. But one felt even more emotions, Kaminari felt jealousy, she was jealous of her own clone. She tugged on Izuku's shirt and looked him dead in the eyes. "Kill her, make it painful" she whispered in a dangerous tone. Izuku just started to laugh and got confused looks by class 1-a. "shouldn't you worry about something else right now, you didn't pass" Izuku said after he stopped laughing. Kaminari's expression changed immediately, she looked sad and angry at the same time, she was angry at herself for loosing to a little rat, literally. "Don't worry, it's no shame to losing against Principla Nezu, He's one of the smartest persons I know" Izuku said to Kaminari as they were walking back to class, "I know" she muttered.

"The one's who failed will also come with us, so go home and pack your stuff n-" Aizawa said but before he finished, some of the students had already stood up. "I wasn't finished" Aizawa glared at them, they quickly sat back down. "As I said, go home and pack your stuff now, class dismissed" Aizawa finished.

Momo, Kaminari, Jirou and Kirishima stood infront of Izuku's desk after they were finished packing they're books. Izuku had his head on the table, he hadn't slept in weeks and was too tired to make it go away in the moment. Momo smiled slightly at her fiance, she quickly pulled up her top, to reveal her belly. She quickly created a pillow and lifted his head up to put it under him. "Thanks Momo" He muttered with closed eyes, She suddenly got strange looks from Jirou and Kirishima. "Momo, hm" Jirou smirked, the black haired quickly realised his mistake and turned red. Momo tried to responde but she could only stutter while the others laughed. Izuku suddenly looked up, he looked like he was ready to kill. He quickly understood the situation, he erased his tiredness and calmed down. Kirishima was the first who noticed him, "Bro, you're so manly" the red haired boy smiled proudly, he was almost as proud as a father about his son.

Izuku was driving home with Momo as they stopped at a traffic light. "Hey cutie, why don't you come and have some fun with us" a girl on the sidewalk suddenly said to him. "I got better things to do" was Izuku's only response before driving away. This event wasn't something new for Izuku but it made Momo realise that she wasn't the only fish in the ocean. 'What does he even like on me? There are some many better girls out there, why me? Will he leave me?' She asked herself as they drove. "I won't leave you" Izuku smiled at her, "I could technically create my dream girl, but why should I if she's already sitting next to me" He said as he turned back to the road. She just blushed and hid her face with her hands. "You can't just say something like that" she muttered into her hands, "Why? It's true, do you think I would have agreed to the marriage just like that?" He chuckled. "What. the. fuck." Kaminari said from the backseat, only then Izuku remembered that she was with them.


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