one chance

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"fuck! how do I explain this to mum?" He said to himself as he left Nezu's office. 'I found his mask while.. cleaning and recognized it instantly. That sounds good enough' he sighed and made his way back home. "Oh Izuku, did you see your father?" she asked as he came through the front door, "I'm sorry mum" he said while looking at the strangly interesting floor. "What do you mean?" she asked worriedly, "He's in prison.. I found out that he's a villain" he said in a sad tone. Inko broke out in tears and just hugged her son, he felt bad but it was the best for the world if Hisashi was gone.


"Good Morning class, today we'll do something important" Aizawa spoke the next day, the class thought that it would probably be another test. "You'll elect a class representatives" Aizawa said while getting into his sleeping bag, everybody yelled that they would like to be it till Iida spoke up. "I think that we should vote democratically" The blue haired said, yaoyorozu created small notes and gave them to the class. Said black haired girl and a certain greenette ended up with the most votes, "I- We will do our best!" The black haired vice class rep said while bowing down. 'One more reason to marry me, a power couple at the top of the class sounds pretty good' she thought as she sat back down, he just smiled at her 'Maybe when you ask me next time' he thought while his smile became a smirk, 'Thank you yaoyorozu, you really helped me yesterday' he thought before the bell rang.

'Give me a chance, one date, just one simple date, if we enjoy ourselves you might even say yes' she smiled as they walked towards the cafeteria with the rest of the class. "Fine" he said out loud, their friends just looked at him confused, yaoyorozu smiled satisfied. Suddenly a loud alarm went off, Izuku knew exactly what that meant, Shigaraki was using the press as a distraction. "I have to talk to Nezu quickly" he said to his class before teleporting to the room in wich the documents were. Inside the room was a certain gray haired chapstickless man, Izuku just sighed at the stupidity of Shigaraki and paralyzed him, he dragged him out of the room to nezu's office. "Seriously, you didn't even change the plan after dad got arrested and I obviously betrayed you, you really are stupid" Izuku laughed before knocking at the office's door. Izuku didn't wait for Nezu to respond and just opened the door, "Oh Midoriya, I'm a little busy right now because of the press" the stressed animal said. "They're just a distraction to steal documents" Izuku said before lifting Shigaraki's head up to show nezu. "Tenko Shimura alias Tomura Shigaraki" he said before letting his head go so that he fell to the ground with a loud noise. Izuku just left with Shigaraki lying on the floor and went back to his class, he found that there was still a large panicking crowd. He telported himself to the front, "Calm down, It's just the press" he said and pointed through the large window.


"Today we'll do with All Might and another Pro hero a special training" Aizawa said in his usual tired tone, "Rescue training" the class seemed happy about this information and headed towards the locker rooms. Izuku just followed Aizawa to the bus, "Aizawa-sensei, are your eyes okay?" Izuku asked as he saw the eyes of his teacher. "Just dry eyes" the black haired answered simply, Izuku smiled "I can fix that" he said and flicked with his fingers, Aizawa's eyes suddenly stopped hurting, his eyes didn't feel like this in year. "What did you do?" he asked confused "Hm?.. Oh, I just commanded your eyes to stop getting dry" Izuku said like it was the most normal thing on earth.


"Midoriya, I'd like you to sit this out" Aizawa said as the first few people were finished and had their costumes on. "Okay" Izuku just nodded before All Might arrived, "I am here!" he yelled as he landed infront of the bus.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful till they got back to class. Izuku smiled mischievously as he walked away from the class, he walked around a corner and changed his appearance into a little child. He had still his messy green hair and green eyes, he put a innocent smile on his face and walked towards the class, he walked towards Kirishima and pulled on his shirt. "Hm?" The red haired said as he turned around to the child, "D-Did you see my daddy?" Izuku cried a little to make it more realistic. "what does he look like?" Kirishima smiled kindly as he kneeled down to look the kid in the eyes, "H-He looks just like me, just bigger" the kid said shyly. He looked at the suprised yaoyorozu, 'Play along, I want to prank them a little' he thought and ran over to her. "Mommy!" he said while hugging her, she just smiled at the little boy "Hey sweetie, what are you doing here? Should you be with grandma azuri" She smiled and hugged her 'son' thightly, the class just stared at the two. They looked at the green hair and black eyes that he just changed into and then back to black eyed girl. "That fucking nerd can't even use protection!?" Bakugou yelled, yaoyorozu just put her hands over the little boy's ears and glared at the ash blonde. "What?!" the class yelled as they realised what Bakugou meant, Izuku and yaoyorozu just started laughing and he changed back into his orignial self. They need sometime to realise what was going on, "Ah" They all said in unison after understanding that they had been tricked.


"You seem happier than yesterday" The black haired girl said as she sat inside Izuku's car after the school had ended. "I am, you helped me with the hug yesterday a lot" he smiled while driving down the road. "I'll text you later about our date" she smiled before kissing him on the cheek and leaving the car after they had arrived at her home.

As the young yaoyorozu opened the door she was greeted by a rare sight, her father was sitting on the dining table together with her mother. Isao Yaoyorozu wasn't at home very often and when he was then he was mostly cold and only there because of some kind of business. "Greetings Father" Momo said while bowing down, "Hello Momo, I get straight to the point.. It's time to look for a husband for you" he said without a emotion showing on his face. Momo knew that this they would come but was still afraid of it, there was a reason why she had asked Izuku so many times to marry her, she wanted to marry somebody nice and not some random rich kid, Izuku was just perfect because her father could accept him because of his quirk. "Father.. I'm sorry to stop your plans but I already know somebody perfect" she said firmly, a bit of anger could be seen on Isao's face. "You won't marry some random weakling!" he said angrily, "He
isn't a random weakling" she said trying to stay calm, "He's one of my class mates.. You probably heard about 'The King'" She said hoping it would work. "I did.. He seems to have a strong quirk but probably not as strong as the person I had in mind" He said, he went back to his old cold stare. "I'm sorry to dissapoint you father but there is no stronger being on earth than Izuku Midoriya" she said, Isao just laughed, not a genuine laugh just a cold mockingly laugh, "Oh I'm sure there is" he said and took a sip of his tea. "He beat All Might with one punch" that was all momo needed to say to make him spit out his tea, "Of course he did" Isao said sarcastically. "That was no joke... One of my classmates recorded it" she said and took out her phone, "Oh please, you're just bluffing" he laughed before looking at the small screen. He saw the young Green haired boy dodging All Might's attacks easily and punching back, he saw how the Number one hero got beaten by a high school student. He cleared his throat before talking, "What is his quirk?" he asked and tried to sound intimidating like normaly. "Everything.. he can do everything" she told her father, "So what's his quirk exactly?" he asked, he thought again that she was joking. "He can command everything, people, object and even physics." She told him, he still thought that it was a joke but the boy still beat All Might. "Fine.. I give you two days to say bring him to say yes, if you don't succeed than you'll marry my candidate" he said before standing up leaving the room.


"Can you come over please" she texted Izuku as she got into her room, only second later he was standing in the middle of her room. "I need your help" she said to the confused boy, "Sure, what is it?" he asked while sitting down next to her on her bed. "You have to marry me!" she said completely serious, "Didn't we say that we'll have a date and then I might say yes?" he said. She took a deep breath "My father wants me to marry someone for the company, he has a candidate but I don't want to marry a random rich guy, so I told him that I wanted to marry you and told him that you are strong, he gave me two days to get you to marry me" She said way to fast, he sighed "Fine.. I was planning to say yes after the date anyways" he told her. She just jumped into his arms and hugged him thightly, "remember what we did in school?" he smiled.


"Grandma Azuri!" A Little green haired boy yelled as he ran down the stairs, Azuri Yaoyorozu just looked confused as she saw the little boy. "Izumo, where are you?!" Momo's voice came from upstairs, "Momo, what is a child doing here!?" Azuri asked her daughter. "That's your grandson" Momo answered as she came down the stairs, "My what?! who? when? how?" Azuri said with a mix of emotions, she was angry but also happy and worried. "I'm kidding, that's Izuku Midoriya your future son in law" she laughed, "What? That's a child" the older woman said before looking back at the place where the little boy stood only to see a teenager at the same place. "Wha- eh.. Hello" she said confused, "Hello Mrs. Yaoyorozu, I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm sorry for the little joke" he bowed down firmly. Azuri just started laughing, "You really scared me for a second" she said pointed at the place next to her on the couch "Sit down" she smiled. Momo came to them a short while after and sat down next to them.



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