Chapter 28: |A Mission To Find The Reborn Third Fate|

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Completely innocent to the entire intense conversation happening between the second prince and his aide Farala spilled the fresh info about the favorite couple she knows to Gretal.

"Really? The other girl likes the prince too..? My.. He sure is one lucky kid. I am so happy for him.. "

Gretal chirped excitedly with a smile expressing her happiness for her most beloved apprentice.

"But.. You mean I can't.. -"

"Yes! Yes. You cannot tell the prince this Gretal. I might not be the matchmaker fairy of this certain couple's lives but, I have been a Fairygodmother for several centuries. And, On my experience, a relationship always goes into a ruin when third parties enter in. So, we must not reveal this to them at all causes! Get it!! "

She warned her friend pointing her finger again just like she had done a few minutes before.

Gretal pushed her arms back in understanding.

"Well, o-okay.. Okay!.. I won't.. Gosh, Farala, Are you sure you are not a matchmaker fairy here?. Because.. Seeing your passion anyone might misunderstand that they actually belong to your fairytale.. It seems like you are the foremost person who wants to wish them happiness with all your heart.. "

Gretal joked and the tsundere fairy abruptly bushed at her mockery.

"S-Shut up!! What do you mean.. Might belong to my fairytale...they are from my fairytale dammit, Gretal!They are not the protagonists, of course but.."

A warm smile soon encapsulated Farala's face in thought.

"They are much more than that.. They are indeed the people I want to help voulentarily with all my heart.. "

Farala said softly and continued walking with her when she soon remembered something and frowned looking at Gretal.

"Aha, That reminds me.. How can you not tell me that you were gonna take, the second prince as your new apprentice, Gretal? After knowing each other past a decade, I thought you are one of my closest pal!?! "

Farala sulked openly and Gretal scratched her head in embarrassment of her past memory.

"Y-Yes.. You are right I didn't tell you that.. "

"Gretal-chan!! " Farala pouted.

"Sorry.. Sorry.. I didn't mean to hide things from you Farala. And, yes. You are one of my best friends since the time we were still students of the Fairy Knight Academy..? But.. The truth is..

I didn't plan to teach his highness before a few months either.. It's all too rushed for me too, Farala.. Please try to understand..But, to be honest..."

Gretal meddled with her fingers still looking hesitated whether to tell this to her companion or not but, the look of curiousness on Farala's blue bell eyes urged her to spill the words..

"I just thought.. it was the right time that an extremely bright student like Prince Zeno had asked me this favour. You know.. I am getting old and I would need someone to take after me and my duties.. So, I thought.. I could-.."

Farala quickly caught on what Gretal was talking about.

"No way! You are teaching him to be your successor..? In what? Medicine and effective mana control, your special magical capabilities?? That is so cool, Gretal..!? And, it's incredibly efficient too.. For future I mean.. Just like always.. "

Farala's initial excitement gradually turned down as she remembered how Gretal had beaten Farala yet again.

"You are so unfair Gretal. You guys are not allowing me to catch up with you at all!

I Swear, I Am Not A Cinderella |Book 2- The Fairytale Academy|Where stories live. Discover now