Chapter 3: |Why Didn't You Tell Us Before?|

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Next morning:

It was a sunny day. But, the kids standing on the line looked suffocated. Looking at the teacher's speech in front of them they thought..'Please.. Please.. Leave us already.. You already said that before...'

"And, I will end my instruction with one last thing I have to ask of you... If possible please prioritize your health, children.."

He told us and, literally everyone including me groaned inwardly in a sync...

'This is the hundredth time you are repeating the same line...'

Whether he heard us or not, the meeting ended only after he thought it was enough. And, we all soon dispersed to our own bags to get our things in a hurry.

I took out my heavy thick, polished wooden 40 inches bow along with a small bag of arrows, that Uncle Rottenstein had gifted to me when he had just arrived to our house.

I pulled the strings, checked it's capabilities and grinned with satisfaction.

Ha, I can finally use this for an official purpose..!

I soon saw Merida approaching me with a similar looking weapon.

I was kinda impressed by her tools.

"You practice archery too..?" I asked her.

"That's a given, Rottenstein. It's in my fairytale.." Merida tested her own string and then wrinkled her eyes towards me in confution.

"But, I am kinda surprised senior Stepsister.. knows of this too. Looking at the crown princess, heroine Cinderella I always thought your story's supposed to be a milder one. Was I wrong..?"

"Well.. No..." I shook my head hesitantly. "My fairytale does not require archery at all .. "

"Oh.. Then.. how come-"

"I have learnt these since young to.. change.. my destiny as a villainess.."

I told her truthfully for the first time in a while.


I felt a soft leafy breeze blow my long scattered front bangs while the rest of my hair had been tied up in a high loose bun. The long grass nuzzled my bare legs and I noticed Merida blink at my unusual response.

But, gradually she soon smirked at my reply.

"Hmm.. Interesting.."

She said surprising me and walked past me scratching her messy head.

It took a while for me to accept things again.

I.. I thought.. She was gonna laugh at me..

I felt a big chump of breath even I didn't know I was holding escape from my chest.

"Oi, what is this-? Are you stupid..? You are gonna break an ankle or two if you carry it in that position."

Merida was currently barking at Alice who had been trying to drag a long sword with her for the tornament.

Thankfully, she hadn't worn that giant gown like yesterday. (Seems like Bluebeard's teasing was effective) But, The sword she was carrying was obviously too big for her and with her delicate body she really couldn't do anything with it.

"Do you want some help..?" I offered.

"No. No. I-I have got it..!"

"Gee, why should you bring a sword if you cannot handle it..?" Merida complained.

I Swear, I Am Not A Cinderella |Book 2- The Fairytale Academy|Where stories live. Discover now