"Enemies" Part 2

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I looked carefully and saw him... lying on the floor bleeding. I will never see him again...

I stood up quietly and ran outside. I started crying. I ran to my motor and stepped on it. I started riding away. I heard a gun shot again and felt something rub on my arm. It was a bullet. It hurts but I drive further . My arm was bleeding and I started feeling dizzy because I lost so much blood. I was almost at my house, I putted my motor in the garage and opened the door. "Mom ?", I asked and then everything went black.

"Honey? What happened?", my mom asked when I woke up. I started crying. "It's Finn", I said crying. "What happened?", she asked. I told her the whole story and showed her my wound. She started crying to. she lost her son and i lost my twin... She started taking care of my wound. "What are we gonna tell dad?", I asked. "The truth", my mom answered. I nodded. When she was ready I went to my room. I stayed in my room until my dad came home. "Hey dad", I said. My eyes were red from the crying. "Hey honey, what's wrong?", he asked. "It's Finn", I said. "What about him?", he asked worried. "He is dead", I said and started to cry again. "What happened?", he asked. I told him everything. I saw he was sad but he was also really angry. "They will regret it", he said furious. "Honey, can you do something for me?", he asked me. "Yeah what can I do?", I asked. "You will go undercover and kill one of the sons from the Gunnarsens leader. "What?!, you cant do that! She is our daughter and her brother just died! And she needs to stay alive so she can become the leader of the clan!", my mom screamed a bit angry. "Wait what?", I asked. I knew my brother was gonna be leader but I didn't know that I needed to become leader now. "She is a girl, she can't be a leader", My dad said harsh. "Hey! Maybe I am a girl but I can be a leader!", I said. "You couldn't even protect your own twin brother", he said. How could he said that?! Like he could have saved him! I was angry, my mother to. "How dare you say that! Like you could have saved him!", my mom said upset. "Yes I could! She could have shot them!", my dad said. "Okay both of you shut up! I will do it!", I screamed. "Just tell me how ", I said. My dad smiled and my mom looked upset. "We will go to my office, then I will tell you how", my dad said. We walked to his office and he sat down on a chair. So did I .

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