"Enemies" Part 18

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Marcus pov.
When I went downstairs I saw Martinus throwing thing at the wall. "What the f*ck are you doing?", I asked calm. "Don't you get it! I hate your girlfriend, she ruins everything! She is a slut!", he screamed. "What did you just say?!", I asked a bit angry. "You can't talk about her like that!", I screamed again. "She is an ugly slut! She is stupid and bad for you! She is the reason that you're getting weak!", Martinus screamed. "You're just jealous because I have a girlfriend and you don't!", I screamed back. Then I heard something behind me. "Both if you shut up and don't move or I will shoot", Emily screamed. We both shut up. "Martinus, I get that you don't like me but that doesn't give you the right to break things and say this shit about me", she said against Martinus. "And Marcus, I love you but I don't want you guys to fight for me, I can leave and then you won't see me again", she said to me. No! I don't want to loose her! "No", I answered. "Yes, maybe we should just take a break, until he gets that I love you and you love me", She said and went upstairs. After 5 minutes she came back with her stuff and left. I started crying. "Marcus, I-", Martinus said but I cut him of. "No! You ruined it", I said running upstairs and locking me in my room. I think I stayed in my room for hours . My mom came in my room and asked me what happened. "She is gone", I said crying. "Why?", she asked then. "Me and Martinus got a fight about her and she said she didn't want to be the reason that we fight and then she left", I said still crying. She hugged me and I think she want to talk with Martinus. It's his fault that she left. I tried to message her.
Marcus🖤:  I'm sorry🥺
Read at 17.50h
Marcus🖤: Em, please answer😞
Read at 17.51h
Marcus🖤: I miss you🥺❤️
Read at 17.51h
She didn't answer. I thing she is mad at me...
I miss her... I can't live without her. I tried to call her 10 times but I only got her voicemail.
"Hey, Emily here! I'm probably busy leave a message after the gunshot", I heard her say. Then there was a gunshot. "Hey Em, I miss you, I can't live without you, please call me back", I said and then I gave up. I didn't eat . Even Emma came to my room because she is worried. Martinus tried to talk to me but I just ignored him and told him to leave...

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