"Enemies" Part 23

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Today was the day. Mom and dad can me here any moment so I need to get ready. I wasn't happy at all.

I heard a knock at the door

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I heard a knock at the door. I opened and saw my parents standing there. "Hey honey", they said coming in. They were exited. I wasn't, at all. "Hey", I said. "Ready for today?", my dad asked.  I shrugged my shoulders. "Come on, be happy , you can finally kill your brothers murderer", my dad said. I literally needed to hold back my tears. "Now you need to ask him to come to a place in 10 minutes and there it will happen", my dad said exited. I saw my mom looking at me worried. I got my phone and send him a message.
Emily😈: hey babe, can we please meet at the field in 10 minutes?

He answered really fast.

Marcus🖤: of course, see you there ❤️

"He is coming ", I said without emotion. "Great, let's go", my dad said. He went outside and my mom followed him. I grabbed my stuff and followed them to. Slowly. When we were almost at the field I stopped. "You guys need to stay here, he doesn't know you", I said. "Okay but if we don't hear a shot in 5 minutes , I will come", he said looking at me suspicious. I looked back at him without emotions. How could he be like this, I know he killed his son but Marcus isn't the bad guy here, it's my dad. I walked to the field and I saw Marcus waiting there. I looked at him. Tears came in my eyes. "Emily? What's going on, why are you crying?",he asked. He tried to hug me but I didn't let him. He looked at me confused. "I- I'm sorry", i said. "For what?", he asked. "I lied", I said . A tear was rushing down my face. "About what?", he asked. "Everything, I am a Grant", I said looking down. "What?", he asked. "But I love you, I really do", I said. "I- I need to kill you", I said crying really hard. "What? Why?", he asked also crying. "I came here for revenge, to let you fall in love with me and kill you after it, but I did something horrible ", I said. He looked scared at me. "I fell in love with you", I said. "We can sort this out, I love you to, you don't need to kill me", he said scared. "Aren't you angry? I am a Grant", I said. "No , you are the same person as before I still love you", he said. I got my gun and pointed with it at him. "Do it", my dad said. Marcus looked at him and then he looked at me scared. "Emily do it now!", my dad said loosing his patience. I was crying really hard. "I - I can't ", I said breaking down crying. "I knew you were weak, then I need to do it in your place", he said hard. I heard him getting his gun And then I heard the gunshot. I can't let this happen...

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