"Enemies" Part 6

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I took the gun. "But I don't even know how to use it", I lied again. I know well enough how to use it. "I can teach you", Marcus said. Of course he can. "Um okay then, what do I need to learn except using guns?", I asked. "Fight, kill, poison?", Martinus said. "What I could never kill somebody ", I said fake shocked. Of course I can kill and I will when it's time. "Martinus , your making her scars stop it", Marcus said. "Yea Yea, you should go home, dad and the rest of the family will be home soon ", Martinus said. I nodded . "I will bring you home ", Marcus offered. "No it's okay I can walk", I said. "No you don't even know how to protect yourself ", he said. He should know, I know I am stronger then him, he is weak. "I will be fine I promise ", I said. "No I am bringing you home ",he said. I would not win this. "Okay", I said. He smiled. We walked outside. We sat down at the motorcycle and started driving home. When we arrived I got of but he didn't leave. "What?", I asked. "You're pretty, you know", he said. I smiled. This is working. "Aw your so sweet", I said. "Not as sweet as you", he answered. Okay he is being flirty let's play. I walked closer to him. He looked me right in the eyes. He thinks we are about to kiss doesn't he. I stroked my hand over he's chest. "I need to go I will see you tomorrow ", I said. "Don't I get a kiss goodbye?", he asked flirty. He'd wish. I hugged him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then I just walked inside without looking back at him. I heard him start his motor and driving away. "So how did it go?", Clark asked. "As planned, he is already falling for me", I answered. "Good, now lets eat", he said.

Marcus pov.
She is so cute. I don't know her that long, like only one day but I think I am falling for her. She is not like the other girls. Before I left she kissed me, on the cheek but still. After that I drove home. I will se ever tomorrow and then I will teach her how to protective herself. Now first diner with the family. I parked my motorcycle and went inside. Everybody was already at the table. "Hey honey", my mom said. "Why are you late? ", my dad said. "I needed to bring somebody home", I answered. "A girl?", he asked. "Yeah", I answered. "Good , let's eat", he said. We just sat down and eat. "What are you gonna do tomorrow?", my dad asked. "I don't know probably just playing around", I answered. I was gonna be with her but my dad thinks it's better to break their hearts, I have no idea how he got my mom. "And you, Martinus?", he asked. "Same as Marcus", he answered. He nodded and when we were ready with eating we just went to our room to sleep, I can't wait to see her again.

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