"Enemies" Part 7

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The next day
Emily pov.
When I finally woke up it was already 10 am. That is very long for me. I got up and walked downstairs and got some food. There was a letter on the table. It was from Clark. There was written on:
Hey Emily,
You was still sleeping so I didn't want to wake you up. I need to go do something with the gunnarsens clan but I wil be home before dinner. Good luck with Marcus, be home before dinner.

Okay so I need to wait for Marcus to come. I will get ready. I got upstairs and showered and putted another outfit on.

 I got upstairs and showered and putted another outfit on

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After that I went downstairs and waited for Marcus. He was here really fast. He knocked the door and I opened the door. "Hey beautiful ", he said. I just smiled at him. I'm so immune to his charms. I guess I just play on. "Hey handsome, what are we gonna do today?", I asked. "I am gonna teach you how to protect yourself ", he said. "Why? Wouldn't you just protect me?", I asked flirty. He blushed. "You still gotta learn it", he said. "Okay, I'm gonna get my stuff and then we can go", I said. I grabbed my backpack from a chair. "We can go now", I said. "Okay, let's go", he said. "Do I need to take my motorcycle?", I asked. "No, you can sit behind me", he said. "Okay", I answered and sat down behind him. He started driving . We drove to a field. He parked he's motorcycle and we got of. "So where do we start?", I asked. "Your choice, fighting, shooting or doing nothing", he said. "I will keep the doing nothing as last", I said. "Let's fight, I'm gonna beat your ass", I said. "Yeah yeah", he said laughing. "I mean it", I said. "Okay try ", he said. "Aren't you gonna say how?", I said laughing. "No I wanna see what you can", he answered. Okay I will beat his ass. He doesn't know I can fight so let's show him. I started doing my thing and after a while he needed to fight back. After a while I got tired and after one punch I just fell down. I started laughing. "That was fun", I said. "Your good, just need to teach you some details ", he said. "Before you start fighting just observe your enemy, then you know what he is gonna do", he said. "Hm yeah okay what else?", I asked. "Nothing, you're really good", he said. "Okay let's go to the shooting part", I said confidently. "Okay so one rule: don't shoot me shoot the birds", he said. "Okay easy", I said. One bird was flying and I pointed my gun in the direction. I shot and the bird fell down. "Any tips?", I asked. "Don't lie about not knowing how to protect yourself because you are good", he said. I smiled. I knew it. "And now chilling ", he said and he picked a picnic blanket and a picnic basket. "Ooh are we gonna do a picnic?", I asked. He smiled. He putted the blanket down and putted the basket on it. He sat down at it and so did I .

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