"Enemies" Part 25

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After 5 minutes she was there and we jumped in the car. Emily was bleeding heavily. The hospital was 11 minutes away. When we got there the doctors took her away and she had a operation. It's was really late when we could see her. She was lying in the hospital bed. "Hey Em, it's me Marcus", I said. "I'm sorry, she is in a come", the doctor behind me said. "What?", i asked sad. "We don't know if she will wake up", he said and left the room. I sat down next to her ned and was holding her hand. "You really love her, don't you?", Her mom asked. I looked at her. "More then everything ", i answered. She smiled and nodded. She sat down at the other side. "She really loves you, she saved you", she said. I looked down. "She wanted revenge for her brother?", I asked. "Yeah, it was her twin, what would you do if another clan kills your brother?", she asked. " He, Finn is still alive", i said. "What?", Her mother asked confused. Suddenly Finn walked in the room. "Mom?", he asked. His mom jumped up and hugged her son. "What really happened?", she asked. "Well i was friends with Marcus for a really long time and i started hating our clan, i wanted to leave and I thought if i would fake die i could finally leave and have a better life, thus clan is much better then ours, they care about other clans and don't murder them like we did, I wasn't happy at home", he explained. "Why didn't you tell me?", his mom asked. "I didn't want to hurt you", he said. She looked hurt and sat back down next to Emily. "Where is dad?", Finn asked. "He went back home, he is angry because he shot his daughter and not you", she answered looking at me. I felt guilty. "You don't need to feel guilty, we need to, we wanted to kill you", she said. I looked at Emily. She was lying there, it looked like she was sleeping. "I hope she gets better", i said with a tear rushing of my face. I kissed Emily's hand. Finn was sitting by his mother hugging her. She was upset. Only now i saw her belly. She was pregnant. "Congrats", i said. "Thank you, he or she will be here soon i hope she will be awake", she said. I nodded. It was already midnight and i was her mother was tired. You can sleep at my home, my parents will be okay with it", i said. She looked at me thankfully. I called my mom and after a few minutes she was here. She walked in the room. "Maddy?", she asked shocked when she saw Emily's mom. "Gerd Anne?", Her mom asked also shocked they stood up and ran in each other arms. "I never thought i would see you again after our husbands got into a fight", My mom said. "You know each other?", Finn asked. "Yea, we were best friends", Emily's mom answered. "You're pregnant?", my mom asked happy. Maddy nodded.

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