"Enemies" Part 16

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"I like that outfit", Marcus said smirking. "Of course you do, come on let's get going", I said. He smirked but followed. I grabbed my bag and we got out. We got on our motorcycles and drove away. I rode after him again because I don't know were we are going. After driving for 15 minutes we came to a bunker. The first dark place I saw here. We parked our motorcycle again and I followed Marcus in. When we came in I saw a few people. "Aahhh the legend is here!", someone called when they saw Marcus. He just smiled. "Ooh and who is that cute girl", another boy asked. "Don't try, she is mine", Marcus said grabbing my hand. "He finally got himself a girlfriend", the other boy smirked. I rolled my eyes. We sat down at a chair. I sat on Marcus' lap. There was 1 girl and 4 boys. The girl looked slutty. "So that's Layla, Luke , Alex, Jack and Finn", Marcus said. The last name broke my heart. He looked a bit like Finn but it can't be him, he died. They all waved. Let's play truth or dare", Luke said. Everybody played. "Emily truth or dare?", Luke asked. "Dare", I answered. "I dare you to kiss Marcus", Luke said. "That's easy", I said and kissed him. "Okay Layla truth or dare?", I asked. "Dare", she answered. "I dare you to make out with Finn and Luke", I said. She makes out with both. This was fun. "Marcus truth or dare?", Layla asked with a slutty look. "Dare", he said. "Kiss me", she said. I didn't like the idea of her touching him. I looked at her threatening. Marcus looked at me. I looked back at him with a look like don't you dare. "Cmon I have a girlfriend, something else", he said. "You scared Marcus?", Layla said challenging. "Cmon don't be such a slut and pick something else", I said threatening. "Did you call me a slut?", she asked me angry. "Yes and what are you gonna do about that?", I asked making her only more angry. She doesn't look strong at all so I will only need to punch her once. "Girls calm down", Finn said. "Shut I'm Finn", she said giving him a deadly look. I rolled my eyes. She was ready to fight and so was I. I observed her like Marcus said. She started attacking me. I avoided all her punches and grabbed her arms and pushed her against the wall. "Don't even think you are stronger than me", I said looking her straight at the eyes. I saw she was getting scared. "Stay away from my boyfriend", I said when I let her go. "Let's go Marcus", I said walking outside. He followed. "You didn't need to take her that hard", he said. "If you think I would let her kiss you , you are very stupid", I said. "But normally I would need to protect you and not the other way around ", he said. "Okay okay, but I know she knows you will become a leader and she wants that place", I said. "And you don't?", he asked. "Of course not I'm here because I love you", I said honest. He was happy with my answer and hugged me. He also kissed me.

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